work hardness

[wɚk ˈhɑrdnɪs][wə:k ˈhɑ:dnɪs]

[机] 加工硬度

  • For detecting the reason of leakage of dry-gas-compressor ′ s rear condenser in its severed work field we analyzed the linkage structure of its rube plate and heat transfer tube and used Li Ke ⅱ hardometer to test the hardness .

    为查明干气压缩机后冷凝器在 服役现场泄漏的原因,分析了其管板与换热管的连接结构,并用里氏硬度计对管板和换热管进行了 硬度检测。

  • In the initial design stage ( IDS ) the lack of reliability data and some fuzzy characteristics of MRP make this work hardness .

    但在初始设计阶段,机械产品的可靠性数据往往十分缺乏,且可靠性预计本身就具有一定的模糊性,从而使 机械产品的可靠性预计较为 困难

  • According to the motor shaft-small gear shaft shrink fit the work which owned hardness test fracture analysis and crack analysis had been done to find invalidation mechanism .

    针对电机轴-小齿轮轴过盈 配合,从 硬度测试、断口分析和裂纹分析三个角度入手,确定了其失效模式与失效机理。

  • On the base of the theoretical analysis utilize VC + + programming achieved online work under control of computer made hardness tester carrying on auto detection .

    在此基础上利用VC++编程实现了 硬度 联机 工作,使 硬度计在计算机控制下能够进行 硬度的自动检测。

  • The upper limit of the range of the coating hardness used in the quality control in production can be determined according to the threshold in the specific work hardness curve .

    对某类涂层随涂层硬度增加,刮削 上升并有一阈值,以此值可确定生产中检验硬度范围的上限。

  • The effect of grinding depth on work piece surface hardness and hardness layer depth is important factor .

    磨削深度是影响 工件表面 硬度和磨削淬硬层厚度的主要因素。

  • Titanium pipe-fittings with ceramic coatings were prepared using a new composite process in this work to improve their surface hardness corrosion resistance and wear properties * Firstly the Ti / Al composite tube blanks were produced by explosive welding .

    为提高钛管件 表面 硬度,改善其耐磨损、耐腐蚀性能,需要对其表面进行 处理本文采用一种新工艺,制备了带有氧化铝陶瓷涂层的钛基复合管件。

  • With high work efficiency and long service life wooden articles in different hardness and shapes can be processed in it .

    加工效率高,使用寿命长,可加工各种 低价位高技术高性能设备。

  • The research work is to measure the antiscaling effect and dosage of each component and try to rind out the synergic effect of these organic chemicals and sodium carbonate in experimental boiler with feed water of total hardness of 2 ~ 8 milligram equivalent per liter .

    工作在给水 硬度为2~8mgN/L水质中,测定了单个药品的阻垢效果和投量,以及它们与碳酸钠复合使用的效果。

  • If you are thinking of making the staffs try their best to work for our enterprises and then create more values you have to manage not only according to the hardness restrains which contains rules and regulations but also think of the personalization factors .

    要使企业员工尽自己的全力为企业 工作,从而为企业创造出更大的价值,不仅要在制度和规章等 硬性约束部分对其进行管理,更需要考虑人性化的因素。

  • In this paper the shape memory effect recovery degree work point elasticity plasticity and hardness of the investigated shape memory alloy Cu-Zn-Al-x were measured after overheating treatment of the alloy at different tempertures for different durations of holding time .

    应用研制的Cu-Zn-Al-x形状记忆合金,经过在不同温度、不同时间下的过热处理,测取了该材料过热处理后的记忆功能、回复率、 工作点、弹性、塑性、 硬度

  • Selecting suitable spray distance Sprayed work piece turning velocity and plasma flame temperature thus can get optimum coating cooling rate it is the key to enhance coating hardness and decrease gas hole ratio .

    选择恰当的喷涂距离、喷涂 工件转速、控制适当的等离子焰温度,得到最佳涂层冷却速度,是提高涂层 硬度和减少气孔率的关键;

  • The appropriate work condition of explosion hardening hadified steel is soft abrasive materials with high impact energy and high hardness abrasive materials with low impact energy .

    爆炸硬化高锰钢适用于低硬度磨料的冲击磨损及高 硬度磨料的低冲击功冲击磨损的 工况条件。

  • Designed a medium manganese cast steel used to making hammer which has good work & hardness under non severe impact condition .

    设计了一种中锰铸钢锤头材质,其在非强冲击条件下具有较好的 加工 硬化效果。

  • The surface roughness microstructure work hardness and residual stress of each machined surface under different cutting parameters were measured and the effect of tool edge radius and cutting parameters are also investigated .

    对已加工表面的粗糙度、表层微观组织、 加工 硬化以及残余应力进行测量,并对其受刀具刃口半径及切削参数等的影响规律进行分析。

  • I would rather make mistakes in kindness and compassion than work miracles in unkindness and hardness .

    我宁愿在友善与同情中犯点小错误,也不愿在 不近人情和严厉中 创造奇迹。

  • The connection between low temperature tempering parameters and hardness of the cold rolling work rollers after 50 / 250 Hz double frequency induction quenching is introduced A strong negative linear correlativity between the tempering parameters and hardness is shown by regressive equation computation

    介绍冷轧 工作辊经50/250Hz双频感应淬火后低温回火工艺与硬度的关系,揭示了二者之间的规律,并用回归方程计算方法阐明回火工艺与 硬度之间存在强负线性相关关系