theory of analogy

[ˈθiəri ʌv əˈnælədʒi][ˈθiəri ɔv əˈnælədʒi]


  • Analytical mechanics method of a super thin elastic rod statics as a DNA model based on the theory of Kirchhoff 's kinetic analogy was fully studied .

    作为DNA的力学模型,依据Kirchhoff动力学 比拟 思想建立的弹性细杆的分析力学方法已从静力学深入到动力学。

  • In the view of a system the external excitation spectrum of power train for loaders is presented and the hypothesis of analogy between non-dimensional external excitation spectrum and external excitation according with analogue theory of analogy is introduced .

    基于系统的观点,提出装载机动力系的外界激励谱;根据相似 原理,提出无因次外界激励谱和外界激励 相似假设;

  • In this piper we explore a theory of relativity for mass With high-velocity rotation by analogy .

    本文从两条基本假设出发,通过 类比 方法,对高速转动物体的相对论 理论 了较为全面的探讨。

  • Based on the structure and the electromagnetic characteristic of TBCs the theory model of TBCs is built analogy experiment is performed and then the factor influencing the measurement of thickness is analyzed .

    根据TBCs结构特点及材料的电磁特性.建立了TBCs 理论模型,进行了 模拟试验,分析了影响厚度测量的影响因素。

  • Abstract w_124 This article expounds how to use the theory of analogy a new theory in the research of thinking to compile the dictionary of words recognition .

    论述了作者如何 用思维科学研究中的新理论 & 相似 指导编写《认读通典》。

  • The theory and solution of the lever analogy are systematically given and the method is generalized to become a common one of dynamic analysis for planetary transmission .

    系统地给出了杠杆 模拟 理论和应用方法,并将该方法推广成为行星式变速器动力学分析的通用方法。

  • Research on the Convergence Theory and Homomorphism Theory of Associate Analogy Space

    联想 类比空间收敛理论及同态 理论研究

  • The whole ultrasonic vibration system is taken as a researchful object and the admittance circle aided by computer is measured according to the theory of force-electricity analogy .

    以整个超声振动系统为研究对象,根据力电 类比 原理,利用计算机辅助测量导纳圆。

  • For the moment the laneway support theory is not very mature so in practice we still employ the methods of analogy based on wall rock classification theoretical analytical method locale inspect and control and special geological parse .

    目前,由于井巷支护的设计 理论还不成熟,故工程实际中广泛使用的是以围岩分类为基础 工程 类比法、理论分析法、现场监控法以及特定地质条件下的解析法。

  • According to Putnam the theory of Turing machine acts as a proper analogy for us to understand the mind of human beings .

    普特南认为:图灵机的 理论模型给我们理解人类的心灵提供了一个很好的 比拟物。

  • Using the theory of analogy paralleling filtration type of harmonic detecting equipment the thesis constructs a new harmonic detecting method based on WNN .

    利用 模拟并行滤波式谐波测量装置的 基本 原理,构造基于小波神经网络的谐波检测方法。

  • First according to the theory of electricity-force-acoustic analogy admittance circles in different load cases were measured by using admittance analyzing apparatus .

    首先,根据电-力-声 类比 原理,采用高精度的阻抗分析仪,测量超声振动系统在不同工况下的导纳圆。

  • With the harmonious coexistence with nature as the final ideal theory of analogy education is a new theory of education with national features . As a dynamic developmental theory of education based on the theory of analogy it is a product of thinking science and brain science .

    相似教育 是以与大自然的和谐共生为理想的具有民族特色的教育教学新论,是建立在相似 理论基础上的动态的、发展性教育观,它是思维科学和脑科学的产物。

  • Analog regression method is suggested in this paper based on the theory of digital analogy in order to solve the curve fitting of the pipe cost .

    本文基于数值 模拟 原理,运用模拟相关分析方法解决了管线造价的曲线拟合问题。

  • In the theory the rationality of single subject research is demonstrated by single coexistent analogy plausible reasoning and falsification .

    理论层面,借用简单共存 类比、合情推理与证伪 思想论证了单一被试实验设计的合理性。

  • The author analogized and studied flow phenomenon with the same law in the flow field through studying relatively mature theory of elecric field and using experiment method and used analogy method of experiment to have tested the questions of flow field in this paper .

    本文用研究比较成熟电场 理论和实验方法来类比研究具有同一规律的流场中的现象,用 类比实验方法验证流场问题。

  • The Kirchhoff theory of analogy between the statics of a thin elastic rod and the dynamics of a rigid body about a fixed point is described in this paper .

    概述弹性杆静力学与刚体动力学之间 相似性的Kirchhoff 理论.这些概念和理论为不确定性信息 理论奠定了基础。

  • One dimensional unsteady problem with 1st kind of boundary condition was solved by using the order of magnitude analysis and theory of analogy .

    运用数量级分析和 相似 原理 第一类边界条件下不稳态导热问题进行了求解,并从5个方面 分析层与边界层的 类似性。

  • The paper explains the important meaning of electrician 's basic course theory teaching and analyses the function of comparison analogy in theory teaching . Also it points out the value and meaning tof this teaching method to the course teaching .

    阐述了电工基础课 理论教学的重要意义,分析了在理论教学中 运用比喻法、 类比 作用,指出了运用此教学方法对该课程教学的价值与意义。

  • Through reviewing on the nature of human cognition module theory is about human cognition and psychological structure with the basis of the analogy between human brain and computer . J · A · Fodor is the first philosopher who posed module theory .

    模块 理论是在 类比人脑与计算机的基础上,通过考察人的认识特性,提出的关于认知机制,心理结构的理论。

  • The theory analysis of analogy loading and efficiency test of high slip motor for driving of beam - pump unit are completed .

    完成了抽油机工况下动态载荷的 模拟加载的 理论分析及高转差电机的测试。

  • Noise prediction of submerged free jet based on theory of acoustic analogy

    基于声 模拟 理论的水下自由射流场噪声预报

  • Then with the guiding theory of the static-geometric analogy a new methodology of thin shell element is presented . context is given and static ;

    平面弹性和板弯曲的 相似性是壳体静力几何比拟的特例,所以在总的意义下本文就是研究基于板壳静力几何 比拟 理论 新型板壳单元列式。语境是事先存在的、静态的;

  • The traditional cognition insists prohibition of analogy . On the other side the type theory believe that the understanding of legal norms is a process of analogy .

    传统认识认为只要是类推就要禁止,类型 理论则认为对于法律规范的理解本身就是一个 类推的过程。

  • Creating MIS forms on the basis of the theory of multi-source analogy reasoning

    基于多源 类比的MIS表格生成

  • Research on the Theory of Qualitative Modeling of Structure and Its Application in Mechanical Product Analogy Design

    结构定性建模 理论及其在机械产品 类比设计中的应用研究

  • This paper develops the theory of viscoelastic analogy and uses the theory for transient wave propagation normal to the layering direction of a semi-infinite composite with three layers as a period .

    本文发展了粘弹 比拟 理论,并将之用于求解半无限空间三层复合材料在垂直层合方向传播的瞬态波问题。


    压力机双框架静不定结构 理论计算与有限元模拟 分析法推广用于解任意多次静不定结构

  • Using the theory of Lyapunov asymptotic stability the chaos self synchronization of Lorenz system and analogy Lorenz system are easily realized .

    利用李雅普诺夫渐近稳定性 定理,很方便地实现了洛沦滋和 洛沦滋系统的混沌自同步。

  • Integrating practice and theory of physics teaching the essay put foward that applying the method of analogy could the students have a better understanding of some physical concepts laws and phenomena .

    结合物理教学实践和相应的教学 理论,针对学生的一些物理概念、物理规律难以理解的现象,在教学中应用 类比方法,使学生能够较好地掌握这些物理知识。