tertiary storage

[ˈtə:ʃiˌɛri ˈstɔrɪdʒ][ˈtɜ:ʃi:ˌeri: ˈstɔ:ridʒ]

[电] 第三储存体

  • I / O requests for scheduling in tertiary storage devices such as a tape library are one of the key problems in hierarchical storage systems . Although there are many scheduling algorithms few give a quantitative method to evaluate different algorithms .

    I/O请求的调度是层次 存储研究中的重要问题,目前也有很多的调度算法,但它们之间缺乏定量的分析和对比,使得调度算法的选择缺少可靠的依据。

  • Virtual tertiary storage system RAT with fast response performance

    可快速响应的虚拟 存储系统RAT

  • Tape selection algorithms in tertiary storage


  • The online use of tertiary storage system provides a costly and feasible scheme for massive data management .

    3 存储器的联机使用为海量数据管理提供了一种廉价可行的方案。

  • The cost model and query optimization method of current disk based database management system cant deal with massive data on tertiary storage .

    目前的关系数据库代价模型及查询优化算法无法处理保存在 存储器中的海量数据。

  • For this reason two new Join algorithms of massive relations in relational databases are proposed based on tertiary storage Disk-Based-Hash-Join algorithm and Tertiary-Only-Hash-Join algorithm .

    针对这个问题,提出了两种新的基于 存储器的海量关系数据库连接算法,即Disk-Based-Hash-Join算法和Tertiary-Only-Hash-Join算法。

  • In order to adapt to the extensive VOD system this paper brings up a hierarchical storage structure based on disk array and VCD library analyses a scheduling algorithm called Round-Robin for VCD library as a tertiary storage system .

    为适应大规模VOD系统的要求,提出了基于磁盘阵列和光盘库的层次化存储结构,并分析了 3 光盘 RR节目调度算法。

  • Join Algorithms Based on Tertiary Storage

    基于 存储器的Join算法

  • In order to provide an available method to store massive information this paper discusses random I / O schedule of tertiary device such as tape libraries used in massive storage system .

    为了解决海量信息管理中的数据存储问题,文章讨论了诸如磁带库、光盘库等 存储设备在海量 存储系统中的应用。

  • Multimedia requests schedule policy based on tertiary storage

    基于 存储器的多媒体服务请求调度策略

  • As a result we use hierarchical storage model to off-load the less popular objects to tertiary storage in order to keep costs down .

    考虑到媒体资源 占用 存储空间大,系统采用分级存储技术,以降低数据储存成本。