thermal dilation

[ˈθɚməl daɪˈleʃən][ˈθə:məl daiˈleiʃən]


  • Research on safe assessment low vacuum thermal dilation of heating unit

    供热机组低真空 供热 改造安全性校核研究

  • Microwave energy will convert into heat when biological tissues absorb it which therefore leads to thermal dilation of biological tissues and then thermal dilation will cause instantaneous pressure distribution .

    当生物组织吸收微波能量后,微波能量转换为热能,从而引起生物组织 膨胀,这种膨胀会引起瞬时的压力分布。

  • Dilatometer : an instrument used to measure thermal expansion and dilation in solids and liquids .

    膨胀计:用于测量固体液体中 膨胀与 扩张的仪器。

  • Shrinkage and thermal dilation are two different deformations which occur at the same time .

    混凝土的收缩和 膨胀是同时发生的两个不同性质的变形。

  • Quantification of thermal dilation of concrete at early age

    混凝土硬化早期 膨胀的量化方法研究

  • The application of this method to measure thermal dilation of solid material is described in this paper .

    本文应用这种 圆柱体 放大作用设计了 膨胀仪,论述了将其用于测量小 膨胀刚体材料 膨胀 系数的问题。

  • The phase transformation and microstructure of a C-Si-Mn TRIP steel during continuous cooling after ausforming were studied by hot simulation experiment machine . The continuous cooling transformation curves were drawn using thermal dilation method and the influence of the cooling rate on the microstructure was analyzed .

    利用热/力模拟试验机研究了C-Si-Mn系TRIP钢在不同连续冷却条件下的组织变化情况,用 膨胀法绘制了动态CCT曲线,分析了冷却速度对组织的影响。

  • This paper analyzes the impact of axial thrust and thermal dilation on the safe operation of the unit after the modification and puts forward some necessary safety measures .

    本文阐述了对 供热 汽轮机机组 真空 供热改造后,机组轴向推力和 膨胀对机组安全运行影响的理论 校核和分析,并提出 减小 消除机组不安全隐患的必要措施。