


  • Coalbed gases in Huainan coal field is a gas mixture resulted from thermogenic methane and secondary biogenic gas .

    淮南煤田煤层气属于 成因和次生生物 成因气的混合气。

  • The Mechanism of Carbon Isotope Fractionation During Thermogenic Methane Generation


  • Research on chemical components and isotope composition of carbon and hydrogen of natural gases from the Tarim basin shows that all discovered gases in this basin are thermogenic .

    天然气的组分和碳、氢同位素组成特征研究表明塔里木盆地已发现的天然气均为 解气

  • There are two primary structures ( structure ⅰ and structure ⅱ) and two major genetic types ( thermogenic and biogenic ) for gas hydrates .

    主要有两种结构(结构Ⅰ型和结构Ⅱ型),两种成因类型(生物 成因 热解 成因)。

  • Due to the character of isothermal microcalorimetry we can obtain complete thermogenic curves of cell metabolism and thermokinetic equation during metabolic process .

    通过它可获得完整的细胞代谢过程 曲线及其热动力学方程;

  • The paper deals with formation mechanisms correlations and differences of the bacterial ( biogenic ) gas thermogenic gas deep gas and abiogenic gas ;

    本文论述了细菌(生物)成因气、 成因气、深层气和非生物成因气的形成机制和它们的耦合与差异;

  • The studies of the adaptive thermogenic capacity and mechanisms of small mammals in cold were one of the hottest issues in ecophysiology and had gone deeply the molecular level .

    哺乳动物在低温环境下的适应性 及其 调节机理研究是当前生理生态学研究领域中的热点问题之一,其机理已深入到分子水平上。

  • Shale gas occurs in the organic-rich shale with adsorption and free phase and has a commercial value of biogenic and thermogenic unconventional gas .

    页岩气是指以吸附和(或)游离状态赋存于富有机质页岩地层中,具有商业价值的生物成因和 成因的非常规天然气。

  • Includes antioxidant and thermogenic green tea .

    蕴含抗氧化剂和 热量的绿茶。

  • Ginger gets its spicy flavor and thermogenic quality from its combination of two pungent compounds : gingerol and shogaol .

    生姜那独特的辣味以及之能够 驱寒,来自它两种刺鼻的成分:姜辣素和姜辣烯酮。

  • This paper introduces the electronic relay that can controns the thermogenic element without point of contact in constant system gets continous power and compensates voltage by automation .

    介绍了一种电子继电器,具有对恒温系统中加热元件的无 触点控制和无级设定功率,以及自动适应电压变化的补偿功能。

  • Thermogenic and metabolic response of structured lipid emulsion in patients with liver failure

    结构脂肪乳剂在肝硬化病人中的 及代谢作用

  • The protein content state 3 respiration and cytochrome C oxidase activity of liver mitochondria showed an increase of 22 % 42 % and 48 % respectively suggesting the enhancement of thermogenic capacity of liver was one of the celluar mechanisms of the rise of RMR .

    肝脏线粒体的蛋白含量、状态3呼吸和细胞色素C氧化酶活力分别提高了22%、42%和48%,表明在 低温 环境下肝脏线粒体 能力的增强是RMR提高的细胞学机制之一;

  • Effect of acupuncture on the thermogenic action in brown adipose tissue of obese rats

    针刺对肥胖大鼠褐色脂肪组织 作用的影响

  • In thermogenic plants heat released by AOX attracts insects for pollination by heating aromatic compounds .

    植物中交替氧化产生的热量 使 花粉发出芳香味吸引虫传粉。

  • Thermogenic capacity and expression of uncoupling protein gene of brown adipose tissue from Mongolian gerbils ( meriones unguiculatus ) during cold acclimation

    长爪沙鼠冷驯化中褐色脂肪组织产 活性及解偶联蛋白基因表达

  • Based on this the potential of thermogenic and secondary biogenic coalbed gases were analyzed and it is of practical significance for the coalbed gas exploration in the studied area .

    在此基础上,分析了 成因煤层气与次生生物 成因煤层气的气源潜力,对研究区煤层气勘探有实际意义。

  • Thermogenic fracturing technique for high pour-point oil reservoir

    针对高凝油油藏的 自生 压裂技术

  • Origin migration and accumulation fashion of methane gas indirectly indicate that potential gas hydrate in Xisha Trough is thermogenic and genetic model is comprehensive fault-filtration geologic model .

    甲烷气来源及运聚条件综合分析表明,潜在天然气水合物以 热解成因为主,为断层- 渗滤综合地质模式。

  • Our result suggested that cold exposure can induce the increasing of the RNA content in liver and BAT and strengthen the adaptive thermogenic capacity of tree shrews .

    文章的实验结果表明,低温能够诱导中缅树鼠句BAT和肝脏 重量和总RNA含量增加,从而使其适应性 增加,能够 更好地适应其 生存 环境

  • The metabolic thermogenic curves of the mitochondria isolated from liver of Carassius auratus and the effects of different concentration benzidine ( 1.0 5.0 10.0 20.0 40.0 g / mL ) on the mitochondria were determined by using a TAM air microcalorimeter .

    TAMair等温微量热检测系统,测定鲫鱼(Carassiusauratus)肝脏线粒体 体外代谢 及不同浓度联苯胺( 1.0)对其代谢活性的影响。

  • Along with the antioxidant flavonoids called catechins it 's the caffeine that also gives it thermogenic properties .

    除了叫儿茶酸的 类黄酮外,咖啡因是产生 因素

  • Effects of photoperiod and temperature on brown adipose tissue thermogenic properties in root vole

    光照和温度对根田鼠褐色脂肪组织 能力的影响

  • There was a special mode of metabolic and thermogenic mode in E. melanogaster which close connect with its life style and habitat environment .

    黑腹绒鼠代谢和 模式的特点与其自身的生活习性以及生境条件密切相关。