test zone


  • According to Plane Wave Spectrum ( PWS ) theory distribution of extraneous waves in angular domain will be obtained by making inverse Fourier transform to test zone field which provides the guidance for eliminating them .

    根据平面波谱理论,对 空间场做反傅里叶变换,可以在角度域反演出干扰波分布规律,从而为排除干扰源提供理论依据。

  • Based on establishing different irrigation treatments in test zone this paper researches on the water consumption regularity and lawn growing situation of three kinds of grasses under different treatments and according to this determines the optimum interval time of irrigation of three kinds of grasses .

    试验 小区设置了不同的灌溉处理,研究了3种草在不同处理时的耗水规律和草坪生长状况,据此确定了这3种草最佳的灌溉间隔时间。

  • Research and Test of a Softened Zone on the Grinding Surface of Bearing Receway

    轴承滚道磨削表面软化 的研究和 试验

  • There was statistical increase in RMS after surgery ( P < 0.01 ) when ablation zone was less than test zone of cornea .

    角膜切除 直径小于 测量直径时,术后RMS的增大有非常显著性(P<0.01)。

  • The weldability of 800 MPa high strength steel has been studied with 20 mm and 42 mm thickness plates by the maximum hardness test of heat-affected zone Y slit cracking test and the test of weld energy input etc.

    采用热影响 最高硬度 试验、斜Y型坡口裂纹试验及焊接线能量的测试等手段研究了板厚分别为20mm及42mm的800MPa高强钢的焊接性。

  • Full scale model test on anchorage zone of the Second Yangtze River Bridge at Nanjing

    南京长江二桥南汊桥索梁 锚固足尺模型 试验研究

  • Development of Soil Core Sampling Techniques for Nuclide Migration Tracer Test in an Aerated Zone

    包气 核素迁移示踪 试验的土芯取样技术

  • By choosing particular course and data processing this method is suitable for flying test on the far zone of instrument landing system and can be used for making a statistical analysis to the flight test result .

    从理论上分析表明,通过选择特殊的 检验航线及数据处理方式,此方法可适合于对仪表着陆系统远 进行 检验,且可对检验结果进行统计分析。

  • We make a full-scale model test of anchorage zone . Experiment and FEM analysis show that : the anti-crack safety coefficient is 1.3 and crack opening safety coefficient is 1.6 so the structure is demonstrated safety .

    进行了 塔柱节段足尺模型 试验,试验与有限元分析结果表明:塔柱节 足尺模型开裂安全系数为1.3,裂缝宽度安全系数为1.6,塔柱的设计方案是安全的。

  • The type of shear connectors selection test and full-scale model test for the anchorage zone segment of Jintang Bridge which is under-construction were the project background .

    本文以在建中的金塘大桥的索塔锚固 剪力键选型试验和节段足尺模型 试验为项目背景。

  • A new train of thoughts of launching true triaxial test for deep zone rock mechanics is put forward so as to more true acquire the related mechanics parameters ;

    提出了开展 深层岩石力学真三轴 实验以便更真实地获取相关力学参数的新思路。

  • Official spraying spraying test of a construction zone ( above ) the fire department pertaining to quality supervision station after passing another large-scale operations .

    正式喷涂前, 应试喷一建筑 (段),经消防部门、质监站核验合格后,再大面积作业。

  • Monitoring Analysis on Soft Soil Ground Treatment at Test Zone of a Road Engineering in Zhuhai City

    珠海某道路工程软基处理 试验 监测分析

  • The practical application effects indicate that this idea can improve the utilization of test zone reduce energy consumption optimize allocation of testing personnel and equipment and boost test efficiency .

    实际应用效果表明,将网络化思想融入空调性能测试装置的设计,能够提高 试验 空间利用率,节省水、电、气等能源,优化试验人员和试验设备的配置,提高空调测试效率。

  • Development of China EV Field Test Demonstration Zone Data Processing System

    国家电动汽车 运行 试验示范 数据管理系统的开发

  • A discussion is given to settlement control measures and treatment of collapsible loess ground and its effect and the relationship between bearing capacity of subgrade and settlement take example for test zone of some passenger line construction .

    以某一铁路客运专线 试验 工程为例,对湿陷性黄土地基处理方法与效果、复合地基承载力与沉降分析计算、控制路基沉降措施等方面进行了探讨,供同行参考。

  • A Prime Analysis of COS Test Zone of Chrysler

    浅谈克莱斯勒公司COS 试验

  • It is required in the design that aquifer medium and flow field were essentially not disturbed when frame was inserted into test zone .

    设计要求该框架在其插入 实验 区时基本不扰动含水介质,也不扰动地下水流场。

  • Application of numeral simulation in Liulin test zone of coal-bed gas

    数值模拟技术在柳林煤层气 试验 的应用

  • The weldability of SA-335P92 steel applied in ultra-supercritical ( USC ) boiler has been researched by slit cracking test and synthetic heat-affected zone test .

    通过铁研 试验及热模拟试验等对超超临界锅炉用 SA-335P92钢的焊接性进行了研究。

  • V-and ribbed belt & Dynamic test to determine Pitch zone location dynamic process inventory determination

    GB/T15828-1995V 和多楔带传动节线位置的动态 测定动态过程投料量测定

  • Research and Application on Synthetic Test Platform of Pollution Zone in Rectangle Flume

    矩形水槽污染 综合 实验台研制及应用

  • In this research an accurate 3D geological model is established for the investigation of low cost tertiary recovery through the reservoir description of the pilot test zone .

    该研究通过开展 试验 油藏描述研究,为低成本三次采油技术研究建立了可靠三维地质模型;

  • Hydraulic simulated test of transitional zone of dipper teeth for bimetal composite cast

    双金属液复合铸造斗齿的过渡 水力模拟 试验

  • Some Thoughts on Test Zone of Coordi-nated Reform

    对我国综合配套改革 试验 的若干思考

  • Built a test platform for dead zone nonlinear . Experimental study the characteristics of the dead zone nonlinear in the 2D digital servo valve and flutter compensation .

    搭建了 死区非线性 实验平台,对2D数字伺服阀的死区非线性以及其颤振补偿进行了实验的研究。

  • V-and ribbed belt drives Dynamic test to determine pitch zone location Part 1 : V-belts

    GB/T17516.1-1998V带和多楔带传动测定节 位置的动态 试验方法第1部分:V带

  • Displacement test of deep zone and low permeability reservoir in Pucheng Oilfield

    濮城油田 深层低渗透储层驱替特征 实验