working medium

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈmidiəm][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈmi:djəm]


  • An experimental investigation using air as the working medium verified the validity of model for the heat transfer model .

    在以空气为 的并管传热实验台上,测定了管壁温度,然后与模型计算管壁温度比较,验证了该传热模型的有效性。

  • The device with adjustable stiffness has been designed and fabricated which uses ER / MR fluid as the Working medium .

    设计和制作了以ER/MR为 工作 介质的刚度可调器件,对该器件用于系统减振进行了理论和实验研究。

  • By discussing the detailed structure of increasing pressure element heat transfer elements throttle and the working process the structure design of the refrigerating system is introduced based on low pressure air as power and working medium .

    通过详细论述增加单元,换热单元和节流制冷单元的结构和工作过程,介绍了一种以低压空气作为动力和 工作 介质的制冷系统结构设计。

  • Having high heat capacity humid air is used as working medium in power cycle to increase the efficiency .

    由于空气-水体系热容大,携热能力强,因而被广泛的应用于动力循环领域,作为湿空气透平循环等新型动力循环的 工作 介质,可以大幅度提高循环效率。

  • The principle of gas engine-driven transcritical cycle heat pump system with CO_2 as working medium is elaborated . The evaluation index of total equivalent warming impact and the primary energy utilization ratio are calculated and the techno-economic analysis is made .

    阐述了燃气机驱动的以CO2为 的跨临界循环热泵系统的原理,计算了总有效温室效应评价指标和一次能源利用率,进行了技术经济分析。

  • The Application and Safeguard of Working Medium for Hydraulic System

    液压系统 工作 介质的安全使用与维护

  • A mathematics formula for the viscosity of working medium is given important theoretic foundation for HHE .

    在此基础上,给出了 挤压 介质的粘度的数学关系式,为热静液挤压工艺奠定重要的理论基础。

  • As far as an economizer is concerned metallic thermal inertia is of equal importance to that of a working medium .

    对于省煤器而言,金属热惯性与 热惯性同等重要;

  • Working medium inlet and exhaust non-return valves balance hole for Stirling engine is introduced .

    对热气机工 进排气单向阀平衡孔 了简介。

  • Solution to Failures of Mechanical Seal on Pumps Transporting Working Medium during H_2O_2 Production Discussion on Environmental Risk Assessment of Accidental Leaking of Liquid Ammonia Storage Tank

    双氧水 工作 泵泄漏故障分析及对策液氨储罐事故泄漏环境风险评价探讨

  • Two different working medium oil and water is tested respectively .

    分析了光纤传感头在水和柴油两种不同 介质 的污染情况。

  • Comparison study of working medium of refrigeration cycle applied on fluidized-bed freeze-dryer

    流化床冷冻干燥气体制冷循环 的比较研究

  • Working Medium : Water Oil Non-corrosive and non-combustible gas .

    工作 介质:水、油、非腐蚀非可燃性气体。

  • Powered support for coal mines is an important protection equipment with emulsion as its working medium .

    液压支架是煤矿井下支护的重要装备,其 工作 介质为乳化液。

  • In the hydrostatic leveling system ( HLS ) the working medium is liquid .

    静力水准系统(Hydrostaticlevelingsystem,HLS)的 工作 介质是液体。

  • The change of working medium properties after the water injection will lead to a change in compressor characteristics .

    喷水后由于 的性质发生改变,而使压气机特性发生变化。

  • A working medium pump is arranged on the working medium circulation path between the evaporator and the condenser .

    工质循环通路上位于蒸发器和冷凝器之间设置有 泵。

  • The rotor profile determines the pumping speed and working pressure range of pump . The rotor profile and thermodynamic performance determine the ultimate pressure and the working medium of pump .

    转子型线决定了泵的抽速和工作压力范围,而型线和转子热力学性能综合作用决定了泵的极限真空和 工作 介质

  • Eliza sat cold impassible and assiduously industrious . Comparison study of working medium of refrigeration cycle applied on fluidized-bed freeze-dryer

    伊丽莎冷冷地,无动于衷地坐着,勤奋地干着活儿。流化床冷冻干燥气体制冷循环 的比较研究

  • Through the study a mathematical model for atmospheric fluidized bed coal gasification with air and water vapour as the working medium was proposed in the paper and methods for solution and block diagram for computer program are also established .

    提出了一个用空气和水蒸汽为 气化 的常压流化床煤气化的数学模型,并建立了求解方法和计算机程序框图.K解法解计算机程序框图。

  • Under the action of working medium pressure it indicates the centripetal effect in rubber seal ring exists .

    计算表明:橡胶密封圈在 工作 介质压力的作用下,有偏离效应的存在。

  • This paper analyzed the flow of working medium in extrusion by an athletic differential equation of viscous fluid and discussed the influence of the viscosity on Hot Hydrostatic Extrusion ( HHE ) .

    本文对热管的 工作原理做了介绍,叙述了多年来设计的热管换热器及其应用情况,重点阐述了热管对其 工作 介质的要求和对目前常用的几种 工作介质进行了分析研究。

  • The liquid optical system using liquid as working medium becomes a promising topic in the Microfluidic Technology .

    近年来,以液体作为主要 工作 介质的液体光学系统成为微流控技术一个重要发展方向。

  • Thermal inertia of a working medium and refractory materials constitutes a control link in the energy transfer process .


  • According to the study of pollution control lubrication and pressurization the feasibility of using magneto-rheological fluid as working medium for hydraulic system was been studied .

    从污染控制、润滑和密封三个方面研究了磁流变流体用作液压 工作 介质的可行性。

  • Analysis and Selection of Working Medium in Gas Engine Heat Pump System

    燃气机热泵系统 的分析与选择

  • A heat-pipe vacuum pipe is connected with a stagnation vacuum pipe and a refrigerating working medium pair is directly heated in the stagnation vacuum-pipe generator ;

    热管真空管与闷晒式真空管相连接,在闷晒式真空管发生器内直接加热制冷 对;

  • The paper discusses the feasibility of using emulsive liquid as working medium of hydraulic motor .

    本文论述液压马达以乳化液为 工作 介质的可行性。

  • In addition the system was studied experimentally in terms of operating parameters regenerator mesh size and working medium .

    实验研究了运行参数、回热器丝网目数和 工作 介质的影响规律。

  • Operation and maintenance of liquid oxygen pumps associated with an ASU employing internal compression process Solution to Failures of Mechanical Seal on Pumps Transporting Working Medium during H_2O_2 Production

    内压缩流程空分设备产品液氧泵的操作与维护双氧水 工作 泵泄漏故障分析及对策