women's federation


  • Sex education shall be conducted to young women from rural areas working in cities said Mo Wenxiu vice president of the All-China Women 's Federation .

    全国 妇联副主席莫文秀日前表示,应对进城年轻女务工人员开展性教育。

  • For example the party once issued a call nationwide to experiment with high-yield farm plots which was answered by organizations of the Youth League and of the women 's federation but the results were not satisfactory .

    比如党向全国号召搞丰产方,于是青年团就搞个青年丰产方, 妇联就搞个 妇女丰产方,结果都搞得不好。

  • The All-China Women 's Federation ( ACWF ) report on the conditions of children left behind by parents working away from home paints a grim picture that we cannot afford to understate .

    全国 妇女 联合 关于留守儿童(父母在外务工,儿童留守家中)状况的报告为我们描绘了一幅不可等闲视之的惨淡图景。

  • The Women 's Federation and NGOs have set up national and regional hotlines that can help women obtain legal advice and assistance .

    全国 妇联和一些非政府组织已经建立了全国和地区热线以便协助妇女获得法律建议和援助。

  • A recent survey conducted by All-China Women 's Federation showed domestic violence occurs in about 80 million families in China with roughly 90 percent of cases involving abused women .

    中国 妇联最近的一项调查显示:在中国有8000万家庭遭受家暴,其中在大概90%的案例中,女性是受害者。

  • Analysis of the Career Self-efficacy on Grass Roots Cadres of Women 's Federation & Based on Investigating of Fujian Province

    基层 妇联干部职业自我效能状况探析&基于福建省的调查

  • I also contacted Women 's Federation over email for cooperation but no one replied .

    我也接触过电子邮件 妇联合作,但没有人回答。

  • A new campaign organized by the Beijing Women 's Federation to honor harmonious families in Beijing has sparked controversy Beijing News reported .

    《新京报》报道,北京市 妇联发起的一项首都和谐家庭评选活动引发了争议。

  • The Chief Work of Women 's Federation in Promoting Women 's Participating in the Development of Agriculture


  • The Study on the Superiority and Restriction Factor of Women 's Federation to Fulfill Its Basic Function

    妇联 组织履行基本职能的优势与制约因素研究

  • Discussion on how to introduce social work model to the operation of women 's federation & Case study of single-parent families in Guangzhou


  • The leaders of the women 's Federation come to our kindergarten to instruct us .

    潍坊市 妇联领导到幼儿园指导工作。

  • She has however in the past promoted women 's issues in her work as Deputy Director for the Women 's Federation of Wenzhou City .

    无论如何,她在作为 妇联领导期间提升 妇女 地位做了很多工作。

  • The allegations have helped turn the spotlight once again onto domestic violence a problem that experts at the All-China Women 's Federation say is universal .

    李阳被指家暴事件再次将公众关注的目光引向家庭暴力这个话题,全国 妇联的专家一致认为家暴是“全球性”的问题。

  • SHANGHAI women hold more jobs than men in the service sector because of their advantages in communication and attention to detail the Shanghai Women 's Federation told at an international forum on women 's development today .

    上海女性在服务行业中比男性拥有更多的就业机会,因为她们在人际沟通和关注细节方面更具优势,上海 妇女 联合 今天在妇女发展国际论坛上说。

  • The All-China Federation of Trade Unions All-China Women 's Federation and All-China Youth Federation are the three largest mass organizations with branches all over the country .

    中国最大的三个社会团体是中华全国 妇女 联合 、中华全国青年联合会和中华全国总工会。

  • Provincial Women 's Federation Chairman Liu dove in his speech pointed out that the long-standing history and culture of Shaanxi Province to develop traditional handicraft has a unique advantage .


  • Research on the Organizational Development of the Women 's Federation in the Process of Building a Harmonious Society

    和谐社会构建中的 妇联组织发展研究

  • About one-third of China's267 million families have experienced some form of domestic violence a recent survey by the All-China Women 's Federation found .

    一项由中华全国 妇女 联合 基金支持的调查显示,在接受访问的267万家庭中有三分之一曾经历过特定形式的家庭暴力。

  • According to a survey conducted by All-China Women 's Federation in 2011 one out of four married women in China has experienced family violence .

    根据全国 妇女 联合 2011年进行的一项调查显示,1/4的中国已婚妇女经历过家庭暴力。

  • Education and housing are what local young couples rely most on their parents according to a survey report released by the Shanghai Women 's Federation today .

    根据上海 妇女 联合 今天公布的一份调查报告,教育和住房是当地年轻夫妻依赖他们父母最多的。

  • By the Shaanxi Provincial Women 's Federation organized the first women in the province 's arts and crafts competition that is a kind of excavation for the handicraft industry a culture .

    由陕西省 妇联组织的全省首届妇女手工艺品大赛,便是对于手工艺品产业的一种发掘,一种培养。

  • An official with the All-China Women 's Federation ( ACWF ) said China 's top legislature is set to draft the first law on domestic violence Xinhua reported .

    据新华社报道,全国 妇女 联合 的一名官员表示,我国最高立法机构将起草首部反家庭暴力法。

  • The Studies of Single-Parent Mother Families in Poverty in the Domain of Women 's Federation


  • According to a survey in2008 by the All-China Women 's Federation 58m children of migrant workers were being brought up hundreds of miles away in their parents'village usually by grandparents .

    2008年,中华 妇女 联合 的一项调查表明:5800万的进城务工人员的子女是在数百公里外的老家成长,被自己的祖父母抚养。

  • In1949 China established the nation 's Women 's Federation .

    中国1949建立了国家 妇联的合

  • The author points out that woman cadres play an important role in women 's Federation organizations .

    作者指出,妇联干部在 妇联组织中发挥着重要作用。