


  • Regime of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and Theocracy

    太平天国政体与 神权 政治

  • In the frame of the medieval theocracy the ideology of equality inherent in the three basic cultural elements forms the base and precondition in which the sense of the popular sovereignty in the medieval political culture exists .

    在西欧中世纪的 神权 政治框架内,三种文化 基质所内涵的平等观念是其政治文化中民权意识的前提和基础。

  • Since the Renaissance the western natural sciences rose and obtained very big development the domain of theology and theocracy reduced gradually and human 's status was promoted to a very high position .

    自文艺复兴以来,西方自然科学兴起并获得了很大的发展,神学、 神权的地盘逐渐缩小,人的地位被提升到一个很高的位置。

  • The supreme ruler of a theocracy fear to lose in the hands of Mace .

    一个 政教合一的最高统治者, 怕失去手中的权杖。

  • More lethal is the rising of theocracy give the kingship a heavy blow .

    更为致命的是 神权的崛起,给王权以沉重的一击。

  • When the Messiah finally arrived he would drive out the Romans and reinstitute the Jewish theocracy .

    当弥赛亚最后真的到来,祂要把罗马人赶出去,重新建立犹太人的 神权 政治

  • Break the shackles of convention Theocracy and the fetters of religion .

    打破习俗的桎梏 束缚 w_646 政教合一,宗教桎梏沉重。

  • Theocracy and the fetters of religion .


  • Under such a political culture background Chinese religious theocracy this adhered and submitted to the temporal kingship all along could neither stand up to the kingship as an equal nor predominate over it .

    在这样的政治文化背景下,中国的宗教 神权始终是依附、屈从于世俗王权的,既不可能与王权分庭抗礼,更不可能凌驾于王权之上。

  • With its inclination toward the secular affairs Christianity developed an elaborate theory of theocracy .

    基督教在 出世倾向朝入世倾向 转变的过程中,提出了 神权 统治 思想 体系

  • This paper holds it that the non moral thought of theocracy was transformed into heavy penalty judicial practice which among others accounts for the collapse of the Yin Empire .

    殷代非道德 主义 神权法思想被转化为重刑 主义的司法实践,是导致殷帝国垮台的重要原因之一。

  • In the mid & century Christianity was once in a dominant position in Western Europe . Its theocracy and spiritual autocracy over politics economy and culture hindered its society from developing .

    基督教在西欧中世纪居于 的地位,它在政治、经济和文化领域 实行 神权 统治和精神专制,阻碍了社会的进步。

  • Almost as unanticipated as theocracy on the march has been the summons from the tomb of financial governance that quaint old thing abandoned in the junkyard of the outmoded as the 1990s expired .

    几乎就像 神权 政治 卷土重来一样出人意料的,是来自坟墓的金融治理的召唤那是上世纪90年代结束时被抛弃在历史垃圾堆中的古怪的旧事物。

  • In a theocracy like ours the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country .

    在我们这样的一个 政教合一 国家,整个国家都 只能 个有一种宗教观点。

  • The Spring and Autumn period is not only an era in which the great changes in social political structure take place and kinds of conflicts constantly emerge but also the one in which the transition from theocracy since the Yin-Zhou dynasties to the ethical politics gradually occurs .

    春秋时期是社会政治结构发生大变革、各种矛盾冲突不断产生的时代,是殷周以来天命 神权 政治向伦理政治逐渐过渡和转向的时代。

  • Israel however is not a theocracy and other religions are respected .

    然而,以色列并不是一个 神权 政体,也尊重其他的宗教。

  • Savonarola a kind of theocracy in Florence a sort of Christian republic of virtue .

    试图将 神权,Savonarola, attempted,to,impose,加入佛罗伦萨的 政体,当中包含一种基督美德的共和。

  • Today 's modern state is far larger than historic Montenegro which for centuries was ruled as a theocracy by a prince-bishop .

    今日的门的内哥罗比过去大多了。再不是那个在国君兼任主教的 神权统治下的小国。

  • These people were content living in a kind of theocracy .

    这些人生活在某种 神权 社会 ,很是满足。

  • But it is a better place than either the Taliban 's medieval theocracy or the failing state racked by insurgency at the campaign 's low point in2009 .

    但如今这个国家 终究比塔利班的中世纪 神权 统治好些;也比2009年战争 形势 糟时那个饱受叛乱困扰的衰败国家要 好些

  • Even the Muslim Brothers look as if they will opt for civil society rather than theocracy .

    甚至是穆斯林兄弟看起来好像更适合文明的社会,而非 神权 统治

  • Religious and political integration is a prominent characteristic of American history . The relation between politics and religion of Massachusetts Bay Colony is a typical representative the impact of this theocracy system is far-reaching of the United States .

    宗教与政治相结合,是美国历史的突出特征。而英属 北美马萨诸塞殖民地的政教关系也是一个非常典型的代表,其 政教合一 政权体制在美国历史上的影响也是深远的。

  • The legitimacy Intension is to instill the rule performance and ideology to maintain the power structure system this maintenance mode also changes with the development of industrialization and capitalist system from the religious theocracy to a secular society .

    合法性的本意在于政府通过自身的统治绩效与意识形态灌输建立起一套维系权力结构的系统,而这种维系的模式也随着工业化与资本主义制度的发展而产生变化:由宗教 神权向世俗社会 转变

  • They are the hieroglyphics of feudalism succeeding those of theocracy .

    这是继 神权 政治象形文字之后的封建制度象形文字。

  • Iran implement theocratic political system and theocracy above all else .

    伊朗实行的是政教合一、 神权高于一切的政治体制。

  • The kingship of England develops on the basis of Germanic barbarian kingship under the help of Christianity theocracy and authority of the kings is build up .

    英国王权在日耳曼蛮族王权的基础上发展起来,经过基督教 神权 政治的帮助,王权权威逐步建立。

  • Despite its historical limitations his theory is progressive because it is against religious theocracy and feudal separatist rule and for the idea that the state sovereignty comes from people .

    尽管霍布斯的 国家学说具有历史局限性,但同时它还具有反对宗教 神权、反对封建割据、主张国家主权来自人民的进步意义。