working steam

[ˈwə:kɪŋ stim][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ sti:m]


  • With Freon-113 serving as a working medium the steady state and pulsation curves of steam / liquid dual phase flow in a vertically placed inverted U shaped tube is studied from both the experimental and theoretical aspects .

    本试验以Freon-113为 质,从试验和理论两方面研究了垂直布置倒U型管内 液两相流的稳态、脉动曲线。

  • Under corresponding conditions comparative study of the flow and heat transfer of steam and gas working fluid identify the flow and heat transfer characteristics of the hydrogen-oxygen combined cycle power plant turbine vanes when the working fluid is high temperature and pressure steam .

    通过对相应条件下蒸汽、燃气工质的流动和传热情况的对比,找出氢-氧联合循环动力装置以高温高压 蒸汽质时涡轮导叶的流动和传热情况的特点。

  • Had experiments on different working way of pulverizer effect on steam temperature deviation in rated load different load on deviation flue gas temperature deviation in rated load and velocity measurement in primary air tube .

    分别进行了额定负荷下不同的磨煤机 投运形式对 温偏差的影响试验、负荷对 偏差的影响试验、额定负荷下烟气温度偏差试验及各一次风管的一次风速测量试验。

  • The paper mainly introduces the method of calculation of parameter about steam in the state of working and the means of regulation about the steam working in the heat net .

    本文主要介绍蒸汽在 工作状态下参数的计算方法和热网中 蒸汽运行的调节手段。

  • The measuring technology for working medium flow of steam water system is a major limiting factor for calculation accuracy of real-time coal consumption rate in thermal power plant and also the technical obstacle for the realization of SIS core functions .

    汽水系统 质流量的测量技术是制约提高实时发电煤耗计算精度的主要原因之一,也是制约厂级监控信息系统(SIS)核心功能实现的主要技术障碍。

  • Cotton masks protective glasses and gas mask should be provided for laborers working in conditions of health-harming gas steam or dust .

    在有危害健康的气体, 蒸汽或者粉尘的场所操作的 工人,工厂应分别供给口罩,防护眼镜和防毒面具。

  • An Energy Consumption Analysis of Working Flow Meters in the Measurement of steam Flow

    蒸汽流量测量中的 流量计能耗分析

  • When increasing starting and changing working condition speed of steam turbine in order to realize measurement and security supervision the heat stress in thick-walled parts of rotor cylinder and valves must be calculated there are two methods for the calcution ;

    提高 汽轮机的启动和变 工况速度,必须计算转子、汽缸和阀门等厚壁部件的热应力,为了进行安全监测。

  • In this paper the working principles and designing calculating courses of two uncondenser steam sprayers are stated and the computer program is made .

    本文介绍了无冷凝器两级 蒸汽喷射器 工作原理与设计计算过程,编制了计算机程序。

  • The structure of marine diesel exhaust gas turbo generator was introduced and the working principle of the main components-exhaust gas boiler and steam turbine was analyzed .

    分析船用柴油机废气涡轮发电机系统中废气锅炉和 汽轮机 工作原理;

  • According to the experiment the pressure of exit hot water was more or less higher than the entrance working steam the maximum is up to 1.5 times . The effect of pressure gain was well proved . This was in good agreement with the theoretical analysis .

    实验所得的增压换热器的出口热水压力均不同程度高于入口 工作 蒸汽压力,最高时可达1.5倍左右,很好的证明了该 喷射器的增压效果,和理论分析吻合较好。

  • The working principle of reactor pressure control mode for steam turbine governing system in nuclear power plant has been presented .

    绍核电站 汽轮机调节系统反应堆压力控制模式的 工作原理。

  • In the 1700s many inventors were working on the steam engine .

    在十八世纪,许多发明家都 致力于发明 蒸汽机。

  • Results show that the steam quality of unit under normal working condition meets the quality criterion of water and steam for generating unit and steam power equipment .

    试验结果表明:该机组在正常 运行工况下蒸汽品质符合火力发电机组及蒸汽动力设备 水汽质量(中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T12145-1999)的规定。

  • Inventors are now working on steam cars as well as electric cars .

    发明家 正在 研制 蒸汽汽车和电子汽车。

  • A simple and approximate method is worked out on changing working states to the characteristic of steam falling away from some back stages of a turbine in the working state of the little volume flow .

    本文针对 汽轮机 几级在小容积流量工况下产生脱流的特点,结合工程实例推导出一种简单近似的变 工况核算方法。

  • The code classifies the working fluid in the containment into steam uncondensable air continuous liquid state water and discontinuous water and includes k-e turbulence model and diffusion model for main gas flow .

    该程序把钢安全壳内部的工质分为 蒸汽、不可凝干空气、连续相水和非连续相水,对气相引入 e-k湍流计算模型并考虑由于气体浓度差引起的扩散效应。

  • The parabolic trough concentrating device gather the sunlight according to optics focusing principle heat the working substance to obtain the high temperature steam and the hot water also the device drive PV / Thermal association system .

    槽式聚光集热器利用光学聚光原理,将太阳光聚集起来对 质进行加热,以获得较高温度的 蒸汽和热水;同样可作为驱动源用于光伏/光热系统。

  • Introducing the structure design working principle and performance of the obstruct oil steam valves and the calculation of design .

    介绍了油 隔断阀的结构设计、 工作原理、性能特点及设计计算。

  • The paper discussed the composing and working principle of the electric-hydraulic speed regulator system of steam turbine unit configuration of the 505 working principle of electric-hydraulic converter application of electric-hydraulic converter and the common trouble analysis in detail .

    详细介绍了我厂连续重整装置 汽轮机组的机组电液调速系统的组成, 工作原理,505的组态,电液转换器的工作原理,电液调速系统的投用及常见故障分析。

  • Application of governor system without controlled working medium on 200 MW steam turbine unit

    无控制 质调节系统在200MW 汽轮机组上的应用

  • But then once you start working on your idea you lose steam and start doubting yourself ?

    但是一旦你开始 执行你的想法时,你 泄气了,并且开始怀疑自己?

  • The built-in type steam separator has good separation effect and no water dripping discharging and dose not reduce the working pressure of steam .

    本实用新型汽水分离效果好,无滴水排放,不降低 蒸汽 使用压力。

  • The paper presents the real-time entire working condition model of capacity and speed of saturated stream steam turbine .

    介绍了船舶饱和 蒸汽轮机功率、转速全 工况实时仿真模型。

  • The working principles of steam accumulators were presented and their economical efficiency was analysed with examples .

    介绍了 蒸汽蓄热器的 工作原理,并以实例对其进行了经济效益分析。

  • Application of GOLDED-SECTION method in working out software for computing thermodynamic properties of water and steam

    黄金分割法在水和 蒸汽热力性质计算软件 编制中的应用

  • The result indicates that the model can simulate the varying duty working characteristics of nuclear steam turbine plant accurately and meets the needs of simulation analysis work on secondary system of nuclear power plant .

    结果表明,该模型能准确模拟核 汽轮机装置的变负荷 运行特性,满足核动力二回路系统实时仿真分析要求。

  • The developed device can respond to the change of vapor-to-water ratio directly and can be used in small working space in the steam with high temperature and pressure .

    研制的测量装置直接对汽液两相流的比例变化产生响应,能够应用于高温高压及狭窄 工作空间的输 环境中。

  • The working principle of Condensing Steam Turbine hasbeen introduced the reasons leading to vacuum declining are analyzed and corresponding methods have also been proposed .

    介绍凝 式汽轮机的 工作原理,分析了运行中真空下降的原因,并提出了相应的处理方法。

  • The parameters of the working steam were not stable and the disposition capacities were variable in operation .

    在实际生产运行中, 工作 蒸汽的参数是不稳定的,而且处理量也是变化的。