


v.(使)发痒( tickle的现在分词 )(使)愉快,逗乐

  • Her nose tickles and she feels as if something 's tickling inside .

    陶子的鼻子很痒,好像有东西在鼻子里绕 痒痒

  • You may feel a slight tickling or localised dizziness inside your arm or leg as you do this .

    你会感到你的胳膊或腿部有一种轻微的 刺痒或局部的晕眩,当你这么做时。

  • They 're throwing out insults maybe they 're tickling each other maybe they 're making fun of each other maybe they 're making fun of themselves and there 's some aggression to it .

    他们会说伤人的话, 胳肢别人,取笑对方,取笑自己,而这些 打闹是有一定的侵略性的。

  • Before she quite knew what he was about he had bent and kissed her cheek his mustache tickling her .

    在她还没意识到他的用意时,他已经低直头吻她的两颊,那髭须 痒痒的了。

  • At18 he was tickling his45-year-old mother while she semi-naked could roll on the floor squealing in delight .

    在弟弟18岁那年,他正在 他的45岁母亲 ,那时她几乎半裸,在地上打滚并且高兴地大叫。

  • Anti-aircraft guns fighter planes air-to-air rockets and machine guns & who was to know that all that would be no more use than tickling an elephant with a straw ?

    高射炮、战斗机、空对空火箭和机枪&谁会料到搬弄这些家什 简直是拿根稻草 大象 搔痒呢?

  • Tickling Room Tilting Chair Test

    倾斜房间 倾斜坐椅测验

  • Its origin is in tickling and rough-and-tumble play he says .

    他说,笑的起源来自于 痒痒以及杂乱无章的游戏。

  • Temporarily relieves symptoms of simple dry tight or tickling coughs due to colds in children .

    缓解儿童由于感冒引起来的单纯咳嗽,干咳,急咳,或 喉咙 咳。

  • I was tickling him and he was laughing and giggling .

    我在 胳肢他,他哈哈 、咯咯咯地笑个不停。

  • My nose is tickling . I think I 'm going to sneeze .

    牌子 发痒,我想我要打喷嚏了。

  • She is tickling her baby .

    她在 咯吱她的小宝宝。

  • To a mother tickling her baby it is a communicative form of showing affection ;

    对母亲 来说挠痒她的宝宝,这是显示喜爱的一个交流形式;

  • When volunteers activated a robot by remote control to tickle them after a short delay the volunteers felt as if someone else were tickling them .

    自愿者用遥控器操纵机器人,延迟片刻之后再让机器人为自己哈痒,自愿者就会觉得好像是别人在 他们

  • The part of the brain that is associated with tickling is the cerebellum .

    脑部与 怕痒有关的部位是小脑。

  • In ancient times however tickling was used as a form of torture & goats would lick salt off the bottom of a person 's foot .

    然而,在古代 痒痒被用作一种折磨人的 刑法,在一个人的脚底抹上盐,让山羊来舔。

  • Falling asleep : When I first started regularly tickling the little man in the boat at the late-ish age of16 just before bed was the only time I could count on privacy .

    入睡:当我在16岁这个稍晚一些的年纪定期在船上为这个矮小的男人 挠痒时,只有在上床之前是我可以指望的私人时间。

  • He wanna make me falling in love with her by tickling my funny bone .

    他想通过 他的幽默感来使我爱上他。

  • One thing a mother likes to do is tickling her baby because she likes to hear the baby gurgling .

    母亲喜欢做的一件事情是 婴儿 痒痒,因为她爱听婴儿发出的咯咯咯的笑声。

  • What new features are you working on or are tickling your fancy at the moment ?

    你在开发什么新特性,或者目前什么 兴趣?

  • What tickling of my senses !

    我的感觉 撩拨

  • She collapsed into giggles and squeals as he began tickling her .

    当他开始 ,她咯咯笑着,尖叫着缩成一团。

  • Well a fair definition of tickling is touching parts of the body in a mock attack .

    胳肢 准确定义就是,打打 闹闹 碰身体某个地方。

  • Studies show that right foot is more sensitive to tickling than the left the left cheek the more favourable one to kiss and the left side is the favoured one for holding babies .

    研究表明右脚对 更敏感,左边脸颊对亲吻更加敏感,而左边身体更适合用来抱婴儿。

  • I am tickling pink at the news .

    听到这消息我高兴 要命

  • Your brain forgets that you are tickling yourself-even with a delay as short as a fifth of a second .


  • Do you feel wind tickling your face ?

    你感觉到微风 轻拂 你的脸庞吗?

  • At one point cheeky Adam appeared to be tickling his gorgeous wife as they made their way inside .

    厚脸皮的亚当在进 超市的路上还 一度 他优雅妻子的痒痒。

  • He rose to his knees blew on his hands then stretched them out and started tickling her in the ribs and under her armpits .

    说着翻身起来,将两只手 了两 ,便伸手 向黛玉膈肢窝内两肋下乱

  • A cough that kept tickling my throat .

    我嗓子 ,总 咳嗽。