World War one

[wɜrld wɔr wʌn][wɜː(r)ld wɔ: wʌn]


  • In 1918 Britain opened its offensive on the Western Front during World War one .

    在1918年,英国正式在 第一世界 大战中向西方宣战!

  • In1914 the First Battle of the Marne began during World War One .

    1914年,第一次海上战争在 第一世界 大战期间爆发。

  • They started with the Spanish Civil War then moved on to world war one World War Two the cold war

    他们从西班牙内战说起,然后是 二战、冷战

  • Go back to world war one . Quite a lot of soldiers did not .

    第一 世界 大战 期间,很多士兵都没有服从命令。

  • 1919-the World War One Peace Congress opened in Versailles France .

    1919年的 今天 和平会议在法国凡尔赛召开。

  • These kinds of moves can create problems which could lead to an escalation and escalations are what caused world war one for instance .

    历史告诉我们, 第一世界 大战的导火索就是源于事态的不断升级。

  • His father Keith Murdoch was a famous World War One reporter who later led an Australian newspaper group .

    他的父亲,基思·默多克(KeithMurdoch)是 第一 世界 大战 期间著名的记者,他后来领导澳大利亚一家新闻集团。

  • Professor Pierre Cornillot President of Paris Nord University said the gas is also a strong antiseptic and was used to heal soldiers'wounds in World War One .

    巴黎诺德大学校长,皮耶·考尼洛教授说这种气体也是一种很强的防腐剂,在 第一世界 大战曾用来治疗士兵的伤口。

  • The education of chinese labours in France during the World War One and their awakening political consciousness of worker


  • One of Hemingway 's greatest works A Farewell to Arms is mainly about World War One the first great tragedy of humanity .

    海明威最伟大的作品之一《永别了武器》主要内容是关于 第一世界 大战这个人类历史上第一个大悲剧的。

  • World war one had begun by then .

    那时, 第一 世界 大战已经开始。

  • Since World War One metal became the core in the preparation of armed material .

    大战 坦克出现后,金属材料成为了制备装甲材料的核心材料。

  • In1917 he was appointed Lloyd George 's minister of munitions and was involved in the mass production of tanks believed to have played a large part in Britain 's subsequent victory in World War One .

    1917年英首相劳合•乔治任命他为军需大臣,参与了坦克的大规模生产,人们认为他对英国在 的胜利起了重大的作用。

  • Before World War One the growth of French paintings was symbolic in Europe due to its special history geography and culture .

    以前,法兰西民族因特殊的历史、地理及文化因素,其绘画艺术的发展在欧洲具有象征意义,对 世界文化的进程有 重要影响。

  • British World War One veteran Henry Allingham is the world 's oldest man at113 following the death of the previous holder of the title Japan 's Tomoji Tanabe Guinness World Records said on Friday .

    吉尼斯世界纪录于上周五确认,之前纪录保持者日本人田锅友时去世之后,现年113岁的英国 老兵亨利?阿林厄姆成为全世界最长寿男性。

  • In fact emergency medicine specialist Leigh Vinocur says that specialty grew out of military medicine dating back to World War One .

    事实上,急诊医学专家维诺科表示,从军事医学衍生出来的专业知识可以追溯到 第一世界 大战

  • Said by : saki to a fellow officer while in a trench during World War one for fear the smoke would give away their positions .

    出自:萨奇,在一 中,此人在战壕中对其战友说了这句 ,以免烟幕暴露了他们的位置。

  • Ankara and Yerevan have no diplomatic ties but a relationship haunted by the question of whether ethnic Armenians killed by Ottoman Turks during World War One were victims of systematic genocide .

    安卡拉和埃里温之间没有外交关系, 第一 世界 大战期间奥托曼帝国土耳其人杀害的亚美尼亚人是否属于有组织的种族清洗的受害者,这个问题一直笼罩着双方的关系。

  • World War Two was worse than World War one .

    二战 更残酷。

  • After World War one there was a big shift in the basis of production .

    第一 世界 大战之后,生产中心发生了大转移。

  • The novel was called The Sun Also Rises . It is about young Americans in Europe after World War One .

    这本小说就是《太阳照样升起》,是一部有关 世界 大战后,美国年青人在欧洲的故事。

  • The world war one and two accelerated this change . British government pays voluntary hospitals for treating the soldiers .

    而两 世界 大战更加速了志愿医院的转变。

  • It became the most successful bomber used in World War One .

    成了 第一世界 大战中战功最卓著的 轰炸机。

  • That was to control the costs of America 's entry into World War One .

    这是美国的入境成本控制到 第一 世界 大战

  • In1914 President Wilson issued his Proclamation of Neutrality aimed at keeping the United States out of World War One .

    1914年,威尔逊总统宣布中立,目的是为了使美国避免卷入 第一世界 大战

  • During World War One and Two our men were out dying in Europe and people voted for someone who said let 's raise the taxes on the rich someone 's profiting from this war now .

    这两 世界 大战期间,我们的很多同胞战死在欧洲,人们拥护那些要求提高富人缴税水平的人,因为有的富人,是发战争财的。

  • Meanwhile they are also outcome of New School Movement occurred contemporarily both in European and American countries from world war One to 1920s and 1930s .

    同时也是 第一 世界 大战前后到本世纪二三十年代欧美各国同时出现的新学校运动的产物。

  • Apart from calling on its men to fight for the country World War One had very little affect on Exeter .

    除了在它的人民呼吁争取国家, 第一世界 大战 只有很少的影响在埃克塞特。

  • Participating in World War One as a volunteer and the Spanish Civil War and World War Two as a correspondent .

    曾以志愿人员身份参加 第一 世界 大战,后以记者身份参加了第二次世界大战和西班牙内战。