work disturbance

[wɚk dɪˈstɚbəns][wə:k disˈtə:bəns]

[法] 制造动乱

  • In a numerical model especially set up in the work that includes disturbance and basic flows the interactions between disturbances and symmetric instability are discussed comprehensively .

    通过建立包含 扰动和基流方程组的数值模式,全面讨论了扰动与对称不稳定纬向基流的相互作用。

  • This work introduces a kind of design method of nonlinear H ∞ control and discusses its performance of disturbance attenuation .

    本文提出了一种基于微分几何反馈线性化理论的非线性H∞控制设计方法,并对这种方法的 干扰抑制性能给予了讨论。

  • The simulation results prove that the three-phase phase-locked loop can work well in disturbance situation and variable frequency system when the frequency of the inputs is variable .

    并对相位突变和频率 突变的情况进行了仿真研究,说明在相位和频率发生变动时三相锁相环仍能 有效地锁定 相位,能够满足系统变频的要求。

  • In practical systems the factors including measure error change of input condition abnormal work of sensor and actuator and external disturbance bring about the appearance of uncertainties .

    在实际系统中,由于测量误差、输入条件的变化、传感器等部件非正常 工作及来自外界的 干扰均会引起不确定性的出现。

  • Compared with traditional geometrical meth-ods our methods work efficiently and conveniently as well as exclude disturbance such as thermal noises illumination variation marks and stains .

    相比于传统的几何校正的方法,本文的算法 更加有效率,更加方便,同时可以去除例如热噪声、光照变化引起的阴影、人工标注以及污点所带来的十

  • We can work here without disturbance .

    我们在这儿 工作可不 干扰

  • According to the polarization situation of the coming wave the best work region of the polarization corrector can be selected for improving the best axial ratio and decreasing the residual depolarization disturbance .

    据此,可以根据来波的极化性态正确选择校正器的 工作范围,以提高校正器本身的最佳轴比性能,并降低残余 干扰

  • So to select a reasonable work season and construction method and to adopt some compulsory engineering techniques are necessary for reducing heat disturbance in the permafrost regions .

    因此,选择合理的 施工季节、施工方法和采取必要的施工措施,是减少施工对多年冻土热 扰动的必要措施。

  • Field experiments and laboratorial work were carried out to understand the nutrient cycling patterns in tussah - feeding oak plantation and the effect of disturbance on nutrient equilibrium .

    本文通过田间实验与测试揭示了柞蚕林养分循环状态和 干扰 因素对养分平衡的影响。

  • In this paper the research work on the effect of sampling disturbed soil is summarized . The evaluation index system of sampling disturbed soil is established in order to evaluate the disturbance extent of soil .

    对土体取样扰动的影响 研究进行了综述,建立了受取样扰动土体特性的评价指标体系,以便对土体取样的 扰动程度进行评价。

  • In the secular frozen earth area of the plateau the foundation of the bridge and culvert should adopt pouring pile and plugging pile . The plugging pile has the advantage of less field work simple construction low heat disturbance and fast thawing of ground temperature field .

    在高原多年冻土地区,桥梁基础可采用灌注桩和插入桩,插入桩具有减少野外 作业量、施工简便、施工热 干扰小、地温场回冻快等优点;

  • This system can save the bidding expenses improve work efficiency avoid human disturbance and reduce waste bidding phenomenon strengthen supervision and promote the management service level .

    此系统实现了节省招标费用、提高 工作效率、避免人为 干扰、减少废标现象、加强监管力度、提升管理服务水平的目的。

  • On the one hand a difficult work of solving Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs inequality is avoided . On the other hand both the disturbance restraint performance and the tracks performance are solved when dissipative inequality and asymptotical stability conditions are met .

    这样,一方面,避免在设计L2控制律时要求解 Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs非线性偏微分不等式的困难;另一方面,使 干扰抑制问题和跟踪问题在满足耗散不等式和渐近稳定的条件下同时得到解决。

  • Due to these uncertain factors all kinds of elements in the modern manufacturing system have to work together better and make quick response to the disturbance either coming from the inside or outside of the system .

    所有这些不确定因素要求现代制造系统内各组成要素能够更好地 配合协作, 动态快速地响应来自制造系统外部和内部的各种 扰动,从而更快更好地完成 任务,达到制造系统运行的整体优化。

  • It introduces the electromagnetic disturbance produced by electric welding machine on the work in detail including harmonic current emission conduction disturbance emission and radiation disturbance emission .

    详细介绍了电焊机产品 工作时产生的电磁骚扰包括:谐波电流发射、传导 骚扰发射和辐射骚扰发射三方面的内容。

  • This research work focuses on the improvement of steady-state harmonic detection method and the transient power quality disturbance detection and location based on wavelet and Hilbert transform and the classification of power quality disturbances based on SVM .

    本文重点研究了稳态谐波检测的改进方法、基于小波、希尔伯特变换的暂态电能质量 扰动检测与定位方法、基于支持向量机的电能质量扰动分类方法。

  • The work mainly includes the following parts : 1 . The UAV linear model is built by small disturbance equation with aerodynamic parameters .

    根据小 扰动方程,结合已知的飞机气动参数建立高空 长航时无人机正常状态下的线性模型。

  • The electronic equipments are becoming more and more complex . Specially the mixture of analog signal and digital signal is more popular ; the work frequency is higher and higher . These factors cause the disturbance between equipments is much worse .

    电子设备日益复杂,特别是模拟电路和数字电路混合的情况日见增多,电路的 工作频率愈来愈高,导致了电路之间的 干扰更加严重。

  • Based on the elementary turbine work done principle the off-design condition characteristics of unit are related in the paper and we mainly discussed the thermal process changes caused by disturbance which affects thermal economy .

    本文着重论述了机组变工况特性,并从火力机组发电原理出发,论述了各种 扰动对机组经济性影响的发电过程。

  • You can work in here without any disturbance .

    在这儿你可不受任何 干扰 工作

  • In order to sample the speed signal of electronic diesel engine in real time and make the engine work reliable the diesel engine control system 's speed acquisition was studied and the problem of speed disturbance was solved .

    为了实时准确地采集电控柴油机的转速信号,以使电控柴油机 正常可靠地 工作,研究了柴油机电控系统的转速采集并解决了 干扰问题。

  • In this work pressure perturbation equations are developed due to the film thickness disturbance and head velocity disturbance respectively .

    为了 研究空气轴承在小扰动下的稳定性, 文章推导 出气膜厚度 扰动和气膜挤压速度小扰动的压强摄动方程。

  • Most systems are nonlinear in industrial process and all work with external disturbance .

    现实世界中的大多数实际系统都是非线性系统,并均是在外界 干扰 作用工作的。

  • The simulation test shows that the new CGPC controller can work satisfactorily in the situation of industrial process control with measurable load disturbance and model mismatching .

    因而能在有可测负荷 扰动和有模型误差的工业过程控制场合下满意地 工作

  • To create some new work combining with the advantages of existing technology we propose an anomaly-based technology based on the abnormal user-behavior which can avoid the similar worm behaviors disturbance and enhance the accuracy rate of worm detection .

    本文 另辟蹊径,结合现有技术的优点,提出了基于异常用户行为的蠕虫检测方式,有效避免了非蠕虫行为 干扰的问题,提高了蠕虫检测的准确率。

  • Full digital control can assure the whole system work with the good performances above flexible function and fine ability to resist the disturbance .

    全数字控制能够使系统获得高精度和高可靠性,而且具有较强的抗 干扰能力和极好的柔性。

  • Electric vehicle using in agricultural as one kind of electric vehicles has some particularity . For its complex work environment vehicle control system needs to have resistance ability to disturbance .

    农用电动车作为电动车的一种又具有一定的特殊性,由于其 工作环境复杂,因此要求车体的控制系统具有一定的 扰动性,使 转矩 控制 平稳

  • The last chapter summarizes the research work of this dissertation and gives an outlook on tracking control and disturbance rejection for time-delay systems .

    总结论文的主要 工作,对时滞系统跟踪和 扰动抑制问题的研究进行了展望。

  • When it holds the system can work stable under both small-signal and large-signal disturbance and the design process is simplified .

    当该判据成立时,系统在大、小信号 扰动下均能稳定 运行,从而使设计过程得以简化。

  • In the real world the ideal linear system does not exist most practical systems are nonlinear systems and all work with external disturbance and time-delay .

    在现实世界中,理想的线性系统是并不存在的,大多数实际系统都是非线性系统,并均是在外界 干扰 和时滞的影响 作用工作的。