thermoelectric effect

[ˌθɚmoɪˈlɛktrɪk ɪˈfɛkt][ˌθə:məuiˈlektrik iˈfekt]


  • Study on thermoelectric feedback effect of the transistor bringing up a method to model the heat distribution of transistors including thermoelectric feedback effect by conversion of the thermoelectric feedback effect into resistivity variation of Si with temperature and introduction of transistor array . 5 .

    对双极功率晶体管的 热电反馈 效应进行了研究,提出将热电反馈效应问题简化为材料电阻率随温度变化的问题,并通过晶体管阵列,提出了建立包含热电反馈效应的双极晶体管热分布模型的方法。

  • The thermoelectric effect which is the rationale of semiconductor TEG is carried on detailed showing in the thesis specially the process .

    温差 效应是半导体温差发电的理论基础,本论文对其基本原理进行了较详细的说明,尤其是对与 塞贝克 效应紧密联系的温差发电过程作了清晰的阐述。

  • This paper introduces the basic principles of thermoelectricity and the factors that can affect the thermoelectric efficiency and also discusses the quantum effect and theoretical model of low-dimensional thermoelectric materials .

    介绍了温差电的基本原理和影响 温差 性能的因素以及低维温差电材料的量子 效应和理论模型。

  • The thermoelectric energy conversion effect and the fundamentals of thermoelectric materials are described in present paper much attention is devoted to the recent development of sintered thermoelectric materials thermoelectric materials with higher ZT value and thermoelectric materials with graded structure .

    本文简要介绍了 热电 效应 应用状况和热电材料的基本 特性,重点评述了热电烧结材料、高ZT值热电材料以及具有梯度结构的热电材料的研究进展。

  • Because of the influence of the contact effect the work efficiency of thermoelectric generator will fall with length decreasing of couple arm . The more remarkable of contact effect the more quickly of the work efficiency will fall .

    由于接触效应的影响, 温差 电器的工作效率将随 温差电偶臂长度的减小而降低,而且接触 效应 影响越显著,工作效率降低的就越迅速。

  • The La_ 0.67 Pb_ 0.33 MnO_3 ( LPMO ) thin films doped with Ag on vicinal-cut LaAlO_3 substrates were prepared using standard pulsed laser deposition technique in which laser induced thermoelectric voltage ( LITV ) effect was found .

    采用脉冲激光沉积法在倾斜LaAlO3衬底上制备了Ag掺杂的La0.67Pb0.33MnO3(LPMO)系列薄膜,发现该类薄膜中有激光感生 热电电压(LITV) 效应

  • Thermoelectric effect is a coupling effect between the transport of thermal and electricity the conversion between thermal energy and electricity may be realized by the thermoelectric devices based on this point .

    热电 效应是热和电之间传输的耦合效应,基于这种观点,热电能量转换可以通过热电装置来实现。

  • In this paper the structure and the mechanism of CMR materials are simply presented at first . And then the late development of the materials on device fabrication especially on the new laser induced thermoelectric voltage effect bolometer and sensors is discussed in detail .

    首先介绍了CMR薄膜材料的结构和机理,接着详细讨论了它们在器件应用上,尤其是在激光感生电压 热电电压 效应(LITV)、Bolometer、传感器等有关方面的应用进展。

  • In this study gas-sensitivity humidity-sensitivity and thermoelectric effect of CNT films have been investigated .

    本文主要对碳纳米管膜的气敏、湿敏和 温差 效应进行了研究。

  • Principles The thermoelectric cooling called Peltier Effect Is a solid-state method of heating transfer through dissimilar ( P shape & N shape ) semiconductor materials ;

    半导体制冷,是帕尔贴 效应,是一种由具有固态能量转移的应用半导体材料而实现。

  • The thermoelectric effect in a marginal Fermi liquid

    边缘费米液体中的 温差 效应

  • And the samples can provide an electric energy output at a constant temperature of 500 ℃ which cannot be explained by the known thermoelectric or pyroelectric effect .

    并且样品在500℃的恒定温度下有稳定的电能输出,这种现象用现有的 温差 效应和热(释)电 效应理论都不能解释。

  • At last utilizing the designed thermoelectric system and the semi-conductor cooling device cooling effect near the tank tail pipe was demonstrated and the Infrared camouflage effect was evaluated based on the result of the reduction of the temperature .

    最后利用所设计的 温差 发电系统和半导体制冷器件,通过实验模拟了坦克排气筒附近区域的制冷 效果,并由降温情况评估了红外隐身的效果。

  • Laser induced thermoelectric voltage effect in La_ ( 0.67 ) Pb_ ( 0.33 ) MnO_3 thin films doped with Ag

    Ag掺杂的La(0.67)Pb(0.33)MnO3薄膜中激光感生 热电电压 效应

  • The appearance of fractal architectures has significantly influence on the thermoelectric power ( TEP ) but little effect on the resistivity of the annealed bilayer film .

    分形体系的出现对退火薄膜的 热电 (TEP)有着巨大的影响,但对其电阻率只有一点点 影响

  • The thermoelectric effect theory with the thermoelectric parameters and research progress are discussed in the dissertation .

    本文对 热电 效应、与热电参数有关的理论以及其研究进展作了较为详细综述。

  • Thermoelectric effect is demonstrated by means of measuring galvanometer constant and internal resistance a method for eliminating the effect is presented .

    本文以测量灵敏电流计常量和内阻为例,表明了 温差 电动 的存在,介绍了消除其影响的方法。

  • In this paper the principle and application of the semiconductor thermoelectric materials evolved from the Peltier effect and Seebeck effect were summarized .

    介绍了由Peltier 效应和Seebeck效应发展起来的半导体 热电材料的原理及其应用。

  • The origin of thermoelectric effects and the cause of no thermoelectric effect in type-I superconductors were discussed .

    讨论了 温差效应的起源和I类超导体不发生 温差 效应的原因。

  • To the offset voltage caused by thermoelectric effect a new low-voltage measurement was introduced namely three-point delta method .

    针对低电压测量中 电势产生的偏移电压,介绍了一种新的低电压测量方法:三点式Delta测量法。

  • Numerical Simulation of Thermoelectric Magnetohydrodynamic Effect During Directional Solidification of Al-4.0 % Cu Alloy

    Al-4.0%Cu合金定向凝固中 电磁流体动力学 效应的数值模拟

  • Thermoelectric Quantum Effect and Low-dimensional Thermoelectric Materials

    温差 量子 效应及低维温差电材料

  • Optimum thickness for laser induced thermoelectric voltage effect in high T_c superconductor and CMR thin film

    高温超导体和巨磁阻薄膜激光感生 热电电压的最佳膜厚 研究

  • The working performance of thermoelectric generator is analyzed mainly on the base of couple size contact effect and Thomson effect .

    并对 半导体 温差发电模块的工作性能进行了分析,主要考虑了电偶 的几何尺寸、接触 效应和汤姆逊效应对其工作性能的影响。

  • The thermoelectric generation is a kind of all static clean power generation which converts the heat into electricity though the seebeck effect of semiconductor .

    温差发电是利用半导体的塞贝克 效应将热能转化为电能的全静态清洁发电方式。

  • Laser-Induced Thermoelectric Effect of YBCO Films at Room Temperature

    YBCO薄膜室温下由激光引起的 热电 效应

  • Large-area domain inversion of LiTaO_3 is successfully realized proved by thermoelectric effect and chemistry etching method .

    利用 和化学腐蚀方法,成功地实现了钽酸锂晶体的大面积畴反转。

  • The thermoelectric effect discovered more than 150 years ago had been less applied in practical fields during more than 100 years because of its inefficiency .

    热电 效应的发现已有150年的历史,然而,在其后近100年的过程中由于效率低下,一直没能得到实际性的应用。