test pilot


  • Dressed warmly an unnamed NACA test pilot in1928 gets ready for a high-altitude flight from the group 's Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory airfield in Virginia .

    穿着热烈,于1928年1无名的NACA 试飞 得到准备从该集团的兰利航空实验室在纪念弗吉尼亚机场高空飞行。

  • Tests the solution is mainly targeted to individual online bank performance reliability problems and restore the ability to switch the three aspects of the functional characteristics of a test pilot .

    性能测试解决方案主要针对个人网上银行的性能、稳定性、故障切换和恢复能力这三方面的非功能特性进行 测试 验证

  • Nobody wanted to fly the XF-92 NACA test pilot Scott Crossfield said .

    “没有人想要飞翔的XF型-92”的NACA 试飞员斯科特菲尔德说。

  • In the cockpit ahead of a1966 flight is NASA test pilot Milt Thompson .

    在驾驶舱前面的飞行是美国宇航局1966年的 试飞米尔特汤普森

  • Application practice and evaluation of fly test pilot indicate that the design of the flight simulation system is successful and ratio of performance over price is high .

    系统应用实践和 试飞 飞行员的评价表明设计是成功的,是一种性能/价格比高的工程飞行仿真系统。

  • Specialized Training & An Only Successful Way of Test Pilot

    专业化培训& 试飞 成长的必由之路

  • The procedure of lab-scale test and pilot experiment of o-aminochlorobenzene preparation by hydrogen process were introduced .

    介绍了加氢法制备邻氯苯胺 小试、中 的过程。

  • Test pilot John Griffith pokes his head out of an X-1 to chat with ground crew members .

    试飞 约翰格里菲思戳他的头从一个X-1进行交谈与地面机组人员。

  • When fortune caught up with former NASA astronaut Richard searfoss the chief test pilot for Xcor aerospace he was traveling from his Tehachapi California base to a Christmas family gathering in Idaho .

    《财富》杂志联系上美国宇航局(NASA)前宇航员、 XCOR宇航公司(XCORAerospace)现首席 试飞员理查德•希尔福斯时,他正从位于加州德哈查比的家中赶赴爱达荷州的圣诞家庭聚会。

  • According to the purpose determining test pilot programme base on the stress changes in law of the bar calculated measuring points are layout in important bridge structure bars .

    根据 试验的目的确定 试验方案,对桥梁上部结构重要杆件依据计算出的杆件应力变化规律布置测点。

  • The conveyor belt has passed the flame test and static test pilot and received certificate of coal safety signs and customer recognition .

    该输送带已通过阻燃测试及静电 测试试验,并获得了合格证煤安标志及客户认可。

  • It describes and summarizes some important research work of the variable stability aircraft in the FBW flight test primarily expatiating on the flight tests of PIO HAOA ASE and test pilot training .

    概括和总结了中国飞行试验研究院利用变稳飞机在电传飞机飞行试验中所完成的研究工作及其重要意义;针对电传操纵,重点描述了对PIO的飞行试验研究以及 试飞 培训等。

  • METHODS : According to the experience of many years at aerial nurse and technology function of different helicopters research the perceptivity divide of the attention feeling volition and tire of the test pilot .

    方法:通过多年的航卫工作实践经验,根据不同型号飞机的技术性能要求,对试飞员感知能力,注意分配、性格、情绪、意志和疲劳 进行 调研

  • She was an Air Force test pilot who saw combat in Desert Storm .

    她是目睹了沙漠风暴战斗的空军 试飞

  • The stability of freeze-drying liposomes was inspected including the impact of factors testing accelerated stability test pilot and long-term stability .

    对冷冻干燥的脂质体进行稳定性考察,包括影响因素试验,加速稳定性 试验以及长期稳定性 试验

  • From the speeding shuttle Rick Husband Air Force test pilot religious good family man always wanted to be an astronaut began to answer the communicator .

    此时在高速飞行的航天飞机上,里克·哈兹班德空军 试飞 ,虔诚的教徒,顾家的好男人,一直都想成为宇航员开始回应联络员。

  • In those earliest days of powered flight when so much had yet to be proven about aircraft technology and handling almost any pilot was a test pilot of sorts .

    在动力飞行,那些最早的日子,这么多尚未被证明是对飞机的技术和处理,几乎所有的驾驶员是各种各样的 试飞

  • Finally when we finished process of parts and assemble of new style internal compression engines we should test pilot engines to validate effect of key parameter of new style organ to the performance of the whole machine and discover its improved mechanism .

    最后我们完成零件的加工和新型内燃机的装配,然后对 试验机进行 试验,以验证新型机构关键参数对整机性能的影响并探索其性能提高的机理。

  • Mr. Armstrong flew 78 missions as a Navy combat pilot in the Korean War and later gained prominence as a civilian government test pilot .

    朝鲜战争期间,阿姆斯特朗作为海军战斗机飞行员执行过78次飞行任务。后来,他在担任政府民航 试飞员时脱颍而出。

  • This article introduces the laboratory test pilot production and field experiment of viscosity-reducer CT3-11 .

    本文叙述了降粘剂CT3-11的室内 研究、中 生产及现场试验内容。

  • Clearly that flight made a test pilot at least for the day of Lt.

    显然,这是在飞行至少一天一 试飞 ,少校。

  • Official graduate experimental test pilot school ;

    官方实验 试飞 学校毕业;

  • He saved it in all kinds of difficult and perilous ways . the risks incident to the life of a test pilot

    他尝试着历尽各种艰险救古德森一命。 试飞 免不了要冒的生命危险

  • Group ⅰ and test pilot ⅱ group weaned piglets in the serum urea nitrogen indicators there was no significant difference ( P 0.05 ) .

    试验Ⅰ组和 试验Ⅱ组断奶仔猪血清中的尿素氮指标差异不显著(P0.05)。

  • Methods Identification of bacterial culture and sensitivity test pilot plate were taken .

    方法采用细菌培养鉴定及药敏 试验试验

  • A daredevil test pilot having the right stuff .

    由特殊材料做成的鲁莽的 试飞

  • Being a test pilot is an inherently very risky business .

    作为一个 试飞 是一个内在非常危险的。

  • The Ideas and Technical System of National Integrated Monitoring for Forest Resources and Ecological Conditions & A test pilot in Guangdong Province in 2007

    国家森林资源与生态状况综合监测理念及其技术体系&以2007年广东省 试点

  • Adam Gibson acted by Arnold Schwarzenegger is an ordinary old-fashioned family man working as a test pilot .

    由施瓦辛格扮演的亚当·吉布森是一个平凡而守旧的 直升机 飞行员