world coordinates


  • BP neural networks are used to obtain ( target 's ) world coordinates from its ( image 's ) position in the window .

    系统采用BP神经网络技术,从被点击的目标图像在窗口中的位置求解目标的 世界 坐标

  • By establishing the ideal linear mode and the distortion model of the camera the mapping relationship between the 3D world coordinates and the computer image coordinates has been deduced .

    建立摄像机理想线性模型和畸变模型得到三维 世界 坐标和计算机图像坐标的映射关系。

  • Using the unique world coordinates the data of different cameras are auto-integrated without any additional coordinate transformation .

    采用唯一的 世界 坐标,3个摄像机测量所得的数据无须进行额外的坐标变换即可自动拼接。

  • Therefore how to solve the floating point precision and correlated problems plays an important role in the settlement of world coordinates .

    所以如何在虚拟城市的输出过程中有效地解决浮点精度相关的问题,对能否精确的生成 世界 坐标有着重要的影响。

  • The transformation relationships among the coordinates of the measurement system are established . According to the conversion relationships the transformation matrix of each linear structured light sensor model can be solved and the transformation from laser plane coordinates to three dimensional world coordinates can be actualized .

    建立了测量系统中各坐标系的转换关系,并求出每个线结构光测头模型的变换矩阵,实现二维光平面坐标系到三维 世界 坐标 的转换。

  • In this instance the location of camera in the world coordinates is unnecessary to calibrated and the rotary matrix and horizontal movable matrix is needless too .

    这种情况下不需要标定摄像机在 世界 坐标 的位置,相对的对于世界 坐标 的旋转矩阵和平移矩阵也不需要。

  • Without known camera parameters and any known world coordinates point in 3D space the distortion parameters of camera lens can be estimated based on the perspective projection invariant of straight lines .

    利用直线的透视投影不变性来估计镜头的畸变参数,不需要知道摄像机的内外部参数,也不需要知道任何空间特征点的 世界 坐标,简化了镜头畸变校正的过程。

  • Based on the sub-pixel edge this topic introduce the radial distortion parameters and establish the mapping relation which connect world coordinates and image coordinates . As a result the function of the error compensation curve can be achieve .

    在步骤二提取的亚像素精确边缘的基础上,通过引入径向畸变参数,确立了物体在 世界 坐标中与图像坐标中的映射关系,从而建立误差补偿曲线函数。

  • Function relation between the image coordinates and the world coordinates of the object with BP neural network were found then 3-D moving trace was restored by using the trained network .

    提出了用BP神经网络建立双目立体视觉模型的方法,利用此模型进行标定,找出物体的图像坐标与 世界 坐标之间的映射关系,解决了土粒三维运动轨迹的 提取问题。

  • On the basis of the mapping relationship between world coordinates and pixel coordinates showed by cameras the angle of steering wheel as well as the expected driving lines in the image is given out by calculating the position of next driving target and initial target .

    再通过相机 标定给出像素坐标与 世界 坐标之间的映射关系,对下一行驶目标点与初始目标点的位置进行运算得出方向盘的角度,在图像中给出预期的车辆行驶轨迹。

  • The Sampler Info node provides the world space coordinates of the point being shaded within the sphere . Get off your backside and do some work !

    第一,在球 的被着色点需要去从 世界 坐标 转换到相对于球体的物体空间 坐标。别老坐着,干点儿实事!

  • The camera perspective projection is adopted to solve the projection matrix after substituting the playfield feature points . Then the image coordinates of ball and players are converted into the world coordinates .

    采用摄像机透视投影模型代入球场特征点求解出投影矩阵,将足球和球员的图像坐标转化为 世界 坐标

  • Under world coordinates the kinematics model of the platform is constructed .

    在统一的 世界 坐标框架内,建立了平台的运动学模型,导出了多机器人的 协调运动方案。

  • The Second World War was the coordinates of war and peace in historical movement . Diverse aspects of the postwar peace were related to the reference to the Second World War .

    第二次 世界大战是战争与和平历史运动的一个 坐标,战后和平的方方面面无不关涉对第二次世界大战的参照。

  • In the transportation parameter survey aspect we firstly transform the screen coordinates into the real world coordinates then with the real world coordinates we could survey the speed and simply classify the vehicle .

    在交通参数测量方面,通过将屏幕坐标转换为真实 世界 坐标,然后根据真实世界坐标,实现了对车速车型等数据进行测量。

  • Now unlike an artist painting in the real world a user of cairo needs to speak in terms of exact coordinates .

    接下来,cairo用户需要以精确的 坐标来表达绘图操作,这一点与现实 世界中的绘画过程不同。

  • These parameters is the internal parameters in the system and can be calibrated through different world coordinates .

    对系统进行标定计算,指出标定参数等效焦距f,两摄像机光心的 距离 d,这些参数为系统内部参数,可以通过相对不同的 世界 坐标进行标定,即 相对 标定

  • The difficulty of coordinate transformation calculation is simplified by selecting robot fish and sensor local coordinates which are the same with world coordinates of 3D simulation system .

    将机器鱼和传感器局部坐标系选为与三维仿真系统的 世界 坐标 一致,简化了 虚拟 射线探测障碍物时坐标变换的计算难度。

  • This dissertation has researched on Lane Detection technology for AHV ( Autonomous Highway Vehicle ) implemented the inverse perspective projection from perspective road image to world coordinates and proposed Lane Detection arithmetic for projected image .

    本文研究了高速公路自主驾驶汽车车道检测问题,实现了透视道路图像到 世界 坐标 的逆投影,提出并实现了在投影后图像中进行道路标志线检测的算法。

  • Simultaneous calibration for relationship of robot hand-eye base coordinates and world coordinates

    机器人手眼关系、基坐标系和 世界 坐标 关系的同时标定

  • After getting the algorithm the interface of the software is designed out through VC + + . In the interface the world map and the coordinates of each satellite at any time is displayed .

    提取算法后,利用VC++作为开发环境,制作软件界面,在界面中,显示了用于定位的 世界地图以及卫星运行过程中每时每刻的 坐标

  • By the use of calibrated camera the real image is taken and through image processing technique the world coordinates of the feature points touched on the floating body are investigated then the 6-DOF of the floating body is decomposed .

    用标定好的摄像机拍摄浮体的运动情况,用图像处理的方法由摄取到的图像中重构出浮体上所附特征点的 世界 坐标,并由此分解其六自由度。

  • The coordinate transformation between WGS84 ( world geodetic system 1984 ) and the GIS coordinates is discussed . The characters of embedded system are analyzed .

    讨论了WGS84( worldgeodeticsystem1984)坐标与GIS所使用 坐标之间的转换方法;

  • The starting point of the ray in world coordinates .

    世界 坐标,射线的起始点。

  • The first line of input is the upper-right coordinates of the rectangular world the lower-left coordinates are assumed to be0 .

    输入的第一行是矩形 世界的右上角坐标,左下角 坐标设为(0,0)。

  • World coordinates of geometric center line of pruned plane was acquired by combination of Ultrasonic sensor and CCD camera .

    超声波传感器和摄像机组合可获得修剪平面几何中心线的 绝对 坐标

  • Law globalization is the legal expression of the undergoing process of globalization of the world economy politics and culture . And it is a positive process that a sovereign state coordinates in action and participates together .

    法律全球化是正在进行的 世界经济、政治、文化全球化过程的法律表现,是一个主权国家 协调行动、共同参与的积极进程。

  • The World Bank is a founding co-sponsor of UNAIDS the global United Nations team that coordinates the global response to HIV / AIDS .

    世界银行是UNAIDS的联合发起创立人之一,后者是 协调全球艾滋病病毒/艾滋病响应的全球联合国机构。

  • Embracing the World and Establishing Innovation Coordinates for Chinese-language Literature & A Concurrent Talk about the Consolidation and Construction of a Fresh Pattern of Chinese-language Literature against the Background of Globalization

    走向 世界与确立华文文学创新 坐标&兼谈全球化背景中整合建构华文文学新格局

  • The space measurement and control stations are distributed in the different plates all over the world and the site coordinates must be changed according to crust deformation .

    航天测控站分布在 全球不同的板块,其站址 坐标随地壳形变而发生变化。