thermal collapse

[ˈθɚməl kəˈlæps][ˈθə:məl kəˈlæps]


  • The injury effects of blast waves thermal radiation and the collapse of buildings produced by explosive explosion accidents

    炸药爆炸事故冲击波、 辐射和房屋 倒塌的伤害效应

  • The volcanic rocks formed in a tectonic environment of deep thermal collapse eruption in the Early-Mid Permian late-orogenic phase .

    构造环境为早中二叠世造山后期深部 热力 塌陷火山喷发环境。

  • Construction technology of outer thermal insulation for external wall of multistory masonry concrete buildings Collapse resistant design of multistory masonry concrete buildings in basic seismic intensity VII area

    多层砖混住宅外墙外 保温施工技术7度区多层砖混结构的抗 倒塌设计

  • By means of the measurement of the thermal red shift of the spectrum and the observation of the aftereffect of a relatively stronger rf field the mechanism of the collapse effect was investigated .

    通过谱线 红移的测量,确定样品在射频场中 发生 崩塌时的 温度远低于居里温度,说明 崩塌效应并不是射频场的 效应所可能引起的铁磁&顺磁 转变

  • When worked with the big impact load the intense friction fierce heating and cooling cycle alternately which caused the thermal load often appears cracks the collapse wears failure modes .

    工作时承受较大的冲击载荷,强烈的摩擦,剧烈的冷热交替循环引起的 力,常出现崩裂、 塌陷、磨损、龟裂等失效形式。