theory of game

[ˈθiəri ʌv ɡem][ˈθiəri ɔv ɡeim]


  • Post-modernism promotes the modern philosophy transformation to some extent in the thinking patterns of modernity query deconstruction genealogy the theory of language game .

    后现代主义以质疑现代性、解构法、谱系学、语言 游戏 等思维方式,在一定程度上促使了当代哲学的转换;

  • Then it analyses the mechanism of reputation with the theory of one-time game and repeated game .

    其次运用一次 博弈和重复博弈剖析了企业声誉机制生成的 机理

  • Pre-examine the Theory of Game on the Modern Context

    对现代语境下的 游戏 理论再审视

  • For helping to understand deeply the impact of China 's entering WTO on its domestic market this paper applied the theory of game and differential technology to analyze the social effects of trade policies ' adjustment and horizontal mergers under different trade modes in open economy environment .

    为了深入了解我国加入WTO对国内市场的冲击,在开放经济环境中利用对 策论和微分技术手段,分析了贸易政策的调整和在不同贸易模式下的横向兼并对多方经济利益的影响。

  • Game and Art & Schiller 'S theory of game impulse and its rational core historical confinement and cultural significance

    游戏与艺术& 席勒 游戏冲动 的合理内核、历史局限与文化意义

  • Studies of Investment Decisions Based on the Theory of Options and the Game Theory & The Investment Management under Uncertainty

    基于期权 理论 博弈论的投资决策方法研究&不确定环境下的投资管理

  • Using the signaling theory under unsymmetric information of game theory and information economy a multidimensional signaling model of the strategic choice was erected .

    运用 博弈论及信息经济学中非对称信息下的信号博弈 理论,建立了一个企业多元化战略选择的多维信号博弈模型。

  • Therefore by using theory of game we will analyse credit activities in two situations : having complete and perfect information and having complete but imperfect information respectively according to whether the information is symmetrical of not .

    为此,利用 博弈 理论,根据信息是否对称,分析完全且完美信息和完全但不完美信息两种情况的信贷行为。

  • It is a great philosophical book that explains the theory of game using a philosophical language and an advanced economics book that sparkles with the supreme wisdom of philosophy .

    它是一部以哲学语言诠释 博弈 理论的哲学专著,也是一部渗透着哲学智慧的神奇光彩的经济学高级学术著作。

  • This paper analyzes the hot phenomenon of the shortage of countryside labor currently using the theory of dynamic game of incomplete information to build an ex_goals optimistic mathematical model about the information asymmetry between countryside labor and employer .

    从博弈论的角度分析当前比较热门的民工荒现象,利用不完全信息 博弈 理论建立民工与雇主之间信息不对称的多目标优化数学模型。

  • The main character of the model is to apply complementary principle to analyze FDI by integrating the Comparative Advantage of the classic economic and the Theory of Factor Endowment on the base of the theory of coordination game .

    本文的合作型FDI模型的最主要特征是在借鉴协调 博弈 理论的基础上,结合古典经济学的比较优势理论和赫克歇尔&俄林的要素禀赋理论,将协调 博弈的互补性原理应用于FDI分析。

  • Using the Theory of Game as a basic tool by the deep analysis of each game 's process and strategic choice we find out various kinds of situations even dilemmas and put forward relative guiding countermeasures .

    博弈 作为基本分析工具,深入探究各自的博弈过程与博弈策略,推导出可能出现的各种博弈局面甚至是博弈困境,提出相应的引导性对策。

  • This paper aims to make a research on the establishment of enterprise dynamic competitive strategy based on the theory of differential game .

    基于微分 博弈 理论,研究了企业如何进行动态竞争战略的制定。

  • The multi-agent Matchmaking tradeoff model based on the theory of information economic game and the AI 's multi-agent is the very important model of the Internet EC in the future .

    基于信息经济学 理论博弈 理论以及人工智能 多主体 理论所建立的多主体撮合交易模型,是因特网中未来电子商务极其重要的交易模型。

  • This academic and institutional basis of pluralistic supply of public goods are derived from the classification theory of social structure in sociology the theory of supply and demand in economics and the theory of cooperative game .

    公共物品多元供给的理论依据是社会学的社会结构三部门划分理论、经济学的供给与需求理论和合作 博弈理论。这些 概念 理论为不 确定性信息 理论奠定了基础。

  • The theory of game was first created as a mathematical theory .

    博弈 最初是作为一种数学理论被提出来的。

  • Using the Theory of Lemon Market and Game Theory the authors analyzes the tourism market in China and argues that the information asymmetry and one-time game playing which derive from the characteristics of the market are the main environmental causes of deceit .

    运用信息经济学的柠檬市场 理论 博弈论分析了中国旅游市场的特点,指出旅游市场的信息不对称性给旅游欺诈创造可乘之机,而大量存在的一次博弈机会则增强了博弈参与者的机会主义动机。

  • This paper applies the theory of game and differential technology to analyse a general equilibrium in the market of homogeneous products .

    本文利用对 策论和微分技术对国内同质产品市场均衡进行了分析。

  • In this thesis we apply non-cooperative game multiple - complete information dynamic game and commitment-agency theory of information game theory to establishment the incentive mechanism of enterprise R & D .

    本文就是利用 博弈论中的非合作博弈、多阶段完全信息动态博弈以及信息 博弈 中的委托代理 理论,构建了一个博弈框架来对企业RD激励因素进行分析并提出了相应的对策。

  • Post-modernism emphasizes replacing the correspondence theory of truth by language game and holds that truth is based on community and there is no objective truth except subjective and relative truths .

    后现代主义主张用语言 游戏来代替符合 ,认为真理是以共同体为基础的,没有客观真理,只有主观真理和相对真理。

  • Under the hypothesis that security returns have bounded uncertainty considering transaction costs based on the theory of differential game a optimal consumption and investment decision problem in financial market is studied .

    在假设证券收益存在有界不确定干扰和考虑交易费用的情况下,基于微分 对策 理论研究了最差情况下的最优消费和投资策略问题。

  • So it is necessary to use the theory of options and the game theory in the evaluation of investment projects .

    因此对于企业来说,将期权 理论 博弈论引入投资评价方法中可以有效地避免投资决策中的失误。

  • Last but not the least the innovation is making use of theory of transaction cost and game theory in this analysis .

    将交易成本 理论 博弈论的方法贯穿于民间金融的研究中。

  • On the flow of university teaches based on the theory of the chess game

    博弈 ”视野下的高校教师流动

  • The theory of game plays a critical role in investigation interrogation but not omnipotent toward unpredictable investigation interrogation .

    博弈 在侦查讯问中起着至关重要的指导作用,但是对于变幻莫测的侦查讯问而言, 博弈 却不是万能的。

  • The theory of contract is mostly studied in modern economics especially with the theory of Game .

    契约理论是现代经济学研究的主要方向之一,尤其是运用 博弈论研究契约问题,对企业 理论具有很强的阐释力,成了现代企业 理论 发展的一个新趋势。

  • The theory of evolve the game is a kind of mathematics tool that followed before having important applied value in the research of the harmonious interaction of the virtual enterprise .

    演化 博弈 作为一种前沿数理工具,在虚拟企业和谐互动的研究中具有十分重要的应用价值。

  • The theory of game has a strong explaining power on why a special international regime is created .

    博弈 对具体的国际 合作机制的形成具有很强的解释力。

  • Evaluating the performance of the technology alliance conduct using the theory of economics game theory and welfare economics establishing the index estimating system ;

    运用经济学、 博弈论以及福利经济学的 理论与方法,对技术联盟行为的绩效作了间接衡量,从创新绩效方面对技术联盟行为进行评价,并建立合作技术创新行为绩效的指标评价体系;