the big lie

[ði bɪɡ lai][ðə biɡ lai]

弥天大谎, 不断重复谎言以骗取人们相信的宣传伎俩

  • The big challenge however does not lie in the prosecution of those who hacked phones or paid bribes .

    然而真正 重大挑战却并不 在于对窃听电话和行贿的人提起诉讼。

  • Today the German taxpayers resist having to pay the price for rescuing an economic experiment that rested on a big lie .

    如今,德国纳税人就坚决不为拯救一项建立在 弥天大谎基础上的经济试验埋单。

  • Occasionally there is a small truth hidden in the big lie but the essential storyline never deviates .


  • Many people are wondering if the President has told the big lie .

    许多人想要知道总统是否撒了 弥天大谎

  • He will take his boat farther out where he believes the big fish lie waiting .

    把船开得更远,他相信 大鱼 在那里等他。

  • The baby 's grown so big now that all it can do is lie still and kick .

    胎儿长到这么 了,现在他只能老实地 那里踢一踢腿。

  • We all heard the big lie during the Watergate years .

    水门事件败露年间,我们都听到过蛊惑人心 谎言

  • Behind many of the big business school gifts lie many years of relationship-building .

    在许多商学院 大额捐赠 背后多年营造的关系。

  • The tiny narrow dwellings are just big enough for one person to lie down and seem to be protected with bike locks .

    木屋 面积只 一个人 躺下 睡觉,外面用几把单车锁上锁。

  • The grassland connecting into big area mostly lie in southwest rocky-dissolved mountainous region .

    面积的 连片草地,主要分布在西南岩溶地区。

  • In a media era hungry for content the big lie still works .

    在一个媒体对内容饥不择食的时代, 弥天大谎仍行之有效。

  • But the big decisions that lie ahead are not just for world leaders and policy-makers .

    在面前 重大决定不仅要由世界各国的领导人和决策者做出。

  • Fig4.Is the creative guy who thought up the slogan Technology liberates your communication telling a big white lie ?

    图四:老王:有句广告词叫“科技让交流更轻松”,写 这个广告创意的家伙没 撒谎吧?

  • As the governmental direct investment is limited by the national fiscal income from too big expansion the genuine investment potentials lie in how to release nongovernmental investment potentials .

    由于政府直接投资受国家财政收入的限制,不可能 过分扩张,因而投资的真正潜力 在于如何尽快释放民间的投资潜能,激活民间投资。

  • The fundamental contradictions among big states lie in the political power struggle ;

    大国之间 根本矛盾 政治权力之争;

  • He claims that when a person is telling a lie for the first time and it 's a big one he can detect the lie with near-perfect accuracy & and so can you .

    他宣称,当一个人第一次说谎并且是一个 大谎的时候,他能够以几近完全的精确率探测出 谎言来,而且你也能够这样。

  • Hitler argued that the big lie was effective with ordinary people because it would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously .

    希特勒(Hitler)曾主张, 弥天大谎得过普通人,是因为他们从未想过撒大谎,他们也不相信别人放肆到如此无耻地扭曲真相的地步。

  • The Kobe Bryant-to-the-Bulls saga which seems finally over with John Paxson 's declarations Thursday is like an NBA / media version of the Big Lie a World War II propaganda technique .

    周二,随着约翰-帕克森声明出炉,科比――公牛惊天大交易终于告一段落,这看起来倒像一出NBA或媒体版 弥天大谎,与二战中的宣传战如出一辙。

  • The speech made by the spokesman was only part of that big lie .

    发言人的讲话只是 整个 骗局的一个部分。