that much

[ðæt mʌtʃ][ðæt mʌtʃ]


  • I 'm never going to smoke that much again .

    我再也不会抽 那么 了。

  • Research workers are well aware that much of their time and effort is unproductive .

    研究人员很清楚 他们的 很多时间和精力全都是白费。

  • If the office burnt down tomorrow it wouldn 't matter that much .

    就算明天办公室被烧掉了,那也没 关系。

  • There 's probably not all that much direct danger .

    而且 这些外汇很多都是美元。因此直接的危险可能没有 那么

  • I 'm quite pleased that we do have the capacity to produce that much food .

    我很高兴我们确实有能力生产 这么 粮食。

  • It was obvious that much of what they recorded was far from the truth

    显然 他们所记录的 很多根本不是事实。

  • The Home Office acknowledges that much crime goes unreported

    内政部 承认 很多犯罪活动没有举报。

  • Rice said that much has changed since that time but that it is still important for the Palestinian economy to be able to operate .

    赖斯 从那时以来,情况已改变了 很多,但促使巴勒斯坦经济运作仍然重要。

  • Usually I am sensible with money as I have to be given that I don 't earn that much .

    考虑到自己挣得不 ,我用钱通常比较精打细算,这也是迫不得已。

  • You needn 't have told me that much .

    你不必和我讲 那么

  • But is he that much sicker this week than he was last week ? Or last month ?

    但跟一周前或一个月前相比,他的病情真的出现了 明显的恶化吗?

  • Throwing in scripting animation linking and all the rest just makes SVG that much more useful .

    再加上脚本、动画、链接和所有其他内容使SVG 更加有用。

  • Mr. Obama told the graduates that much has changed in the last 20 years .

    奥巴马对该校的毕业生 ,过去20年里 世界格局出现了 很大的变化。

  • Gwen had not seen her Daddy all that much because mostly he worked on the ships

    格温一直不常见 她父亲,因为他 大部分时间在船上工作。

  • And experts agree that much more research on the impact of the digital world on neural development is needed .

    专家们 相信 数字世界对神经发展的影响需要做 深入的研究。

  • Let 's start with the most obvious : They make our interactions that much faster .

    让我们先看看最一目了然的方面:它们使我们的交流互动 更快了。

  • I don 't think it 's worth that much .

    我看不值 那么

  • Having good unit tests in place makes refactoring that much easier .

    拥有优秀的单元测试使重组容易了 许多

  • We are pleased that much is changing in China for the better and we are happy to be part of this renewal process by that we teach our students .

    我们对中国的 很大的改进感到 高兴 并且很高兴通过我们的教学对这一振兴进程有所贡献。

  • I didn 't know Ron had that much strength of character .

    我当时不知道罗恩有 那么坚强的个性。

  • This example has a bit more code to explain but it isn 't that much more complicated than the first threading example thanks to the use of the queuing module .

    对于这个示例,有更多的代码需要说明,但与第一个线程示例相比 它并没有复杂 多少,这正是因为使用了队列模块。

  • Mr. Obama cautioned however that much more work lies ahead for Israel and the Palestinians .

    但是,奥巴马警告 ,以色列和巴勒斯坦 很多工作要做。

  • In former years people did not travel that much .

    往年人们不 怎么外出旅游。

  • When you pay that much for a meal you expect the best .

    一顿饭花 那么 想吃到最好的东西。

  • If there is that much fraud the value should drop .

    如果存在 这么 欺诈行为,价值就应该下降。

  • I don 't have that much money on me just now .

    现在我身边没 那么 钱。

  • However if you 're changing menus that much you are probably also driving your users absolutely crazy .

    但是,如果 如此快地改变菜单,可能会使用户完全发疯。

  • My limited initial time with the device proved at least that much .

    我初次接触Nook平板的时间虽然有限,但至少可以 证明 一点。

  • And inflation is maybe not that much of a big deal to the rural voters because maybe they can get more for their farm products .

    对乡村地区的选民来说,通货膨胀可能不是 那么严重的事,因为他们也许从自己的农产品中得到的更多。

  • I don 't have that much right now either .

    我现在也没有 那么