theoretical density

[ˌθiəˈrɛtɪkəl ˈdɛnsɪti][ˌθiəˈretikəl ˈdensiti]

[化] (粉末冶金)理论密度,全密度, 100%相对密度

  • The sintering ability of the ceramic was improved by SrTiO_3 ; the density of the ceramic is above 97 % of the theoretical density ;

    SrTiO3的加入极大改善了KNN压电陶瓷的烧结性能,在常压条件下得到的陶瓷的实际密度占 理论 密度的97%以上。

  • A Study on the Technology of Dolosse Precasting and Its Theoretical Placing Density

    扭工字块的预制工艺及对其 理论安装 密度的探讨

  • Based on this the pourable parameters of paste and more rational calculation of the theoretical maximum density of grouted composite materials were proposed .

    在此基础上,提出浆体灌浆的可灌性参数和更为合理的复合料 理论最大 密度计算方法。

  • A new approach termed graded sintering under ultra high pressure ( GSUHP ) for fabricating functionally gradient material ( FGM ) that possesses escalated resistance distribution and large melting point difference was proposed and by which a 96 % theoretical density of W / Cu FGM was successfully fabricated .

    提出了一种制备具有递变电阻及高熔点差功能梯度材料的新方法&超高压梯度烧结法,并成功制备出了相对 密度达到96%的 W/Cu梯度功能材料。

  • It has the advantage that the minimum light spot size is beyond the classic optical diffraction limit . Theoretical recording density of 1000 Gb / in 2 can be achieved .

    基于近扬光学方法的最小信息记录单元尺寸突破了经典光学分辨率的衍射极限, 理论存储 密度高达1000Gb/平方英寸,受到了研究人员和工业界的广泛关注。

  • At a constant theoretical density the actual densities of doped foams reduce with Fe content increase .

    理论 密度不变的情况下,掺杂泡沫实际密度随掺杂元素原子百分含量的升高而呈降低趋势。

  • A theoretical distribution density of average excess delay is derived by the use of a new analysis method of multipath propagation .

    利用新的多径传播分析方法,从 理论上导出了平均差分时延的分布 密度

  • The results indicate that relative density of alumina increases to theoretical density with the increase of La_2O_3 amounts .

    实验结果表明:MgO和La2O3复合添加时,随着 La2O3掺杂量的增加 体积密度总体上保持上升的趋势。

  • The densities of nano-Ag is 97 % of the theoretical density of silver .

    密度为其 理论 密度的97%。

  • Study on Confirming Theoretical Maximum Density of Bituminous Mixtures

    最大 理论 密度确定方法研究

  • We got the real density by weight and volume of foam and found the difference between real density and theoretical density of foam decreased with the increase of monomer concentration .

    通过称重、测量体积后计算泡沫实际密度发现,实际密度和 理论 密度的差值随单体浓度增加越来越小,表明泡沫的收缩率越来越小。

  • Preparation of Mo films with theoretical density by lapping

    机械研磨法制备 晶体 密度钼膜技术 研究

  • The results showed that the forging billet might reach 99 per cent theoretical density when silicon content was not beyond 30 % .

    结果表明,当合金含硅量不超过30%时,锻坯的 密度可达到 理论 密度的99%以上。

  • Based on detailed analysis on above techniques the author presented the theoretical model of density matrix and gave the theoretical calculations by this method .

    通过分析以上方法的不足之处,提出了 密度矩阵的 理论方法,通过理论计算说明了该方法的实用性。

  • Research of the computing methods of the theoretical maximum density of bituminous mixtures

    沥青混和料最大 理论 密度确定方法研讨

  • The rule of - 3 / 2 power and law of constant yield of stand density effects were applied to test simulated stand density . The results show that change of the simulated density was consistent with that of theoretical density .

    用林分密度效应的3/2法则和产量恒定法则检验模拟林分,结果表明模拟林分 密度发展与 理论预测相符合。

  • Spontaneous infiltration of SiC preforms with Fe_xSi_y ( Fe_3Si Fe_5Si_3 and FeSi ) melts was employed to produce fully dense ( > 96.5 % theoretical density ) SiC / Fe_xSi_y composites .

    用FexSiy(Fe3Si,Fe5Si3,FeSi)熔体自发浸渗SiC粉体预制件制备出致 密度高达965%的 SiC/FexSiy复合材料。

  • A case study on SLS of this Cu-based metal powder to fabricate a gear is carried out . 82 % relative theoretical density and transverse dimension error of 1.9 % are achieved .

    最后给出了激光烧结上述金属粉末制造齿轮的加工实例,其 密度理论 密度的82%,而横向尺寸误差仅为1.9%。

  • The density of SiC / Cu – Al composites prepared by hot pressing can be improved and reach 99.9 % of theoretical density .

    热压烧结可以大大提高SiC/Cu–Al复合材料的致密度,最高达到 理论 密度的99.9%。

  • Double indexes of degree of compaction and percent air voids designed or single index of ratio of theoretical maximum density of bituminous mixtures ( or field percent air voids ) should be applied in construction .

    施工中应采用压实度和设计空隙率双指标,或混合料 理论最大 密度比(或现场空隙率)单项指标控制路面的压实。

  • Theoretical density hardness and resistivity of the industrial production of the product Ag-10wt % SnO / Cu can be stabilized at 9.85-9.98 g / cm3 HB 82-100 and 2.00-2.50 μΩ . cm which all reach the domestic advanced level .

    其工业化生产的Ag-10wt%SnO/Cu复合电触头的 理论 密度、硬度值和电阻率可以分别稳定在9.85-9.98g/cm3、HB82-100与2.00-2.50μΩ.cm范围之内,均达到国内领先水平。

  • The relationships between the theoretical density and porosity of the composites and the repetition cycle are discovered . Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Tat Acts Synergistically with Human Herpesvirus 6 to Enhance Reactivation of Human Herpesvirus 8

    理论上揭示了复合材料的浸渍-裂解周期与材料的 理论 密度 理论孔隙率之间的关系。HIV-1Tat协同HHV-6对HHV-8裂解周期复制的影响

  • This paper elaborates two key factors influencing the accuracy of the volume index of asphalt concrete i.e. accurately measuring the bulk volume of specimens and the theoretical maximum density of asphalt concrete .

    详细讨论了影响沥青混凝土体积指标准确性的两大要素:准确测定试件的毛体积和沥青混凝土的 理论最大 密度

  • The sintered density is 94.7 % of theoretical density while the maximum dimensional error is merely 0.78 % .

    烧结致密度达 理论 密度的94.7%,而最大尺寸误差仅为0.78%。

  • Through analyzing several different computing methods of the theoretical maximum density of bituminous mixtures the practical measurement method was regarded as the best logical way .

    笔者通过对沥青混和料最大 理论 密度不同确定方法的分析,认为真空实测法比较合理,同时还指出计算法采用的集料相对 密度应视集料吸收沥青数量而定。

  • Measurement and calculation of theoretical canopy density of pure artificial even aged stand

    人工同龄纯林 理论 郁闭 测定计算的研究

  • Study on Testing Methods of Maximum Theoretical Relative Density of Modified Asphalt Mixture

    改性沥青混合料 理论最大相对 密度试验方法研究

  • Determination and Application of Theoretical Maximum Density of Asphalt Mixtures

    沥青混合料最大 理论 密度确定方法和实际工程应用

  • The highest density of green body prepared by slip casting may reach 2.58g / cm3 which is about 80.4 % of theoretical density of the SiC material .

    并最终成型得到绝对密度高达2.58g/cm~3、相对 密度为80.4%的 均匀注浆SiC坯体。