work station

[wɚk ˈsteʃən][wə:k ˈsteiʃən]


  • Are operator instruction / visual controls available and adhered to at each work station ?

    操作指导书/目视控制是否具备并附于相应的每个 工作 岗位

  • In this system the computer or the work station can be isomorphic or heterogeneous . And within the system the various computers and work stations can use Ethernet or private network connection .

    在这个系统中,计算机或者 工作站可以是同构的,也可以是异构的,而系统内部的各个计算机和工作站之间可采用以太网或专用网络连接。

  • When required are production boundary sample available at required work station ? Are boundary samples approved by SGM ?

    当需要时,在需要的 工位上是否拥有边际样品?这些样品是否经上海通用认可?

  • Research and Development of the Image Work Station of the Wireless Endoscope of Alimentary Canal

    消化道无线内窥镜之影像 工作站的研究与开发

  • The work station should fit your body like a comfortable pair of shoes Young said .

    工作间对你的身体来说应该像一双 合脚的鞋子。

  • Prepare for eating by applying heat . Eating or drinking at your work station where prohibited

    加热食物为吃做准备。在禁止饮食、饮酒的区域内饮食、 饮酒

  • On my desk I have a work station

    在我的桌子上,我有一个 工作站

  • Poor posture or a poorly-designed work station can leave you with aching shoulder muscles .

    不良坐姿或是设计欠合理的 工作 台面,会导致肩膀肌肉疼痛。

  • When visiting American businessmen are shown through a work station ; the workers dare not look up or they will be promptly fired .

    访问的美国商人出现在 车间时,没有工人敢抬头看,不然,他们就会马上被 炒掉

  • Give when new kitchen small electric equipment acquiring in the home the product ornament that can choose a few red designedly is on work station make the red in eat hutch space coherent rise .

    给家里添置新的厨房小电器时,可以特意挑选一些红色的产品点缀在 操作 上,使餐厨空间里的红色连贯起来。

  • The persons in charge shall perform their duties as to the patent work station management actively coordinate and participate in the activities related to the patent work stations held by the sipo .

    专利工作站负责人应全面履行管理专利 工作站的职责,积极配合和参与国家知识产权局有关专利工作站的活动。

  • To replicate the WebSphere Commerce development environment onto multiple workstations run the deployment script once on every work station

    要复制WebSphereCommerce开发环境到多个工作站上,请在每个 工作站上运行一次部署脚本

  • Hot desking originates from the definition of being the temporary physical occupant of a work station or surface by a particular employee .

    办公桌轮用制源自于某个员工暂时使用一个 工作 或工作面这样一个概念。

  • The printing work station transmission fixing support frame comprises a motor a motor support base plate and a corona support frame .

    所述的印刷 工位传动固定支撑架构包括电机、电机支撑底板、电晕支撑架。

  • Deal with al technical problems in the work station ;

    处理所负责 工作 区域产生的技术问题;

  • I found an isolated work station upstairs and managed to almost complete my project .

    我发现一个孤立的 工作站楼上和管理,以几乎完成我的项目。

  • Compare the Occupational Stress and Work Ability among the Police-officers Doctors and Teachers ; Reflection on the General Practice Work Station of Community Health Care

    刑警、医师、教师职业紧张及工作能力对比分析对建立社区卫生服务全科医学 工作站的思考

  • Work station is a terminal or a microcomputer usually one that is connected to a mainframe or to a network at which a user can perform applications .


  • So it is a good mobile work station for road and bridge emergency repair .

    制作工程、桥梁构件,机动供电和照明,是道路、桥梁抢修工程最佳移动 工作站

  • This thesis works out a solid graphics simulation system for robot on the APOLLO CAD work station .

    本文在APOLLOCAD 工作站研上制了一套机器人实体图形仿真系统。

  • Application of welding robot work station for real axel housing of bulldozer

    机器人焊接 工作站在推土机后桥箱焊接中的应用

  • I was dissatisfied with this decision ; my work station was degraded lacking light and space .

    我不满意这个决定,我的 工作 地点被降解,缺乏光线和空间。

  • Reflection on the General Practice Work Station of Community Health Care

    对建立社区卫生服务全科医学 工作站的思考

  • In this paper the application of graphical work station in this area is introduced .

    本文首先介绍了图形 工作站在此领域的应用,并对国内外发展现状作了详尽的分析。

  • These instructions shall be accessible for use at the work station .

    这些指导书应在 工作 岗位易于得到。

  • Alcohol Use and Its Risk Factors Among High School Students in Beijing ; Eating or drinking at your work station where prohibited

    北京市高中生饮酒行为及其影响因素在禁止饮食、饮酒的区域内饮食、 饮酒

  • A substation monitoring system based on C8051F043 is designed which is comprised of smart node main controller and console work station .

    设计了基于C8051F043的变电站监控系统,该系统由智能节点、主控制器和控制台 工作站组成。

  • Impound every work station and hard drive in this office .

    查封这个办公室的每个 工作站和硬盘。