theorem proving

[ˈθiərəm ˈpruvɪŋ][ˈθi:ərəm ˈpru:viŋ]


  • Wu-method greatly contributes to geometry theorem proving research in the field .

    吴文俊建立的数学机械化方法,极大的推动了几何 定理机器 证明领域的研究。

  • The theorem proving can deal with infinite states system but requires lots of expertise .

    定理 证明 理论上可以处理无限状态的系统,但由于是 交互式的,因此对使用者的要求较高。

  • Production system for theorem proving

    定理 证明的产生式系统

  • Mechanical theorem proving for tensor with indexes in differential geometry

    基于指标形式张量的微分几何 定理机器 证明

  • The popular approaches are introduced and summarized especially model checking based method theorem proving based method logic programming based method and so on .

    以计算逻辑为基础,介绍了 定理 机器 证明中一种新的启发式方法&波动方法,它是一种在 证明中通过处理归纳结论来 激活归纳假设的策略。

  • Demonstrates that a small amount of code verified with automated theorem proving can support an arbitrary large amount of TAL code .

    它演示了少量带有自动化 定理 证明功能,经过验证的代码它能够支持任意数量的TAL代码。

  • By modeling high-level designs and targeting properties as polynomial equations bounded model checking is reduced to the task of theorem proving which can be solved by Wu 's method efficiently .

    通过使用多项式等式建模高层次设计和待 验证性质,将定界模型检验问题转化为 定理 证明问题,并用吴方法有效地解决该 定理 证明问题。

  • We study relationship should meet of the various of structures should meet the corresponding theoretical analysis theorem proving and examples are presented .

    研究了各种结构 成立时,应满足的关系,给出了相应的分析和 举例 说明

  • There has been a lot of success in the study of automated theorem proving during the past 50 years .

    定理机器 证明的研究已有将近50年的历史,并已经在 数理逻辑、 初等 代数和几何学等 学科取得显著成功。

  • Based on tableau the theories of automated theorem proving in first-order logic are discussed . For proving the soundness and the completeness the methods of theorem proving using the model existence theorem are presented .

    在tableau方法基础上,讨论了一阶逻辑中的自动 定理 证明理论,提出使用模型存在定理证明其可靠性和完备性的方法。

  • Demonstration of automated techniques TAL and automated theorem proving to verify the safety of the complex low-level code in the operating system and run-time .

    它演示了自动化技术、TAL和自动化 定理 证明,从而验证了操作系统中和运行时复杂的低级代码的安全性。

  • This tool is essentially an expert system of automated theorem proving .

    这一工具本质上是一个 定理机器 证明的专家系统。

  • A member of the Herbrand base is called atom in automatic theorem proving .

    在自动 定理 证明中,海尔勃朗基的成员也称为原子。

  • The forward reasoning for geometry theorem proving can produce the traditional readable proving thus plays a special role in the mechanical theorem proving .

    几何 定理 证明的前推法能够产生传统形式的可读证明,在定理机器证明领域占有重要的地位。

  • Research and development of automated theorem proving system for set theory

    集合论等式型 定理 机器 证明系统的研究与开发

  • In the course of theorem proving DeMorgan theorem and Shannon theorem are also generalized .

    定理 证明中还推广了广义 DeMorgan定理和Shannon定理。本文有助于混合逻辑的发展和应用。

  • Using natural deduction rules Isabelle provides a generic framework for developing theorem proving systems .

    Isabelle使用自然演绎规则进行推理,为 定理 证明系统的开发提供了一个通用的框架。

  • Additionally the well known four colour problem and elementary geometry theorem proving problem have been discussed .

    同时,也对四色问题与初等几何 定理 证明作了简单的讨论。

  • Differential Intermediate Value Theorem Proving Problem in the Auxiliary Function Constructor

    微分中值 定理 证明题中辅助函数的构造方法

  • Antecedent derivation is an extension of theorem proving .

    前件推导是 定理 证明的一种扩展。

  • There is however a much larger disconnect between the world of theorem proving and dynamic languages .

    然而在 理论 层面和动态语言实际应用之间还是存在一些差距的。

  • In symbolic logic and mechanical theorem proving semantic resolution PI-clash is related to the order of electrons .

    符号逻辑与 定理机器 证明的研究中,语义归结PI碰撞与电子排列次序有关。

  • The Arithmetic Design for Theorem Proving in the Axiom System of Classical Propositional Logic

    经典命题逻辑公理系统 定理 证明算法设计

  • It first gives a survey on geometric computation and reasoning in particular the development of geometric theorem proving and reviews some of the important methods and software packages .

    首先,本文的主体给出有关几何计算和推理方法的综述,简单介绍几何 定理 机器 证明发展的情况和一些常用的方法及相关软件包。

  • N this paper a new method for theorem proving of PTL ( propositional temporal logic ) based on constructing semantic refutation tree is presented .

    本文通过对近10年命题时态逻辑 定理 证明方法的研究,提出了一种新的 证明方法,前人的工作基于对公式的现时部分和后时部分的分解,本文的工作是基于语义反驳树构造。

  • Two Modified Theorem Proving Systems of Lattice

    两个改进的格的 定理 证明系统

  • To check consistency of UML model the consistency checking is converted to a problem of theorem proving .

    在检验UML模型一致性时,把一致性检验问题转化为逻辑 定理 证明问题。

  • A Novel Theorem Proving Algorithm Based on Extension Rule

    一种新的基于扩展规则的 定理 证明算法

  • Theorem proving system is implemented by using SWI-PROLOG language in microcomputer and proved its sound .

    使用SWI-PROLOG语言在微机上设计实现了基于tableau的 定理 证明系统TableauTAP。