thermal lag

[ˈθɚməl læɡ][ˈθə:məl læɡ]


  • The thermal sensor had a large lag phase so the data got by the sensor of digital mass flow controller should be compensated in advance .

    式传感器有很大的 滞后环节,在数字质量流量控制器中需要对传感器数据进行补偿。

  • However for its own structure the temperature sensor has the long time thermal inertia which causes the lag in the course of temperature measurement and then leads to fallibility measurement .

    但是连续测温传感器的结构使其具有较长时间的 惯性,在测温过程中存在一定的 滞后 现象,引起不可靠测量。

  • A thermal expansion lag of the dense vapor core was observed for the first time and this thermal lag was shortened by an increased overheat factor .

    首次观察到电爆丝中金属蒸汽喷发的热滞后现象, 滞后时间随过热系数增大而减小。

  • At the same time the range of the effective temperature in the concrete is connected with the range of the atmosphere temperature so we must think over the effects which are brought by the volume of concrete and the thermal lag of structure .

    同时,混凝土桥梁的有效温度变化范围与大气的温度变化范围是相互联系的,计算混凝土桥梁温度变形时应考虑到混凝土体量、结构 温度 滞后等方面的影响。

  • The time of intrusion and uplift of granite located in the thermal center lag that of domal progressive metamorphism there is no origin connection between metamorphism and igneous intrusion .

    中心花岗岩的侵位和上隆 滞后 穹状递增变质作用,二者在成因上无直接的联系。

  • The TG curve moves toward the direction of higher temperature as the heating rate increases because of the increase in thermal lag .

    试验发现随着升温速率的增加, 滞后 现象的加重致使纤维素 裂解各个阶段向高温侧移动;

  • Using thermocouple is the most popular method which has many disadvantages such as low resistance to oxidation and deoxidization liability to be disturbed by electromagnetism obvious thermal lag etc.

    目前广泛采用的热电偶测试方法具有抗氧化、还原能力差,易受电磁干扰, 惯性大等弊病。

  • The temperature control objects have some advantages for example big thermal lag easy to receive disturbs time-variable time-lag non-linearity strongly coupling and so on .

    温度控制对象 惯性大,易受干扰,并且具有时变、时滞、非线性、强耦合等特性。

  • In the power plant thermal engineering control field most control objects are of large thermal capacity system with strongly coupling and interference relations among them and also have characteristics of long tune lag as well as great delay .

    电站热工控制领域中,对象多为 大热容量系统,各自间存在耦合和干扰关系,控制时具有大 滞后、惯性特性。

  • When people went to the cold or hot environment from the neutral condition thermal sensation changes had a lag .

    人们从中性环境突变到冷或热的环境时, 感觉的变化有一个 滞后

  • Experimental study on thermal lag effect of Pyranometers - experimental apparatus and results

    总日射表 滞后效应的实验研究&实验装置和结果

  • On Thermal Hysteresis of the Thermometer Screen and Its Lag Error in Temperature Measurement

    百叶箱的 惯性及其测温的 滞后误差

  • It indicates that in the background temperature of 28 ℃ and a certain supply temperature human body will not have thermal discomfort . If the thermal sensation in the workaround approaches neutral the thermal sensation will lag obviously when the occupants come to the background .

    发现当背景区温度为28℃时,在一定的送风温度下,人体不会出现热不适;当在工作区的热感觉接近中性时,进入背景区后 感觉有明显的 滞后 现象

  • These thermal conductivity values show that the different lag with different rate of temperature change .

    计算结果表明, 热导率随温度变化速度的不同,出现不同的 滞后 现象

  • By analyzing the thermal conductivity heat capacity and the thickness of the wall it is found that heat capacity and the thermal conductivity have distinct effect on time lag and the decrement factor .

    通过分析墙体材料的导热系数k、热容C和墙体厚度对墙体 延时与削弱作用的影响,发现热容C和 导热系数k对墙体 延时与削弱作用影响明显。