thermal compressor

[ˈθɚməl kəmˈprɛsɚ][ˈθə:məl kəmˈpresə]


  • Theoretical analysis of the thermal performance of opening reverse-Brayton air refrigerator has been performed . A model of refrigerator system consisting of compressor expander and exchanger has been set up .

    针对开式逆布雷顿循环空气制冷机的 热力性能展开理论分析,建立 压缩机、膨胀机和回热器3大部件的制冷机系统模型。

  • Thermal Performance Analysis of Single - screw Compressor

    单螺杆 压缩机 热力性能分析

  • However affect on some factors such as : thermal efficiency ( COP ) compressor reliability unit stability etc. the conventional heat pump hot water technology to make higher temperature than 55 ℃ exists a certain difficulty .

    但是受热泵 效率(制热系数)、 压缩机的可靠性、机组的稳定性等因素的影响,采用常规的热泵热水技术来制取55℃以上的热水存在一定的难度。

  • Application of one driving two thermal water resistance actuator in the start-up of compressor 's high-voltage motor

    水电阻一拖二启动 设备压缩机高压电机启动中的应用

  • Experimental Research on Thermal Expansion Valve for a Variable Displacement Compressor Automotive Air Conditioning

    变排量 压缩机汽车空调用 热力膨胀阀的试验研究

  • The result shows that the defrosting period of machine with electronic expansion valve is 12 seconds or 11 % shorter than that with thermal expansion electronic valve so suggests integrating both two methods by using the electronic expansion valve and defrosting by reversing four-way valve with compressor off .

    结果表明:采用电子膨胀阀的除霜时间比 热力膨胀 的短12s,即减少11%。

  • Application of Thermal Expansion Calculation in Alignment of Centrifugal Compressor Group under Cold State

    膨胀量计算在离心 压缩 机组冷态对中数值验证中的应用

  • Thermal vapour compressor ( TVC ) belongs to gas-ejectors using steam as the working fluid .

    热力蒸汽 压缩器是一种以蒸汽为工质的气体喷射器。

  • A numerical method for simulating the thermal and fluid-dynamic behavior of hermetic compressors by using CFD in the whole compressor domain are presented .

    提出了全封闭活塞式 压缩机 热力性能和流体流动的CFD模拟方法。

  • The Calculation on Viscosity And Thermal Conductivity of Gas Mixture with Condensable Components in Inter-cooler of Turbine Compressor

    透平 压缩机级间冷却器中具有可分凝组分气体混合物粘性系数和 导热系数的计算

  • Thermal stress analysis for piping of cracked gas compressor turbine

    裂解气压 机在蒸汽透平管道的 应力分析

  • When fouling thermal resistance increases from 0 to 5.28 × 10-4 m2 · K / W the input power of compressor will increase by 18.02 % .

    污垢 热阻从0增加到5.28×10-4m2.K/W, 压缩机输入功率增大18.02%。