Wolfe's method


  • This paper presents a new proof of Wolfe 's method for the solution of quadratic programming problems .

    本文指出2 w_20在证明中存在的不足 之处,并对该文提出的求解二次规划 常用 著名 方法给出一个新的证明。

  • A new nonlinear conjugate type formula for solving unconstrained optimization problems is proposed the corresponding method satisfies the sufficient descent condition in the condition of strong wolfe steplength rule and Powell 's restart criterion furthermore the method converges globally under some conditions .

    提出一种求解无约束问题的新的共轭梯度类型公式,与此相应的 方法在强 Wolfe线搜索和 Powell再开始条件下满足下降条件,并且在适当的情况下具有全局收敛性质。