tertiary base

[ˈtə:ʃiˌɛri bes][ˈtɜ:ʃi:ˌeri: beis]

[化] 叔碱

  • The industrial structure rationalization standard is that tertiary industries unisonous developing industrial can sufficiently absorb occupied population on the base of vanguard technology factors productivity of industry continuously rising and informationization effectively driving industrialization .

    在新型工业化这个目标下,中国产业结构合理化的标准是各 产业比例协调发展、产业能够吸收和有效 利用先进技术并吸收较多的就业人口、要素生产利用效率不断提高以及信息化有效带动工业化。

  • Tertiary Mannich base was obtained by the reaction of secondary amine and tetracycline in t - butanol .

    四环素在叔丁醇中与仲胺反应,生成 Mannich

  • However those contents out of the frame often get neglected such as agriculture tertiary industry ( including education ) and those cities base on tertiary industry .

    框架之外的内容往往受到忽视,例如农业、 产业(包括教育)以及以第三产业为经济 支柱的城市都很少得到报道。

  • If the pregnant women themselves or their families look forward to strong demand treatment should be in selected tertiary hospitals and base on the maternal-fetal status a multi-disciplinary consultation should be organized .

    若其自身或家属强烈要求期待治疗,应选择有条件的 医院,并 根据母胎状况组织多学科会诊。