the accused

[ði əˈkjuzd][ðə əˈkju:zd]


  • He passed judgement on the accused man .

    他对 被告作出了判决。

  • The accused will appear before a specially constituted military tribunal .


  • The old judge doesn 't like the thought of no one going in to bat for the accused .

    老法官不希望没有人为 被告 辩护

  • All the accused pleaded not guilty .

    所有 刑事 被告表示不服罪。

  • The accused will be brought before the bench .


  • Withdrawing public prosecution have some influence on benefits or behaviors for the accused victim and other libigations .

    撤回公诉对 被告 、被害人和其他诉讼参与人 诉讼利益或诉讼行为也具有一定的影响。

  • The judge ordered a new trial then one of the juror is found to be the accused 's brother .

    当发现 陪审团中的一个陪审员是 被告的兄弟后,法官命令重新审理。

  • The accused is alleged to be a member of a right-wing gang

    据称 被告是某右翼组织的成员。

  • The jury found the accused person guilty .

    陪审团判定 被告人有罪。

  • Several of the accused were found guilty .

    被告中有数 被判定有罪。

  • The court confronted the witness with the accused .

    法庭使证人与 被告对质。

  • The lawyer asserted with emphasis that the accused was not guilty .

    律师强调地声称 被告无罪。

  • The court doomed the accused to a long term of imprisonment .

    法庭判处 被告长期监禁。

  • You 're not the prosecutor and I 'm not the accused .

    你不是检控官,而我也非 被告

  • The accused men have been given relatively light sentences .


  • The accused has the right to appeal to a higher court and the right of petition .

    被告 有上诉权和申诉权。

  • The accused is alleged to have killed a man


  • The prosecution in a criminal case has to establish beyond reasonable doubt that the accused committed th crime .

    在刑事案件中,控方必须毫无疑义地确认 被告犯了罪。

  • After six hours ' questioning by the police the accused man confessed .

    经过警方六个小时的审问, 被告供认了犯罪。

  • The jury convicted the accused man of theft and arson .

    陪审团判决 被告 犯有偷窃和纵火罪。

  • Read of the indictment to the accused and hearing his plea .

    刑事 被告宣读起诉书并听取他的答辩。

  • The jury 's verdict of innocence cleared the accused man .

    陪审团宣布无罪的裁决恢复了 被告清白。

  • We were astonished when we heard that the accused person had got off .

    当我们听说 被告 免予处罚时,我们大为惊讶。

  • The accused man admitted his guilt .


  • The lawyer claims that the accused was not guilty .

    律师声称 被告无罪。

  • The accused has the right to defense .

    被告 有权获得辩护。

  • The accused declared that he was innocent .


  • Where the accused has a record of violence they should always be kept in custody .

    要是 被告有暴力犯罪记录,必须予以拘留。

  • The accused 's lawyers will get a chance to cross-examine him
