work in with

[wɚk ɪn wɪð][wə:k in wið]


  • Scientists hope the work done in collaboration with other researchers may be duplicated elsewhere .

    科学家们希望 其他研究人员合作的 成果可以适用 别处。

  • These work in conjunction with SCM systems to automatically watch the code repository and build the system ( including running tests and packaging artifacts ) periodically or whenever anything changes .

    它们 SCM系统联合,自动地观察代码存储库,并周期地或在有任何变更的时候构建系统(包括运行测试和打包工件)。

  • To provide rich powerful bass we 've built ports into the stem that actually work in sympathy with the speaker .

    为了展现浑厚的低音,我们在耳机柄部也设有气孔,实际 作用 扬声器产生共鸣。

  • You easily work in tandem with others .

    你易于 别人 合作

  • Wealthy women donors therefore will be more likely to work in partnership with charities rather than dictating terms .

    因此,富有的女性捐款者更有可能 慈善机构 合作,而对慈善机构发号施令。

  • We encourage the Fund to examine these issues as part of its bilateral and multilateral surveillance and to work in collaboration with other international institutions .

    我们鼓励基金组织在双边和多边监督中分析这些问题并 其他国际机构 开展合作。

  • As with most playwrights in his period it was not unusual for Shakespeare to work in partnership with other writers .

    和他那个时期的大多数作家一样,莎士比亚 其他作家一起写作是很稀松平常的

  • Business rules architects work in conjunction with business owners and IT personnel to build a holistic view of an organization 's business rules strategy .

    业务规则架构师 业务所有者和IT人员 协作以构建组织业务规则策略的整体视图。

  • When you modify this sample for your own use remember that the XSL provided is configured to work in conjunction with the event already configured in the sample project .

    修改此示例供自己使用时,请记住所提供的XSL配置为与示例项目中已配置的事件一起 使用

  • To conduct its work in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols .

    依照日内瓦公约及其附加议定书的有关规定开展 工作

  • In this case the client side team can work in parallel with the server side development team .

    在这种情况下,客户机端小组可以 服务器端开发小组并行 工作

  • Erskine will work in partnership with Their Past Your Future ( TPYF ) project a partnership of the Imperial War Museum the Museums Libraries and Archives England .

    爱尔兰博物馆委员会、威尔士国家图书馆以及苏格兰博物馆委员会合作, 帮助学生进一步了解战争史。

  • Many of the other approaches discussed thus far work in conjunction with an SOA approach to integration and application design .

    到目前为止讨论的其他方法都能够 SOA方法一起 工作,帮助处理集成和应用程序设计。

  • The Washington Teachers Union says IMPACT unfairly hurts teachers who work in schools with high rates of poverty .

    华盛顿教师工会表示IMPACT对那些 贫苦率高的学校 工作的教师不公平。

  • The BRC believe with this change there is a commitment to continue to work in partnership with other sectors of the Food Industry to promote best practice and consumer safety .

    BRC信任这种变化,但需要有一个承诺就是 继续 食品工业的其他的部门进行合作来促进最佳的实践和顾客安全。

  • The techniques discussed here also work in combination with those we 've discussed previously .

    这里讨论到的技术也 可以 我们先前讨论的那些技术结合到一起使用。

  • The UN inspectors work hand in glove with the Western intelligence agencies .

    联合国观察员 西方情报机构之间密切 合作

  • Faced with the sudden outbreak of influenza A ( H1N1 ) we carried out scientific and orderly prevention and control work in accordance with the law and thereby effectively protected people 's lives and maintained normal order in society .

    面对突如其来的甲型HlN1流感疫情,我们 依法科学有序地开展防控 工作,有效保障了人民群众生命安全,维护了社会正常秩序。

  • Teams can then work in parallel with each other synchronized by the Scrum Master through Scrum meetings .

    分组后各个子团队就可以并行 工作了,而且Scrum管理者可以通过Scrum会议对各个子团队的工作进行同步。

  • You need to know how to work in a team with other people .

    你需要知道怎样 其他人一起团队 工作

  • Ensure that messaging applications are designed to work in parallel with each other and with multiple instances of applications .

    确保将消息应用程序设计为彼此并行 工作,并且应用程序的多个实例也并行 工作

  • It is not designed to provide analysis of the source of the problem though it is designed to work in conjunction with offline analysis tools including MDD4J .

    尽管将它设计为 脱机分析工具(包括 MDD4J)结合使用,但它不是为分析问题的根源而设计的。

  • Red Cross Societies at all levels shall participate in and promote the blood donation work in accordance with law .

    各级红十字会 依法参与、推动献血 工作

  • Engineers can check in and check out team assets see what activities have been assigned to them and easily work in parallel with other team members .

    工程师通过检入(checkin)和检出(checkout)清楚地看到他们曾经执行的工作,并且可以轻松地 其他团队成员并行 工作

  • For example tamsulosin ( flomax ) or alfuzosin-blockers that work well in combination with other anti-hypertensive medications .

    例如,坦索罗辛和 阿夫唑嗪 其他的降压药物搭配使用,效果一直不错。

  • A Channel class must work in conjunction with the Selector class to achieve nonblocking I / O.

    要实现非阻塞I/O,Channel类必须 Selector类配合进行 工作

  • LoadTests work in cooperation with timers and create an artificial load on a particular test case by running it a desired number of times separated by the configured timer .

    LoadTest 计时器一起 运行,它通过运行所需的次数(时间间隔由配置的计时器控制),在一个特定的测试用例上创建一个人工负载。

  • Hosts work in concert with VLAN switches to virtualize the physical network .

    主机 VLAN交换机一起 运作,进行物理网络虚拟化。

  • The Washington Post reported that most of the teachers with the highest rating work in schools with lower poverty rates .

    《华盛顿邮报》报道说,大部分获得最高评级的教师都 贫困率 低的学校 工作

  • Strengthen the procuratorial work in dealing with economic crimes

    加强 经济犯罪的检察 工作