



  • Security is tight this week at the polling sites .


  • They teach you to use your head to get out of a tight corner .

    他们教你开动脑筋,摆脱 困境

  • Sarah came forward with a tight and angry face

    萨拉走上前来, 紧绷着脸,怒气冲冲。

  • The men came in a tight group .

    那些男人 密密 匝匝地来了。

  • Just hold tight to my hand and follow along


  • The measures include tight control of media coverage

    那些措施包括对媒体报道的 严格管制。

  • She kept her eyes tight closed .


  • We 're a tight group so we do keep in touch .

    我们 关系 ,所以的确保持着联系。

  • She curled up in a tight ball with her knees tucked up at her chin


  • Financially things are a bit tight .

    经济上有点 吃紧

  • His jeans were too tight .

    他的牛仔裤 太紧了。

  • That puts the president in a tight spot if the vote is not a resounding ' yes '

    如果投票结果不是一个响亮的“是”,总统的 处境就不妙了。

  • She walked off the plane in a miniskirt and tight top

    她身穿迷你裙和 紧身上衣走下了飞机。

  • It was a very tight match

    参赛双方 不分伯仲

  • The Government were prepared to keep a tight hold on public sector pay rises

    政府准备 严格控制公共部门的工资增长。

  • The most recent polls predict a tight three-way race .

    最近的调查显示,这将是一场三方 激烈角逐的比赛。

  • It is better to stretch the tight muscles first

    最好先伸展一下 僵硬的肌肉。

  • Emma is on a tight budget for clothes

    埃玛预算很 ,没有多少钱买衣裳。

  • It 's difficult to cram everything into a tight schedule

    日程 ,很难把所有事情都安排进去。

  • Within minutes she was outside closing her bedroom door tight behind her

    不出几分钟,她就出去了,并把卧室的门 紧紧带上了。

  • The baby lay on his back with his eyes closed tight

    那个婴儿仰面躺着,两眼 紧闭

  • I keep the flour and sugar in individual jars sealed tight with their glass lids

    我把面粉和食糖分别放在罐子里,并将玻璃盖子 紧紧地盖上。

  • Good night Davey . Sleep tight .


  • Hold on tight !


  • She just fell into my arms clutching me tight for a moment


  • My skin feels tight and lacking in moisture

    我的皮肤感觉 紧巴 的,缺少水分。

  • ' There were no survivors of course ' said Fred his throat tight .
