thermocouple contact

[ˈθɚməˌkʌpəl ˈkɑnˌtækt][ˈθə:məuˌkʌpl ˈkɔntækt]


  • A thermocouple junction and the adjacent thermocouple conductor shall be held in good thermal contact with the surface of the material where a temperature is being measured .

    热电偶的连接点及其邻近的 热电偶导线应与所测物质的表面进行充分的热 接触

  • A thermocouple used to measure a conductor temperature for through wiring shall be placed in contact with the conductor through a slit in the insulation and retained in place by a wrap of tape .

    要穿过电线网测试导线的温度,就要将导线的隔热层打开一个小 口子,使其与导线 接触,并要用胶带绑扎好。