


  • The components of hydrolytic product analyzed by mass spectrum showed that agarase A mainly produced tetrose and hexose as long as a small amount of disaccharides .

    用琼胶酶A水解琼胶制备 琼胶寡糖的结果经质谱分析表明,产物主要为 和六糖,另有少量二糖。

  • Neither tetrose nor mannan group had metastasis of the liver and the weights of liver in the two groups were significantly lower than in the control .

    组及 甘露糖 无肝 转移发生,两组小鼠的肝脏 湿重也明显低于对照组。

  • Comparison the effect of tetrose with sodium hyaluronate in prevention of ankylenteron after laparotomy

    透明质酸钠预防术 后肠粘连效果对比