thermal control coating

[ˈθɚməl kənˈtrol ˈkotɪŋ][ˈθə:məl kənˈtrəul ˈkəʊtɪŋ]


  • Variation of solar absorptance α _s of thermal control coating with angle of incidence and its effect


  • Degradation model of optical properties of thermal control coating irradiated by charged particles

    带电粒子辐照对 涂层的光学性能退化影响

  • Effect of Parameters of Thermal Control Coating on Dynamic Radiation Characteristic of Satellite


  • Development of Anti-Static Thermal Control Coating and Test of Its Related Performance in Simulated Space Environment

    防静电白色 涂层的空间环境性能试验

  • By diffusion of heavy metal ion into zinc oxide crystal ACR-1 white antistatic thermal control coating is developed with acrylic resin .

    通过在氧化锌晶格中掺入重金属离子,得到具有防静电功能的白色颜料,再以丙烯酸树脂为粘合剂 空间 飞行器 表面 的ACR-1防静电白色 涂层

  • Organic Thermal Control Coating in Space Environment

    空间环境下的有机 涂层

  • The shape structure and phase transition performance were discussed ; By using the method of the industrial coatings antistatic and thermal control coating for oil tanks was prepared . And the thermal control effect was discussed intensively .

    对其形态、结构和相变性能进行了探讨;研制出适合油料储罐使用的抗静电 控温 涂料,并对其控温和抗静电效果进行了深入的研究。