theoretical error

[ˌθiəˈrɛtɪkəl ˈɛrɚ][ˌθiəˈretikəl ˈerə]


  • Analysis and control of the theoretical error in five axis NC machining

    五坐标数控加工的 理论 误差分析与控制

  • An equation of actual transmission characteristics for plant leaf thickness instruments is established in the paper . By a comparison between the equation and theoretical linear model the theoretical error function of the device is got .

    建立了叶片厚度仪的实际传动特性方程,通过与理论的线性模型比较,获得了仪器的 原理 误差函数式。

  • The theoretical error of the SCATTERING-PATTERN method for measuring parameters of step index multimode fibers and correction

    阶跃型多模光纤参数的 理论 误差及其修正方案

  • Simulations show that the wave velocity chosen under such mode has lower theoretical error so that it could meet the requirements of the cable fault location . 5 .

    仿真分析表明,该方式下选择的波速度在测距中 理论 误差较低,满足电缆测距的要求。

  • A four-accelerometer based test method for measuring rocket rotation angle is put forward in this paper and its theoretical error is comprehensively analyzed .

    提出利用四只加速度计测量火箭弹自转角的方法,详细地讨论了该方法的测试 原理 误差

  • Theoretical error estimation of sine AC sampling

    正弦交流采样 理论 误差的估计

  • By using the computer simulation technique the theoretical error inthe photodetection process of an optical pattern is correcting .

    利用计算机仿真技术对光学图样光电探测过程中存在的 原理 误差进行修正。

  • The proof of existence of the finite element solutions and their theoretical error estimates are presented .

    本文利用连续时空有限元法对半线性奇异抛物方程进行了研究,利用线性化方法给出了有限元解的存在性证明和 理论 误差估计。

  • The system is with ability of self-calibration . ( 2 ) In-depth analysis of errors of dual frequency laser with large frequency difference based tip clearance measurement system is completed to establish the theoretical error model and influencing mechanism .

    深入分析了基于大频差双频激光的叶尖间隙测量系统的误差源并经 理论推导建立了 误差模型和影响机制。

  • The theoretical error of scattering pattern method for measuring the diameter of metal thin wire and it 's modification

    用散射图法测量微金属丝直径的 理论 误差及其修正公式

  • From viewpoint of principle of NC of space free curved face theoretical error in NC machining of space free curved face and way of error control are analyzed .

    从空间自由曲面的数控加工原理出发,分析了空间自由曲面在数控加工中的 理论 误差以及控制误差的途径;

  • We have improved on the half-deflection method experiment and then eliminated the theoretical error in this experiment .

    对常用半偏法实验作了改进,消除了该实验 理论上的 误差

  • And when selecting sub-system of chaotic systems they ignored the long periodicity of linear feedback shift register ( LFSR ) and there is theoretical error and bug in their testify .

    且在考虑选择复合离散混沌动力系统中子系统的混沌性时,忽略了线性反馈移位寄存器的长周期性,其 理论证明也存在 缺陷和错误,很有必要做一些改进。

  • The mathematical essence of rapid prototyping and manufacturing is indicated and the theoretical error control strategy of rapid prototyping and manufacturing is discussed .

    揭示了快速成型制造的数学本质,探讨了快速成型制造中原型 理论误差的评价方法及 理论 误差的控制策略。

  • Theoretical Error Control Strategy and Mathematic Essence of Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing

    快速成型制造的数学本质及 理论 误差控制策略

  • Firstly clarify the theoretical error of the technological determinism which are represented by Jacques Ellul and Frankfurt School and indicates the differences between technological determinism and media determinism .

    首先,以技术决定论中的 埃吕尔和法兰克福学派的 理论为代表,澄明它的 理论缺陷,并表明技术决定论的本质及其与媒介决定论的差异。

  • The width of the central area suitable for the practical measurements to set the four-point probe within a theoretical error less than 3 % has been determined and confirmed with experiments .

    找出了实际测量时 理论 误差小于3%可放置直线四探针的中央区宽度,并给予实验验证。

  • The theoretical error of traditional determination for coefficient of linear expantion is analyzed in this paper and scientific method for measuring the coeffcient of linear expantion is presented .

    本文分析了传统热膨胀系数测量方法的 原理 误差,并且提出了测量树脂水泥线膨胀系数的科学方法。

  • This paper discusses the influences of measurement accuracy caused by the position at which the bullet passes through the API plane derives the conditions of no error measurement and the available ( i.e. no theoretical error ) area of the API .

    本文讨论了弹丸穿过声定位靶靶平面不同位置对测量误差的影响,推导出无误差测量条件和声定位靶的有效(即无 理论 定位 误差)靶面。

  • The traditional method to find the profile surface of a cylindrical cam from a given pitch curve for its theoretical error cannot be applied in accurate control situation .

    求解圆柱凸轮实际轮廓曲面的传统方法存在 理论 误差,不适用于需要精确控制的场合。

  • This paper introduces spectrum analysis method to eliminate theoretical error and make measurement accuracy higher .

    本文从理论上介绍了采用频谱分析法消除了 理论上的 误差,提高了测量精度。

  • Comparison of the theoretical error probability with the bit error rate of simulation example proved that the approximate approach was effective for nonlinear system 's performance evaluation .

    理论 误码率和仿真试验中实际误比特率的对比结果表明,该近似处理方法是有效的。

  • The theoretical error in five axis NC machining which is resulted from approximating the perfect continuous tool path with discrete linear segments is strictly analyzed .

    对五坐标曲面加工中由离散线性运动逼近理想刀具轨迹所引起的 理论加工 误差进行了较严格的分析。

  • The theoretical error of linear polarization technique caused by estimating Tafel constant is eliminated efficiently . And the measuring error brought by the IR drop of the medium resistance is eliminated further .

    有效地解决了线性极化技术因估算塔菲尔系数所带来的 理论 误差,进一步消除了因介质电阻IR降的影响产生的测量误差。

  • This reveals the source of the error and gives a theoretical error limitation of linear interpolation .

    这从 理论上,为 误差的来源找到了根源,也给出了线性插值的误差的 理论极限。

  • By means of artifical computation the theoretical error of the algorithm has been tested .

    通过仿真计算,考核了这种算法的 理论 误差

  • The result points out that the method of equivalent static wind load calculation in this paper is suitable for the along-wind wind force but exists theoretical error to across-wind wind force due to the influence of vortex shedding .

    分析结果表明,求沿高层建筑高度分布的等效静态风荷载的方法适用于顺风向风力,在应用于横风向风力时由于涡脱落力的影响有 理论 误差

  • In the fifth chapter the testing result of air-bearing system is analyzed and the theoretical error and technical error are discussed .

    第五章对气悬浮支承系统的测试结果进行了分析;同时对 原理误差、工艺性误差也进行了探讨研究,并得出实验结论。