working class

[ˈwə:kɪŋ klæs][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ klɑ:s]


  • It is the working class that is most selfless .

    工人 阶级最大公无私。

  • The first is internal that is the contradiction between the working class and the bourgeoisie .

    第一种是国内的,即 工人 阶级和资产阶级的矛盾。

  • The government has been criticized because of its neglect of working class areas .

    政府因为对 工人 阶级居住地区不重视而受到了批评。

  • Naturally the working class and the entire people under its leadership .

    当然是 工人 阶级和在它领导下的人民。

  • The other was that China 's intellectuals had become part of the working class .

    一句叫做中国的知识分子已经成为 工人 阶级的一部分。

  • The industrial revolution created the industrial working class the proletariat and it later led to trade unionism .

    工业革命产生了 工人 阶级,即无产阶级。后来形成了工会制度。

  • I have said that intellectuals are part of the working class .

    我说过,知识分子是 工人 阶级的一部分。

  • The working class is still too small to enable a successful socialist revolution .

    工人 阶级 队伍还是非常弱小,不能成功实现社会主义革命。

  • Differences of age and sex have no longer any distinctive social validity for the working class .

    工人 阶级来说,性别和年龄的差别再没有什么社会意义了。

  • After liberation the working class turned over to be the leading class in our nation .

    解放后, 工人 阶级翻身做了主人,成为我们国家的领导阶级。

  • He openly betrayed the working class .

    他公开背叛了 工人 阶级

  • A quarter of the working class voted for him .

    工薪 阶层中有1/4的人投票支持他。

  • Strike gives expressions to the discontent of the working class with their employers .

    罢工反映了 工人 阶级对他们雇主的不满。

  • On the other hand the contradictions between the working class and the bourgeoisie are antagonistic .

    工人 阶级和资产阶级的矛盾,是对抗性的矛盾。

  • Nevertheless there are contradictions between the working class and the peasants .

    但是, 工人 阶级和农民是有矛盾的。

  • Her strength with working class voters and women is expected to help her in those states .

    预计她在 工人 阶层和妇女选民中的影响力将有助于她在那些州获胜。

  • There have always been poor and working classes ; and the working class have mostly been poor .

    穷人和劳动阶级一向就有;并且 劳动 阶级通常都是贫穷的。

  • They are the vanguards of the working class .

    他们是 工人 阶级的先锋队。

  • One factor thought to have worked in his favour is his working class image

    据认为,一个帮上了他的因素就是他的 工人 阶级形象。

  • You can 't blame all your problems on your working class background .

    你不能把你所有的问题归咎于你的 工人 阶级出身。

  • We are both from working class stock .

    我们俩都 出身工人家庭。

  • The Party soon acquired great influence among the working class .

    不久党在 工人阶级中间就有了很大影响。

  • Some say he 's a traitor to the working class .

    一些人说他是 工人 阶级的叛徒。

  • I have noticed that many people dining in McDonald 's are students and people from the working class .

    我发现在麦当劳餐厅吃饭的人大都是学生和 劳动 阶层的人。

  • However the working class have been divided into some social classes .

    然而, 工人 阶级内部已分化为若干个社会阶层。

  • The middle classes all thought that the working class was inferior .

    中产阶级都认为 工人 阶级是低等的。

  • Business depression usually causes misery among the working class .

    商业不景气常使 劳工 受苦

  • Free trade is a cruel hoax on the middle and working class .

    自由贸易对于中产阶级和 工人 阶级来说是一个残酷的骗局。

  • Finally she betrayed the interest of the working class .

    最后,她出卖了 工人 阶级的利益。