test report


  • All test results by computer automatic recording and automatic forming test curve and test report .

    所有测试结果由计算机自动记录,并自动形成测试曲线及 测试 报告

  • The test report release by SGS .

    以下是由SGS出具的 测试 报告

  • He made his determination after he read the test report .

    他在看了 化验 报告后下了结论。

  • This is my test report .

    这是我的 测试 报告

  • Supervise the inspection implement of every process make up the test report and inspection report .

    监督各工序质量检验的执行情况,编写西汉品出厂 试验、检验报告。

  • The test report of this certification is responsible only for the sample provided by the applicant .

    报告 鉴定结论仅对客户所送样品负责。

  • You can do this by checking the average response time of all the commands in our test report .

    您可以通过检查我们的 测试 报告中的所有命令的平均响应时间,来完成这一工作。

  • A qualified pathologist writes a test report based on the prepared test results .

    由具备相应资格的病理学专家根据测试结果编写 测试 报告

  • Performance test report in triplicate issued by the Quality Inspection Department in the manufacturers ' companies .

    生产厂家质量检验部门签发的质量检验性能 测试 报告一式三份。

  • When shall I see the doping test report ?

    我什么时候能够看兴奋剂 检查 报告

  • To check whether the mobile test ran successfully open the test report .

    要检查移动测试是否运行成功,请打开 测试 报告

  • NDT test report of site assembly .

    现场装备的无损探伤 检验 报告

  • Tester will subject to the clients ' requirements test any sample offered by them issue the test report .

    承检方根据委托方要求对委托方提供的样品进行检测,出具 检测 报告

  • When was the no-voltage protection test carried out ? It there any test report .

    失压保护试验是什么时候进行的,有 试验 报告吗?

  • Product specs test report for all the batches to accompany original documents .

    所有批次产品的规格 测试 报告随附正本单据。

  • B : Let me have a look over the test report .

    把商品 检验 报告给我看一下。

  • Figure 4 shows the throughput chart in the stress test report .

    图4显示了压力 测试 报告中的吞吐量图表。

  • Paint material must have a product certificate and inspection test report and used within the validity period .

    油漆材料必须有产品合格证及商检 测试 报告,并在有效期内使用。

  • After completing the system test report the COE initiates NFR testing .

    完成系统 测试 报告以后,COE将发起NFR测试。

  • To finish test report professionally ;

    专业地完成 测试 报告