


  • Indeed the same dark question often rose into her mind with reference to the whole race of womanhood . Was existence worth accepting even to the happiest among them ?

    事实上,她心中也时常升腾起涉及全人类 女性的同样阴郁的问题:即使对 女性中最幸福的人来说,那人的生存有价值吗?

  • She symbolised for me the best of Indian womanhood .

    在我看来,她代表着最优秀的印度 女性

  • Brigitte Bardot was the dominant image of womanhood in French cinema during the1960s .

    布里吉提巴多是20世纪60年代法国电影中举足轻得的 妇女形象。

  • Pregnancy is a natural part of womanhood .

    女人怀孕是 天经地义

  • If still alive she must now have been in the flush and bloom of early womanhood .

    如果她还活着,如今应该是 楚楚动人 少女了。

  • Although in the ancient times China had a hair-do ceremony for girls I never heard about any of my female classmates celebrating her entering womanhood .

    虽然中国古代有及笄礼,我从来没有听说过任何女同学庆祝过自己进入 成年

  • Providence in the person of this little girl had assigned to Hester 's charge the germ and blossom of womanhood to be cherished and developed amid a host of difficulties .

    上天把这小女孩交付给海丝特,就是要她 保护女性的幼芽和 蓓蕾,在众多的困难中加以抚育和培养。

  • Problems of Southern Womanhood in Faulkner 's Two Major Novels

    福克纳两部主要小说中的南方 妇女问题

  • Disappointed of its real womanhood it had not succeeded in becoming boyish and unsubstantial and transparent ;

    在完成一个真正的 女性上,这身体是挫败了,它没有成就一个 童男似的透明无理的身体;

  • She grew into womanhood without ever knowing her father .

    她一直到 成年都不知道自己的父亲

  • She had passed from childhood to early womanhood .

    她已由童年进入了 少女

  • AZALEA-Take Care of Yourself For Me Temperance Fragile Passion Chinese Symbols of Womanhood

    杜鹃花-为了我保重你自己,温暖的,脆的,强烈的感情,在中国 子宫的 象征

  • As women 's colleges challenged the conventions of womanhood they drew a disproportionate number of students who identified as lesbian or bisexual .

    由于女子学院挑战了关于 女性 传统 观念,它们也吸引了更高比例的认为自己是同性恋或双性恋的学生。

  • As if there were a withering spell in the sad letter her beauty the warmth and richness of her womanhood departed like fading sunshine ; and a grey shadow seemed to fall across her .

    似乎在这令人哀伤的字母中有一种枯萎的符咒,她的美丽,她那 女性的丰满和温暖,都象落日般地离去了;一抹灰蒙蒙的阴影似是落在了她身上。

  • Who will hear the cry of suffering womanhood ?

    有谁倾听苦难 妇女的呼声呢?

  • Rock into womanhood elizabeth ! We know that you will .

    长大 成人了,我们知道会有这么一 的。

  • May has grown to womanhood .

    梅已是成年 女人了。

  • Stand proudly and exult in your womanhood . Remember : Women hold up half the sky .


  • Here she is on the threshold of womanhood

    现在她将迈入 成年

  • It 's an insult to American womanhood ; woman is the glory of creation .

    这是对美国 妇女的侮辱。

  • When you had grown to womanhood you were to be mine .

    当你长大 成人,就会成为我的 女人

  • Look I understand that I 'm challenging your views on fat womanhood and forcing you to question your beliefs and attitudes but keep this contemplation to yourself .

    你瞧,我知道我在挑战你的肥胖 女性观,在强迫你质问自己的信仰和态度,但是把这种思考留给你自己吧。

  • His remarks are an insult to womanhood .

    他的话是对 女性的侮辱。

  • Why do you reduce womanhood to high hills and lipstick colors ?

    为什么口红的颜色会减少 女人

  • At first she had a small child clinging to her skirts and now this child had grown to full womanhood and every day she too came with her mother to the porch and waved .

    当初她有一个小孩缠着她的裙子,现在这孩子已 长成 姑娘,也每天和她母亲一起出来挥手致意。

  • The breast has always been a symbol of womanhood and ultimate fertility .

    乳腺是 女性 性征和生育力的重要标志。

  • She was a little girl when I left home ; now she buds into womanhood .

    当我离开家的时候她本是个小女孩;现在她亭亭玉立成了 女人家了。

  • On close examination of the texts however these deceptively simple stereotypes of American womanhood do not hold .

    其实,这些虚构的简单的美国 妇女 形象是不存在的。

  • This is more a celebration of your womanhood .

    这种 不仅仅是对你的 女性 特质的一种赞美。