test word


  • It has open communication and intelligent measurement & control interface ; and it can take self-validate of test results realizes auto select measure word in special environments .

    新型智能仪器仪表系统是融合了计算机、通信和控制技术,具有智能化测控功能和开放的通信接口,能对 测量结果进行自 验证,实现在特定环境条件下 量程的自动选择,自动校准等功能。

  • Besides we applied VBA technology in realizing shifting test paper records automatically into written test paper of a Word document format . All kernel functions of the system are launched by means of ActiveX DLL components of COM technology .

    利用VBA技术,将试卷记录自动转换为 Word文档格式的笔试 。系统的核心功能均以基于COM技术的ActivexDLL组件进行发布。

  • Vocabulary Test : A Word Association Approach

    词汇 测试词语联想法

  • Workers who want to test the job market but don 't want word to get back to their current employers should probably avoid posting their resumes online .

    那些希望在人才市场里 试一试但不希望雇主知道的人最好不要在线发布简历。

  • Methods The methods of clinical memory test word and phrase fluency test word immediate recall and word delayed recall test were used in a three-year follow-up research with 14 patients with MCI and 18 healthy elderly individuals .

    方法采用临床记忆量 、词语流畅性测验、 词语即刻和延迟回忆测验对14名MCI患者和18名正常老年人进行3年随访研究。

  • The elicitation instrument was a guided word association test and a depth of individual word knowledge test .

    本研究调查工具为限制性词汇联想 测试 词汇知识深度测试。

  • Finally the experiment test and the performance analysis of these Word sense disambiguation models are carried on including experimental corpus test description test results comparison and analysis .

    最后,进行 词义消歧模型的实验 测试和性能分析,内容包括实验用语料库、测试说明、实验结果、对比和分析。

  • In test of crossing word segmentation disambiguation correct rate is over 94 % average wrong rate is 25 % lower than that of ICTCLAS system developed by the Institute of Computation in China Academy of Science .

    交集型切分真歧义的消解不但精确率普遍在94%以上,而且平均错误率也比 ICTCLAS系统低25%以上。

  • In fact the Buddha himself asked his followers to test the teaching rather than accept his word as true .

    事实上,佛陀本人也要求他的追随者自己去修行证 他的教法,而不是盲目地接受他的

  • METHODS : 17472 subjects were simultaneously interviewed with continuous addition test word discrimination test and Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory ( MMPI ) by computer .

    方法:用微机对17472名被试同时进行连续加法、 辨析测验及明尼苏达多相人格测验(MMPI) 测验

  • If they had honestly searched the Scriptures bringing their theories to the test of God 's word Jesus need not have wept over their impenitence .

    他们若能诚诚实实查考圣经,用上帝的 检验自己的理论,耶稣就不必为他们的死不悔改而哀哭了;

  • The Research and Implementation of Test Questions Quality Control Basing on the Standardization and Word Errors Checking

    基于规范化和 字词查错技术的 试题质量控制的研究与实现

  • Introduces a practical test system of Word operation for teaching ;

    介绍了一个适合教学使用的 Word 测试系统;

  • Methods The Chinese Voice Mandarin test word list was regarded as the standard of voice definition test for the patients .

    方法利用汉语语音普通话 测试 字表作为对患者语音清晰度的检测标准。

  • Design and Implement of the Template of Test Paper in Word

    试卷模板在 Word中的设计与实现

  • Discourse analysis is a more difficult the ability to test the understanding of a word in the entire article to be placed .

    “语篇分析”是一种比较难的能力 测试,对一个 的理解要放在整篇文章中去。

  • Then the first test is given to the students after the new words are taught immediately and two weeks later the other test is used to have a word test .

    分别在新单词学习结束后和两个星期后对这两个班的学生 进行 词汇认知水平测试。

  • Bulk importing of manual test documentation from Microsoft Word and Excel

    批量导入Microsoft Word和Excel的手工 测试文档

  • How to Utilize VBA to Set Test Paper of Word Document in ASP

    如何利用VBA在ASP中生成 Word文档 试卷

  • She did an early screen test for MGM and the word came back : She 's not photogenic enough for film .

    早期在 米高梅电影公司 试镜时,得到的反馈是“暂不适合从事电影表演。”

  • Then we go on close test and open test that abstract interpretative information automatically to popular word for 2004 and 2005 separately .

    在此基础上,我们经人工标注,建立了流行 释义信息提取的训练语料库,并分别对2004年及2005年的流行 释义信息进行自动提取的封闭测试和开放 测试

  • During the testing phase participants performed both an explicit memory test ( old / new judgment ) and an indirect memory test ( word / non-word judgment ) .

    在测验阶段,让被试进行内隐( /非词判断)和外显(旧/新判断)记忆 测验

  • The corporate image built on the overall rating and impression has to face the hard test what is composed of negative internet word of mouth and internet public opinion .

    建立在大众和消费者总体评价和总体印象的企业形象面临随时可能发生的网络负面 口碑传播与负面舆情的 考验

  • As you can see from the code the test is logically simple : pass in a word ( such as pugnacious ) and then verify that the corresponding Label has the correct definition as its text .

    您可以从代码看到, 测试逻辑非常简单:传入一个 单词(比如pugnacious),然后验证相应的Label文本是否得到正确定义。

  • They are the segmentation effect test word accuracy test test of Onomastics identification word segmentation speed test and resource overhead test .

    它们分别是分词效果 测试分词准确率测试、人名识别和地名识别测试、分词速度测试和资源开销测试。

  • Chinese Stroop color-word was used and undergraduates were selected to perform the color test and word test .

    以中文Stroop色字为刺激,以大学生为被试,要求被试进行颜色 判断 字义判断任务。

  • The following is a short exercise to test if you understand the above confusing word pairs . 2 SY will be awarded to each correct answer and2 WW will be awarded for those who participate .

    这里有一个短练习来 测试一下您对混淆 对的认识。每一个正确的答案都予以两圣元作为奖励。所有参加者都会另外奖励两个威望。

  • Today I went to a workshop of law at school I found out that it is very helpful actually that meant it is a tip for test . I have to use my own word to fix it up .

    今天我来到车间,在校法后,才发觉这是非常有益、实际上这意味着它是 考验的辅导。我用我自己的 文字加以修理。