working temperature

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈtempəritʃə]


  • The prefabricated parts can also be made . Research on Heat Pipe Working Temperature in Electric Furnace Gas Heat Recovery

    高温热风管道内衬,加热炉内衬等部位,可制成预制构件。电炉烟气余热回收中热管元件 工作 温度的研究

  • For example the working temperature of some petroleum chemical equipments is very slow and the working temperature of some internal-combustion engines or gas turbines is very high ;

    实际的结构物或构件往往是在比较复杂的条件下工作的,例如,石油化工设备中有些机器的 工作 温度很低,而内燃机或燃气轮机的工作温度很高;

  • When the transition layer is Copper T2 and Nickel N6 respectively two kinds of working temperature above the eutectic temperature and below the eutectic temperature were chosen .

    以紫铜他、镍N6做过渡层时,选择了共晶温度以上和共晶温度以下两类 加工 温度

  • Offering heat in aclosed circulation small heat loss apparent effect of energy conservation meeting the needs of a number of consumer equipment with different working temperature .

    闭路循环供热,热量损失小,节能效果显著,并可以满足不同 使用 温度的多个用热设备。

  • Vibration cylinder pressure sensor is a kind of absolute pressure sensor with many merits such as high precision stable wide working temperature low power anti-vibration impact resistance .

    振动筒压力传感器是一种具有测量精度高、稳定性好、 工作 温度范围宽、低功耗、抗震动、耐冲击等优良性能的绝对压力传感器。

  • Run until the normal working temperature is reached .

    运转到 温度达到正常的 工作 温度

  • Design and Simulation of Preserving Meter of Working Temperature of Hydraulic Pressure Electromagnetic Valve

    液压电磁阀 工作 温度记录仪的设计与仿真

  • Special version for high or low working temperature .

    特别版为高或低, 工作 温度

  • Attention must be paid to the working temperature of the machine .

    应当注意机器的 工作 温度

  • Several methods charactering upper limit working temperature of resin matrix composites are discussed .

    本文讨论了表征树脂基复合材料上限 工作 温度的几种方法。

  • Research on Wear Resistance and Corrosion Resistance of Ni-P Coating under Different Working Temperature and Environment

    不同 工作 温度和环境下Ni-P合金镀层耐磨性及耐蚀性研究

  • Research on Heat Pipe Working Temperature in Electric Furnace Gas Heat Recovery

    电炉烟气余热回收中热管元件 工作 温度的研究

  • Discussion on the working temperature and quality grade of steel material

    关于钢材 工作 温度和质量等级的探讨

  • The working temperature of the liquid must be measured every hour .

    液体的 工作 温度必须每小时测量一次。

  • Experimental results in lowering circuit board working temperature of micro gas chromatograph detector

    降低微型气相色谱仪检测器电路板 工作 温度的实验结果

  • In this thesis an entire mathematical model for working temperature of torpedo thermal power system in steady state is built up .

    文章建立了稳态条件下鱼雷热动力系统 工作 温度整体计算模型,通过算例验证了模型的正确性。

  • The practical technology to control the heat pipe working temperature was introduced based on the heat transfer principle .

    根据传热学原理,给出了控制热管 工作 温度的工程实用技术;

  • In the modification there should be a heater to provide the ink to work in its working temperature .

    在改装过程中,需要加装一个加热装置使得油墨在 合适 温度 进行工作。

  • Good performance in heatproof and cold resistant abilities with working temperature between-60 and180 ℃ .

    产品具有较高的耐热性和耐寒性,其 工作 温度范围为-60~180℃。

  • Creep damage crack initiation and fracture toughness at the material working temperature have been determined .

    探讨了30Cr2MoV材料在 工作 温度 的蠕变损伤及裂纹的启裂和 高温断裂韧性特性。

  • The sensitivity selectivity and working temperature for some gases vary greatly with doping elements in the SnO_2 films .

    对SnO2薄膜的掺杂可大大改变气敏元件的灵敏度、选择性和 工作 温度

  • Its working temperature can reach 900 ℃ and its filtration efficiency is over 99 % .

    工作 温度可达900℃过滤效率在99%以上,并具有透气性好,阻力损失小和反洗清灰效果好等特点。

  • Working temperature : after the machine run15 minutes when the hydraulic oil 's temperature increased then be ok .

    环境 工作:机器运行约15分钟,当油温度自行升高即可。

  • The working temperature of sand cores for aluminum casting have been tested in the present work .

    对铝合金铸造用砂芯的 工作 温度进行了分析和测定。

  • Oxygen sensors fabricated by thick-film thin-film and lamination technology decreased total impedance leading to the decreases of working temperature and reducing response time .

    用厚膜、薄膜和叠片工艺制作的氧传感器,降低了总阻抗,从而降低了 工作 温度和缩短了响应时间。

  • The key of the solution is to throttle after most liquid water is separated and to drop working temperature of the separator .

    解决问题的关键,是分离出大部分液态水后,再进行节流,并降低分离器 工作 温度

  • The new liquid crystals feature wide working temperature range low voltage operation and high reliability .

    新型液晶的特点是: 工作 温度范围宽,工作电压低,可靠性高。

  • The tapes and the cable shall have the same working temperature .

    隔火层包带的 工作 温度应和电缆的 工作 温度相同。

  • The core of VCM controller can stand working temperature of100C / 212F .

    氯乙烯控制器的核心 工作100C/212F经得起 温度

  • But the free silicon contained in RBSC restrains the working temperature of RBSC and reduces its mechanical properties .

    但是由于反应烧结碳化硅中含有一定量的游离硅,限制了反应烧结碳化硅的 使用 温度,降低了硬度等力学性能。