world accounting

[wɜrld əˈkaʊntɪŋ][wɜː(r)ld əˈkaʊntɪŋ]

[经] 世界会计,国际会计

  • On the impact of accounting internationalization in China and the reformation of accounting educational through the world accounting education reformation begins to roll up in our whole country .

    中国会计国际化的进程和 世界 各国 会计教育改革大潮的冲击下, 会计教育改革的浪潮席卷全国。

  • Every year the number of cattle dying of BVD is no less than 5 million in the world accounting for 0.5-1 % of the total number of cattle .

    世界每年死于BVDV感染的牛不少于500万头, 牛饲养总数的0.5%~1%。

  • The molybdenum resource reserves rank second in the world accounting for 25 % of the total molybdenum reserves of the world .

    我国钼资源储量居 世界第二位,约 世界钼总储量的25%。

  • Objective : esophageal carcinoma is in the third of malignant tumor in the world accounting for the second dead causes of malignant tumor in China but the mechanism of cell malignant alteration is not clear yet .

    目的:食管癌是 世界第三大恶性肿瘤, 中国恶性肿瘤死亡的第二位,严重影响人类健康,但其癌变机制仍不很清楚1w_1522。

  • The merger of the two companies will create the world 's biggest accounting firm .

    两家公司的合并将产生 世界最大的 会计公司。

  • Together hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) and hepatitis C ( HCV ) are the leading cause of liver cancer in the world accounting for78 percent of cases .

    乙肝病毒和丙肝病毒合在一起则是 世界肝癌的主要病因, 总病例数的78%。

  • The rapid development of derived financial instruments causes great awareness of the world accounting field . The derived financial instruments accounting and its management become a new problem and also it 's one of the problems of the world accounting field .

    衍生金融工具的飞速发展引起 会计 的高度重视,衍生金融工具会计及其管理成了会计领域的一个新课题,也是世界会计难题之一。

  • The biggest chunk of world trade from our accounting standpoint is the EU and w_2584 the EU seems to have at least bottomed out he said .

    他说:从我们的 统计角度来看,欧盟占据 世界贸易的最大份额,(而)在欧盟,看上去至少最糟糕的时刻已经过去。

  • Yen Leng has extensive exposure in the corporate world in both accounting and banking industries covering various functions of treasury department foreign exchanges and derivative products .

    燕玲在商业机构包括 会计行和银行工作多年,有丰富的工作经验,熟识财务、金融的各项职能,包括外币兑换及衍生产品等。

  • This is why the world needs a new accounting regime .

    这就是为什么 世界需要一个新的 会计体制。

  • All the countries in the world gradually accepted that accounting standards is more adapt to the development of market economy . Many countries originally used other forms started to use accounting standards .

    世界 各国逐渐认同 会计准则是较为适合市场经济发展的会计制度形式,加快转向和采用会计准则。

  • But accounting standards around the world on accounting treatment of emission rights trading are seldom .

    但是, 全球 各国现行的会计准则中对排污权交易的 会计处理都规范甚少。

  • Ford says the new platform will underpin up to 10 models around the world accounting for 2m annual units by 2012 .

    福特表示,新平台将支持 世界各地 至多10种车型,到2012年达到200万辆车的年产量。

  • HCC is widespread all over the world accounting for 5.6 % of human malignant tumor and with an increasing incidence in recent years .

    世界范围内肝癌约 全部人类恶性肿瘤的5.6%,其中一半以上发生在 ,并且发病率近年来还呈上升的趋势。

  • As a result Enron has declared bankruptcy and Arthur Andersen one of the world 's most respected accounting firms is being broken up into small pieces .

    结果,安龙公司宣布破产,而曾是 世界最负盛名的 财会公司之一的亚瑟·安德森公司也落得个分崩离析的下场。

  • The world 's biggest accounting firms will today join forces to call for a radical overhaul of how companies report performance declaring the system used to communicate with investors broken .

    全球最大的几家 会计师事务所今日将联合呼吁对企业业绩报告方式进行全面改革。它们将宣称,目前用来与投资者交流的体系已经失效。

  • Foreign government accounting reform began in the 1980s . With the spread of new public management movement countries all over the world began their government accounting reform .

    国外的政府会计改革始于20世纪80年代。伴随着新公共管理运动 世界 各国纷纷进行了以改革政府 会计 核算基础为主线的政府 会计改革。

  • There are various customers who are using this guidance today to build their real world applications including accounting firms large banks and government agencies .

    目前已经有很多的用户使用这个指导包来构建他们 自己的应用程序,包括 会计公司、大型银行以及政府机构等等。

  • The BIS report also showed that London has increased its dominance of the currency world accounting for 36.7 per cent of global turnover up from 34.6 per cent in 2007 .

    BIS报告同时表明,伦敦在外汇交易 领域的优势有所增强,目前 全球成交额的36.7%,高于2007年的34.6%。

  • After our country joined World Trade Organization the accounting service market is more open to the other country capital and securities market keep a driving developmental state every aspect of economy has obtained a attractive and proud achievement .

    我国在加入 WTO之后, 会计服务市场进一步开放,经济得到了迅速发展,资本和证券市场发展态势强劲,各方面都取得了令人瞩目和骄傲的成绩。

  • The natural property requires accounting to use the international advanced accounting skills . With the development of the international trade and international capital market and with the multinational corporations making their business all over the world accounting becomes more internationalized .

    自然属性要求作为技术手段的会计采用国际先进的处理方法,国际贸易和国际资本市场发展及跨国公司在 全球的活动使 会计趋于国际化。

  • As savvy entrepreneurs know there is a world of difference between accounting profits and cash profits .

    正如精明的企业家所了解的那样, 账面利润和现金利润之间有着 天壤之别

  • Background Lung cancer is a life-threatening disease and world health issue accounting for the majority of all cancer-related deaths .

    研究背景肺癌已经成为肿瘤相关性死亡的主要 原因,成为威胁生命和 世界健康的严重问题。

  • Most of the time before 1820 Chinas economy led the world accounting for more than half of the worlds GDP .

    1820年以前的大部分历史时期里,中国的经济实力居于 世界首位, GDP超过世界总和的一半。

  • The development of the world economy makes accounting work face new situation and new request the accounting education must gives out some suitable and correct reflection .

    世界经济的大发展使 会计面临新形势、新要求,会计教育必须对此作出适当、正确的反映。

  • According to statistics there are a total of 650 million the handicapped around the world accounting for about 10 % of the world population .

    据统计全 世界总共有6.5亿残疾人,约 世界总人口的10%。

  • With rapid economy and trade development around the world the accounting message is becoming the important universal commercial language .

    随着 全球经济和贸易的飞速发展, 会计信息作为国际商业通用语言,已成为交易的重要媒介和决策的重要依据。