


  • Using energy concept it analyzes the motor system and finds out the workless force which is unnecessary to be canceled .

    它是从能量的角度来分析电机系统,并从中分出可以不必抵消的 功力

  • The postoperative pain frequency ( 0 to 2 points for painless to often painful ) and postoperative work capacity ( 0 to 4 points for recovery to former work to workless ) were also investigated .

    同时还调查术后疼痛频率(从不痛到经常疼痛为0~2分)和术后工作能力(从恢复原来工作到 工作为0~4分)。

  • Discussion on the Workless Insurance and Rework in Our Country Logistic Analysis of Effects of Pension on the Retirees ′ Decision

    浅论我国的 失业保险与再 就业养老金影响退休者再 就业决策的Logistic 经验研究

  • Basic types of the workless constraints


  • Automatic Control of High Voltage Concentrating Workless Compensation

    高压 集中补偿自动控制

  • The essay analyzed the importance of workless compensation and accompanied with engineering practice explained the theory of workless compensation by using parallel capacitor and discussed the inter influence between parallel capacitor and harmonic as well as the method to control harmonic from magnified .

    本文分析 补偿的重要性,结合工程实践阐述用并联电容器进行无功补偿的原理。讨论并联电容器与谐波的相互影响及抑制谐波放大的方法。

  • In the respect of technical reform several power-saving methods such as the renewal of pump cutting of vanes adjustment of suitable capacity replacement of vanes reform of power supply line and use of workless compensation was discussed .

    在技术改造上, 重点叙述水泵的更新、切削叶轮、抽级、调节合适容量、更换叶轮、改造供电线路、采用 补偿等节电办法。

  • The working principle of SVC 's workless compasation based on ARENE software and the contents and method of SVC system design are described .

    基于 ARENE软件,阐述了SVC进行 补偿的工作原理,说明了SVC系统设计的内容方法。