text directory

[tɛkst dɪˈrɛktəri][tekst diˈrektəri]

[计] 正文目录

  • This command copies all text files in the current working directory to your home directory on the machine named destination .

    这个命令将当前工作 目录中所有的 文本文件复制到您在名为destination的计算机上的home目录中。

  • If you will be changing any core WordPress files take notes and store them in a text file in your WordPress root directory and make a backup copy of them for future reference and upgrades .

    想要在你的电脑上 脱机 编辑文件,可以使用任何文字编辑器,打开文件做出改动。当然要确定你的原文件已经备份。

  • Note that if the text file is not located in the same directory from which the mysql client was started you need to specify the absolute path to the file .

    注意,如果 文本文件不在启动mysql客户机的同一 目录,则需要指定那个文件的绝对路径。

  • It isn 't efficient to frequently search through randomly stored information in a text file but a directory server is optimized for such searches .

    频繁搜索 文本文件中随意存储的信息,这样做的效率并不高,但是 目录服务器对这类搜索进行了优化。

  • For example this command finds all of the text documents in your home directory that contain the words Monthly Report

    例如,下面的命令将在您的home 目录中查找所有包含单词MonthlyReport的 文本文件

  • You point the Location text field to the bin directory for the Ruby version you are using .

    将“Location” 文本域指向您使用的Ruby版本的bin 目录

  • This text presents a new method based on query results which queries Web databases using Yahoo directory items and classifies them according to the results returned by these databases .

    本文提出了基于查询结果的Web数据库自动分类方法,该方法以雅虎分类 目录体系中的类目词为查询词对数据库进行查询,并根据查询结果对Web数据库进行分类。

  • The text analysis results can be viewed from a link in the Summary tab as well as accessed from the corresponding analysis results directory in the file system .

    可以通过Summary选项卡的链接查看 文本分析结果,也可以通过文件系统中的相应分析结果 目录进行访问。

  • The moment that Javadump is triggered detailed information is recorded in a date-stamped text file saved in the current working directory .

    触发Javadump的时候,会把详细信息记录到在当前工作 目录下保存的一个有日期戳的 文本文件中。

  • The location text box in the new project and add new Item dialog boxes enables users to change the default directory in which new projects and items are saved .

    “新建项目”和“添加新项”对话框中的“位置” 文本框使用户能够更改用来保存新项目和项的默认 目录

  • In the text box named launch location enter the URL to the directory that will contain the deployment manifest for application updates .

    在名为“启动位置”的 文本框中,输入应用程序更新的部署清单所在 目录的url。

  • Although rules can be stored and accessed various ways each rule is typically stored in an ordinary text file and rules for related resources are usually kept under a common root directory .

    尽管规则可以存储并以各种方法进行访问,但是每个规则通常存储在普通 文本文件中,并且相关资源的规则一般保存在一个公共根 目录下。

  • Input the name of a text or java file in the directory where the class files are present .

    输入类文件所在 目录的一个 文本文件或java文件的名称。

  • For example if you want to count only the words in the first five text files in the directory you can use a pipe ( | ) to hook the wc and head commands together .

    例如,如果您仅希望计算该 目录下的前5个 文本文件的单词数,那么可以使用竖线()将wc和head命令连接起来。

  • The text has been written so you can follow the ideas from page to page and build on a foundation of knowledge but you are welcome to use the directory to jump to any page you choose .

    你可以按照上面的顺序一页一页地学习,建立扎实的基础,也可以根据 目录跳到自已想学的 部分

  • search text when searching for printers in the Active Directory .

    打印机时预先显示搜索 文字的功能。”

  • Text analysis index item modeling and directory tree rebuilding are the three major tasks .

    目录信息的重构包括 文本 信息解析、目录信息建模和 目录树的生成。

  • The create index command establishes the text index infrastructure by defining the text index attributes such as update frequency a document format an index directory and so on .

    createindex命令定义 文本索引属性,比如更新频率、文档格式、索引 目录等等,从而建立文本索引基础设施。

  • Do so by opening a text window with your home directory as your current directory .

    打开 文本窗口,使用主 目录作为当前目录。