


  • I want to see the Terra Cotta Warriors and the mountains of Yangshuo .

    我想去看看 兵马俑和阳朔的山。你最 喜欢中国的哪个地方?

  • Look these neatly lined terra cotta warriors seem to be made with a single mould .

    你看,这么多 兵马俑都站得整整齐齐的,像是一个模子 出来的。

  • Jim you saw Emperor Qin 's Terra Cotta Warriors last week did not you ?

    吉姆,上周你参观了秦始皇 兵马俑,对吧?

  • Alas the pine nuts attuned the Grand Masters to a Sirian dream and not a dream of Terra .

    唉可是,松仁将大师们调谐到一个天狼星梦想而非一个 地球梦想。

  • But those above a sinkhole particularly a rapidly sinking hole lose trust in terra firma .

    但那些天坑,特别是快速下沉的 坑洞使陆地失去了可信任感。

  • The Lemurian script and blueprint is one that Terra is gathering to weave into the human dream ahead .

    利莫里亚的剧本和蓝图,是一个 Terra正在收集来编织到前方人类梦想当中的事物。

  • The combination solution COMB ( as well as TERRA ) refers to the terrestrial coordinate system ( U ) .

    组合办法“COMB”(和 土地方法) 值得是土地坐标系统(U)。

  • The two terra cotta figures are females with exaggerated abdomens and buttocks .

    这两 陶俑为女性,腹部和臀部造型夸张。

  • In reality humans also do not owe anything to participate in Terra 's consensus dreams .

    事实上,人类也并不会亏欠下任何债务来加入 Terra的一致实相梦想当中。

  • After the rough sea voyage we were glad to reach terra firma .

    经过了海上航行的惊涛骇浪,我们十分高兴来到 陆地上。

  • Captain Scott set sail in the Terra Nova .

    斯科特船长从新星地 启航

  • Photo point Terra Cotta Warriors Museum ( pit2 ) Xi'an China .

    中国西安 兵马俑博物馆(二号坑)留影处。

  • Oh you mean we are going to see the terra cotta army today ?

    啊,你是说我们今天要去看 兵马俑

  • The NewKrean team from Chulalongkorn University in Thailand named their app Terra .

    NewKrean团队来自泰国朱拉隆功大学,他们将这款应用程序命名为 Terra

  • This shall occur as Terra enters the photon belt of the Great Central Sun at which time she will exit the unconscious or space between of your creation having completed with such an experience .

    这将当 Terra进入到大中枢太阳的光子带时发生,到那个时候,她就将因为已完成了这样一个经历而离开无意识或者说你们造物之间的间隔空间。

  • But the so-called terra preta or black earth is much more fertile .

    但是这块叫做“ 普雷塔土壤”或者“黑土地”的土壤,十分肥沃。

  • Tomorrow I look for forward to seeing the Terra Cotta Warriors and the Old City walls .

    我期待着明天参观 兵马俑和古城墙。

  • I 'd like to go to Xi'anGuilin . I want to see the Terra Cotta Warriorsthe mountains of Yangshuo .

    我想去西安和桂林。我想去看看 兵马俑和阳朔的山。

  • He found himself on terra firma at last .

    他终于发现自己在 陆地上了。

  • Shark too patrols the boundaries of Terra as Shark and Tiger is one and the same energy field .

    鲨鱼也巡逻 Terra的边界,因为鲨鱼和老虎是一体的,并具有同样的能量场。

  • Humans as fully conscious species are designed to contribute to the overall music of Terra in an individual manner .

    全意识的人类被计划来以不同的个人形式,对 Terra的整体音乐有所贡献。

  • NASA 's Terra satellite also captured the incredible event in these images with a spectroradiometer .

    美国宇航局的 地球卫星也用分光辐射谱仪在这些图像中抓拍到了这个难以置信的事件。

  • Terra firma the firm Earth is something mankind relies upon .

    地球上坚固的 陆地是人类的依靠。

  • Terra and the mineral kingdoms now understand that there are two dreams in operation upon earth at this time .


  • This ultimately has lead to fall after fall in vibration and consciousness for Terra over time .

    这随时间最终带来了 Terra意识和振动的一次又一次下跌。

  • Perhaps if they had discovered pine nuts from trees indigenous unto earth all would have been well and they would have attuned to the dream of Terra in lieu of Sirius .

    如果他们当初发现了地球本土的松树和松仁,也许一切都会太平无事的,他们也就可以调谐到 地球梦想以取代天狼星梦想。

  • Yes Xi'an terra cotta warriors and horses .

    对,就是西安 兵马俑

  • Sirius is a part of Terra that shattered a part upon the12th dimension and in the destruction of Maldek .

    天狼星是 Terra当马尔戴克(Maldek)在12维度毁灭时粉碎开来的一部分。