[计] Windows开放服务体系结构

  • In order to realize the compatibility among different equipments so as to make a set of standard extension based upon WOSA which is called WOSA / XFS and this standard is applicable to the bank system standard .

    为了实现不同 供应商 提供的设备之间的兼容,从而制订了一套适用于银行系统的扩展标准 &WOSA/XFS标准。

  • At last the software design of ATM testing system base on WOSA / XFS standard to implement . The simulation environment testing results prove that this testing system of ATM equipment base on WOSA / XFS standard is availability and effectiveness .

    最后实现了系统,在仿真的测试环境下表明,本文设计的基于 WOSA/XFS标准的ATM设备测试系统的可用性、有效性达到了设计时的要求。

  • A unite software platform of ATM client can run to different device of ATM which supported the WOSA / XFS standard .

    一个ATM客户的统一软件平台应用能运行在不同的支持 WOSA/XFS标准的ATM设备上。

  • The structure and function of MAPI was introduced and the attribution and method of MAPI component was explained the method of integrating e - mail into application was discussed . And the method was used in net homework system based on MAPI .

    论文介绍了 MAPIWOSA中的结构及功能,说明了MAPI组件所提供的方法、属性,论述了在应用程序中集成电子邮件功能的方法,并将该方法应用到基于MAPI在网上作业系统中。

  • This paper elaborated the development content of cross platform software under WOSA / XFS standard in detail as well as my question and solution which meet in the development process .

    本文详细阐述了 WOSA/XFS规范下跨平台软件的开发内容,以及本人在开发过程中遇到的问题和解决方法。

  • The Design of ATM Application System Based WOSA / XFS Standard

    基于 WOSA/XFS标准的ATM应用系统的设计