


  • Test results show that impact and shock sensitivity of JHB-1 are all less than that of tetryl . Detonation velocity of JHB-1 is bigger than that of tetryl . In slow cook-off tests JHB-1 burned partly as for tetryl detonated .

    性能试验结果表明,JHB-1的撞击 和冲击波 远远 小于 特屈儿,爆速高于特屈儿,在慢速烤燃试验中仅发生部分燃烧反应,而特屈儿发生了爆轰。

  • The impact sensitivity of CL-18 is similar to that of Tetryl .

    对CL-18单质做了 撞击 摩擦 静电 火花感度实验,结论是 CL-18单质样品的撞击感度和特屈尔近似。

  • Tetryl is a widely used explosive .
