



  • They have evolved into new social classes from the womb of feudal society .

    它们从封建社会 脱胎而来, 构成了新的社会阶级。

  • For a fetus to form the blastocyst must be implanted in a womb .

    想要形成胎儿,胚泡必须植入 子宫

  • You formed me in my mother 's womb .

    在我的 母腹中你 便形成我。

  • Socialist society emerges from the womb of capitalist society .

    社会主义社会是从资本主义社会 脱胎而来的。

  • A tiny little baby in its mother 's womb .

    母亲 子宫 一丁点儿小的胎儿。

  • While the dolphin moves about its mother 's womb as if in its own private swimming pool .

    海豚宝宝在母亲的 子宫中移动,好像它 已经 出生并在一个私人游泳池中游动。

  • The fertilized eggs are implanted in the mother 's womb .

    受精卵被植入这位母亲的 子宫

  • I heard it in the womb !

    我在 子宫 听到的!

  • 10From birth I was cast upon you ; from my mother 's womb you have been my God .

    我自出母胎就被交在你手里。从我母亲 我,你就是我的神。

  • They were compared with those whose embryos developed naturally in the womb before being transferred .

    并且与那些移植前胚胎在 子宫 自然发育的小鼠进行了比较。

  • Just as he had emerging from his mother 's womb .

    就像他从母亲 子宫 出来时那样 微笑着。

  • I have knitted you in your mother 's womb .

    你在 母胎中我已经与你 相连

  • This olfactory sense develops in the womb .

    这一嗅觉在 子宫 形成。

  • In fact the incubator itself is amazing like most of the mother 's womb .

    其实,暖箱本身也很神奇,像极了母亲的 子宫

  • Twins are positioned beside one another in the womb .

    子宫 ,双胞胎一个挨一个就位。

  • Naked I came from the womb naked I shall return whence I came .

    我从 母腹赤裸来到世上。我也要一无所有地回到我来的地方。

  • They also compared the stage an embryo was at when transferred to the womb .

    他们还比较这两者的胚胎是哪一阶段转移到 子宫的。

  • You are like a womb and a new life is entering in you a seed is falling .

    你像是 子宫,而某个新生命进入了,一颗种子掉下来了。

  • Malformations that occur as a baby develops in its mother 's womb .

    发生畸形婴儿的开发在其母亲的 子宫

  • It was as if he had become again a foetus in his mother 's womb .

    好象他又变成母亲 子宫 的一个胎儿。

  • HRT she reminded us has also been linked with an increased risk of breast and womb cancer .

    她提醒我们荷尔蒙替代疗法同样增加了患乳腺癌和 子宫癌的风险。

  • Infertile women may soon be able to conceive with scientists bringing womb transplant closer to reality .

    据报道,瑞典科学家 已经找到了成功移植 子宫 奥秘,可以让不孕妇女怀上身孕。

  • It speaks of Rosy flesh and seeded womb .

    它道破了玫瑰般肌肤与受孕 子宫 秘密

  • In the womb the human embryo passes through all the development stages of the animal kingdom .

    人的胚胎在 子宫 通过了动物的进化的所有阶段。

  • Before I formed you in the womb I knew you .

    我未将你造在 腹中,我已晓得你。

  • Recent research shows that babies in the womb can be influenced by music .

    最近的研究表明 子宫中的胎儿会受到音乐的影响。

  • A chemical in toothpastes and soaps has been linked with brain damage to babies in the womb .

    子宫 的胎儿的脑损伤跟牙膏和肥皂所含的化学成分有关系。

  • The placenta is the fetus 's life support system during her time in the womb .

    胎盘提供营养物质并且 过滤 废弃物,它是胎儿在 子宫中的支持系统。

  • For you created my inmost being ; you knit me together in my mother 's womb .

    我的肺腑是你所造的。我在 母腹中,你已覆庇我。

  • A woman receiving IVF therapy can boost their chances of conceiving if two are transferred to her womb .

    妇女接受试管婴儿治疗时如果移植两个胚胎到她的 子宫可以提高受孕的机会。