

v.唤醒醒( wake的过去分词 )唤起(记忆)使再次感觉到

  • Winston had woken up with his eyes full of tears .

    温斯顿 醒来时眼里充满了泪水。

  • When he 's just woken up he 's like a bear with a sore head .

    他刚 睡醒时,非常暴躁。

  • She had woken me out of a sound sleep .

    她把我从酣睡中 叫醒

  • This afternoon when I was sleeping I was woken up by a noise from the living room .

    今天下午我在睡觉时被客厅的嘈杂声 吵醒

  • I was woken by a bright light shining in my face .

    我被照在脸上的一盏明亮的灯 了。

  • I was woken by the noise of a car starting up .

    我被汽车的启动声 吵醒了。

  • By then governments may have woken up to a yet more radical option

    到那时政府可能已经 意识到该采取更为激进的手段。

  • I was woken up several times last night .

    昨天夜里,我几次 吵醒

  • You may think it 's all right for you to shout but you 've woken everybody up .

    你这一嚷不要紧, 大家都 吵醒了。

  • I deduced from the noise that the dog had woken up .

    我从这些噪音中判定这只狗 了。

  • I was woken by a guy screaming on a tower .

    我被一个在塔上乱吼的人 吵醒了。

  • You may have woken up this morning and listened to the traffic or weather report ( or both ) .

    您今天早上 醒来,听了交通或天气报告(或者两者都听了)。

  • Investors have woken up .

    投资者已经 了。

  • Look ! You 've woken the child with your noise .

    瞧,孩子 你们 吵醒了。

  • They come to be woken up .

    他们来是为被 唤醒

  • I was woken by the sound of a truck backfiring .

    我被卡车引擎发出的回火声 吵醒了。

  • On Sunday morning Bill was woken by the telephone

    星期天早晨,比尔被电话 铃声 吵醒了。

  • I was woken up by that humorous cockcrow .

    烦死了,我可被那滑稽的鸡叫声 吵醒了。

  • On his third night in France he was woken by an official and three other men with guns .

    在他到法国的第三天晚上,他被一个官员和另外三个荷枪的人 了。

  • I was woken up at some unearthly hour of the morning by someone knocking on my door .

    大清早有人敲我的门,我被敲 了。

  • We were woken up by the noise in the middle of the night .

    半夜里那嘈杂声 我们 了。

  • I was woken up by someone grabbing hold of my sleeping bag

    有人猛地抓住了我的睡袋,把我 惊醒了。

  • I 've recently woken up to a new world .

    最近我 醒悟了,来到一个新的世界里。

  • They have woken up early before the sun rises and their camps are now empty .

    他们起得很早在太阳升起前就已经 起床现在他们的帐篷已经空了。

  • Finally woken who made up all the rules ?


  • I was woken by the loud chatter of the birds .

    我被鸟的高声啁啾 吵醒了。

  • I was woken up by the chimes of the cathedral bells .

    我被大教堂的钟鸣 唤醒了。

  • I was woken by the full moon shining in on me .

    一轮满月照在我身上,我 了。

  • I was woken up by a noise in the room .

    屋子里的声音把我 吵醒了。

  • Patients are given an extra 15 minutes to snooze before being woken gently .

    在被轻轻 叫醒之前,病人还有15分钟的小睡时间。