theory of computation

[ˈθiəri ʌv ˌkɑmpjʊˈteʃən][ˈθiəri ɔv ˌkɔmpjʊˈteɪʃən]

[计] 计算理论

  • At last the paper puts forward that the theory and algorithm of computation for mesoscale are one of most important research directions in computational science and technology .

    最后,文章提出介尺度 理论 算法应当是计算科学和技术中值得重视的重要方向之一。

  • A scientist who specializes in the theory of computation and the design of computers .

    专门 研究 计算 理论和计算机设计的科学家。

  • As the theory of evolutionary computation develops this method has been one of most important techniques in the CAD field .

    随着进化 计算技术的不断发展,利用进化技术作为支持的产品创新 概念设计方法,已经成为一种重要的辅助设计方法。

  • Inspired by the work of R.Feynman D.Deutsch We formally propose the theory of physical computation and accordingly the physical complexity theory .

    受R.Feynman,D.Deutsch等人工作的启示,我们形式地建立了物理可 计算 理论以及相应的物理复杂度理论。

  • One Way functions play an important role in complexity theory of computation and public key cryptography .

    One-Way函数在 计算复杂性和密码技术中均有重要的应用。

  • Quantum Genetic algorithm is an optimization algorithm which is developed in recent years and based on the theory of quantum computation . It mainly includes Quantum-bit encoding solution space transform determination of direction and size of the quantum rotation gate and selection of mutation probability .

    量子遗传算法是近年来发展的一种基于量子 计算 原理的优化算法,其过程主要包括:量子位编码、解空间变换、量子旋转门转角方向和大小的确定以及变异概率的选取。

  • Combined with the theory of critical stability and computation theory of lasting displacement conclusion is made .

    并结合管袋结构临界稳定性 原理以及持续位移 计算原理进行分析比较,得到相关结论。

  • Multipole Theory of Computation Electrostatic Field Problems with Complicated Field Domain

    计算复杂场域静电场问题的多极 理论

  • Research on The Theory of Computation of Stability of Concrete Filled Steel Tubes Subjected Eccentric Load

    钢管混凝土偏心受压构件稳定 计算 理论研究

  • Based on the related theory of the computation electromagnetism and the analysis of simulation the principle and algorithm of the simplification which aim at the models with tiny and electrically large structures are given respectively .

    论文根据 计算电磁学的相关 理论 仿真分析,分别提出了针对细小结构模型和电大尺寸模型的简化原则及算法,并实现了这两种模型的简化,从而使电磁计算能够顺利、准确地进行。

  • The full significance of information as a basic concept in physics is now being discovered . The theory of quantum information and computation puts this significance on a firm footing and has led to some profound and exciting new insights into the natural world .

    信息作为物理中一个基本概念的重要意义正在被发掘,量子信息和 计算 理论把这种探索置于坚实的基础之上,并引出一些关于自然世界深刻的思考,推动产生出令人激动的自然新图景。

  • In recognition of his fundamental contributions to the theory of computation including the complexity-based theory of pseudorandom number generation cryptography and communication complexity .

    因在 计算 理论方面的贡献而获奖。包括伪随机数的生成算法、密算法和通讯复杂性。

  • And it extracts and reveals the geometrical characteristics included in the mathematical theory of computation in the stars .

    抽提并揭示了包含在具有几何特征的数学 计算中的恒星 计算 理论

  • Industrial architecture becomes the object that people concern which is different from other form of architecture and whose structure is also complex . Computation module and theory of computation are all much special so the quality of design will face higher and stricter requirement .

    它不同于其他建筑形式,其构造复杂多变,计算模型以及 计算 理论比较特殊,所以对设计质量提出了更高、更加严格的要求。

  • As an important tool the theory and method of matrix computation has some important applications in image processing and recognition .

    矩阵 计算 理论和方法在图像处理和识别中有重要的应用,是一种重要的研究工具。

  • The theory of computation of roll wear of hot strip finishing mill

    热带钢连轧机精轧轧辊磨损 计算 理论

  • External prestress has achieved a widespread use already however its theory of computation is still less-perfect .

    体外预应力已经取得了广泛的应用,但其 计算 理论仍不太完善。

  • In order to analyze geometric displacement during shape-forming process of cable-member structures the theory of geometric-displacement computation is studied .

    为求解索杆体系在成形过程中存在的几何位移,系统地研究了几何位移 计算 理论

  • The theory of computation is a foundation of computer software and theory .

    计算 理论是计算机软件理论领域的基石。

  • On completion of6.045 students will be able to explain the basic methods and conclusions of the Theory of Computation .

    完成6.045这门课后,学生将能够表达基本 计算 原理的方法与推论。

  • The analysis procedure of AWGN ( additive white Gaussian noise ) through noisy linear circuits is given in detail using the theory of equivalent computation of noise power density .

    从噪声功率谱的等效 计算 出发,给出了加性高斯白噪声通过有噪线性电路的分析方法。

  • A model based on the theory and methods of multi-objective computation and grey synthetical evaluation are constructed to estimate the water resources carrying capacity in Guangdong Province .

    运用多目标规划和模糊综合评价的 理论与方法,结合广东省水资源特点,建立了水资源承载力多目标 计算与综合评估模型。

  • Theory of computation is by nature an abstract discipline and the problem-solving approach appears to be most helpful .

    计算 理论的本身就是抽象的学科 理论 概念巩固,所以用问题决定的方法来 是很有帮助的。

  • The algorithm avoids non-linearity operations relevant to the conventional algorithm during the solutions and in theory error of computation is zero .

    该算法避免了常规算法在求解过程中所涉及非线性 运算,并且 理论 计算误差为0。

  • MIT Students : This course is the header course for the MIT / EECS Engineering Concentration of Theory of Computation .

    麻省理工学院学生:本课程是麻省理工学院电机资讯工程资讯 理论之集中选修课程的 先导科目。

  • This course web site features problem sets a sample mid-term exam and information about Professor Sipser 's textbook : Introduction to the Theory of Computation .

    这门课程的网站包括作业集,一份期中考试的样卷和有关Sipser教授的课本《 计算 理论入门》的相关资讯。

  • Description : Introduction to the Theory of Computation provides a mathematical treatment of computation theory grounded in theorems and proofs .

    描述:《计算理论引导》用数学的手段,以定理和证明为基础,向大家介绍了 计算 理论

  • Automata theory is the basic of research of algorithm description and analysis the theory of computation complexity and computability etc.

    自动机理论是算法描述和分析, 计算复杂性 理论,可计算性等研究的基础,它为计算 理论提供了可靠的数学模型。

  • Although some merits were put forward based on the theory of settlement control while computation of settlement there are a lot of works to be done .

    提出按变形控制 理论进行变形 计算有其优点,但仍有很多工作要做。

  • In the second chapter we discuss the general theory of evolutionary computation including its basic concepts basic characteristics and fundamental procedure that one has to follow when designing evolutionary algorithms .

    第二章介绍了演化 计算的一般 理论,包括 演化 计算的基本概念、基本特征及设计演化算法所应遵循的基本原则等。