text telephone

[tɛkst ˈtɛləˌfon][tekst ˈtelifəun]

[计] 文字电话

  • Textphone is a phone with a full keyboard text message will be transmitted through ordinary telephone lines either side will see the message of both sides on the phone .

    这里所说的文字电话是指带有全键盘的电话机, 文字 信息通过普通 电话线进行传输,在文字电话的显示屏上既可以看到自己传出的 文字信息,也能够看到对方传出的 文字信息。

  • The final vote was conducted by text message e-mail telephone and other voting methods with the top10 picked earlier this month .

    最终的投票是以 短信、电子邮件、 电话和其他投票方式进行的。本月初选出了十大最受欢迎小说。

  • Technology and System Development of Transmitting Voice and Text Signal Based on the Telephone Line

    基于 电话线的 图文声信号传输技术和系统的研制

  • This text introduced the telephone supervises and control the auto reports to the police the machine constitutes the construction working principle with it of function and as to it 's does electric circuit proceeded the detailed analysis .

    本文介绍了 电话监控自动报警器的组成结构、工作原理和它的功能,并对其电路进行了详细的分析。

  • That text introduces a supervision gas with automatic telephone to report to the police the machine to constitute the structure as to it ′ s work the principle carried on the detailed analysis .

    介绍了ZM-1型 电话自动监控瓦斯报警器的组成结构,对其工作原理进行了详细的分析。

  • This article uses the platform based on the Dialogic phone voice card implements a voice communication system which can access the text file or database information with telephone .

    文章利用基于Dialogic电话语音卡的软件开发平台,实现了一个 电话访问 文本文件、查询数据库信息的声讯系统。

  • The tel type is a text field designed to contain telephone numbers .

    tel类型是一个 文本字段,旨在包含 电话号码。

  • This is valid for text search URL telephone email password date pickers number check box radio button and file fields .

    这对于 文本、搜索、URL、 电话、电子邮件、密码、日期选择器、数字、复选框、单选按钮和文件等字段有效。

  • Enter some sample text including a telephone number like ( 800 ) 555-1234 in the right text window and select Run > Run Regular Expression Annotator .

    在右边的文本窗口中输入一些示例 文本,包括 电话号码,例如(800)555-1234,并选择Run>RunRegularExpressionAnnotator。

  • DATA SYNTHESIS : Through professional conformity certification and registration certified web-counselors whom own licensure provided the practice of psychological health counseling that occurred over one or more ways : Internet including e-mail text exchange video-communication and telephone over IP etc.

    资料综合:经过职业认证和登记注册,拥有从业执照的心理咨询师利用网络,通过电子邮件、视频交流、即时 文本传送、网络 电话等的单独或者混合使用来为来访者提供心理卫生健康服务。

  • Mr. Heywood 's mother and sister didn 't respond to an emailed request for comment and Lulu Heywood didn 't respond to a text message and several telephone calls .

    海伍德的母亲和姊妹没有回复记者要求置评的电子邮件,露露也没有回复 短信和几 电话。

  • You may need to install a separate hotline for text telephone users and include its number in the documentation .

    您需要为 文本 电话用户安装单独的热线,并在文档中包含其号码。

  • Audio text allows voice and data to travel over the same plain old telephone service phone line during the same call .

    声音 文本允许在同一通话期间,声音与数据通过普通的旧有 电话服务的同一线路上进行传输。