


  • Factors influencing in vitro release of theophylline from acylated modified chitosan matrix tablets


  • The effect of Gatifloxacin on population pharmacokinetics of Theophylline in the elderly COPD patients

    加替沙星对老年COPD患者 茶碱群体药代动力学的影响

  • Conclusion : Theophylline transdermal patch has good permeation in vitro .

    结论: 茶碱贴片体外经皮渗透作用较好。

  • Objective : Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry was applied to analyse caffeine 、 theobromine and theophylline .

    目的:应用电喷雾质谱法对嘌呤生物碱咖啡因、可可碱和 茶碱进行了质谱研究。

  • A HPLC method for the determination of the concentration of theophylline in serum was reported .

    报道了HPLC法测定血清中 茶碱浓度。

  • Study on preparation and stability of theophylline sustained-release tablets


  • Influence and treatment effect of theophylline on IL-8 in induced sputum of asthma


  • The research about compatible stability of three kinds of Theophylline drugs and commonly used Injections

    3种 茶碱 药物与常用注射剂的配伍稳定性研究

  • A Comparative Study of the Effects of Acanthopanacis Senticosi Injection Theophylline and Caffeine on Human Sperm Mobility in vitro

    刺五加注射液与 茶碱、咖啡因体外对精子运动功能影响的比较研究

  • The other problem is that because of their chemical similarities consuming too much caffeine can compound any side effects of theophylline .

    此外,另一个问题在于,因为咖啡因和 茶碱在化学性质上类似,所以摄入过多咖啡因会加剧 茶碱所产生的副作用。

  • Analysis of theophylline in blood using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

    液相色谱-质谱联用测定血液中 茶碱 浓度

  • Fabrication of nanoscale electrochemical interface and the direct determination of theophylline

    纳米电极界面的构建和 茶碱的直接电氧化测定

  • Objective : To observe the antiasthmatic effect of sustained release tablets of theophylline and salbutamol .

    目的:评价 茶碱沙丁胺醇缓释片的平喘效果和安全性。

  • A HPLC method was established for the determination of Theophylline Sustained-release Tablets .

    建立了 茶碱缓释片中 茶碱含量的HPLC测定方法。

  • Methods : blood concentration of theophylline was determined by double-wavelength ultraviolet spectrophotometry .

    方法:采用双波长紫外分光光度法测定 茶碱谷浓度。

  • The experts Yunwu Cha-rich theophylline tea tannins vitamins .

    经专家鉴定,云雾茶富含 茶碱、茶丹宁、维生素。

  • Mild theophylline poisoning occurring in a patient receiving compound methoxyphenamine capsules combined with enoxacin

    复方甲氧那明胶囊与依诺沙星联用患者出现 茶碱轻度中毒

  • Indeed when caffeine is ingested and broken down by the liver one byproduct is small amounts of theophylline .

    事实上,当咖啡因被人们摄入后,它会被肝脏分解,产生的副产物中就含有少量 茶碱

  • Estimation of the area under curve of steady-state concentrations of theophylline single oral taken and concurrent with gatifloxacin in COPD patients by limited sampling strategy

    LSS法估算COPD患者 茶碱 缓释 单用及联用加替沙星时稳态药-时曲线下面积

  • Blood Concentration Monitoring and Analysis of Theophylline in 286 Cases

    286例 血清 茶碱浓度监测结果分析

  • Brain stem lesions occurring in phenytoin poisoning after receiving long-term treatment with compound phenytoin sodium ephedrine hydrochloride and theophylline tablets

    苯巴比妥-环己丙甲胺苯丙胺戊巴比妥酸盐复方妥英麻黄 茶碱片长期应用致苯妥英中毒出现脑干损害

  • Research progress and clinical application of theophylline drugs

    茶碱 药物的研究进展及其临床应用

  • Exceptions include phenytoin theophylline and heparin .

    只有苯妥英、 茶碱和肝素是例外。

  • Preparation and in Vitro Release Characteristics of Theophylline Pulsed Suppository


  • The primary bulk pharmaceuticals produced are : Caffeine Theophylline Aminophylline Metronidazole Metronidazole benzoate Secnidazaole and Nifedipine .

    公司生产的主要原料药有:咖啡因、 茶碱、氨茶碱、甲硝唑、苯酰甲硝唑、噻硝唑、硝苯地平。

  • Determination of theophylline in dog plasma by high performance liquid chromatography with column switching

    高效液相色谱柱切换法测定犬血浆中 茶碱

  • Contain caffeine theobromine or theophylline which can cause vomiting and diarrhea and be toxic to the heart and nervous system .

    含有咖啡因,可可碱, 茶碱等,可引起呕吐和腹泻,是有毒的心脏和神经系统。

  • Determination of Theophylline in Pulsatile Controlled-release Pellets Capsule of Theophylline by HPLC

    HPLC法测定 茶碱脉冲控释微丸胶囊中主药的含量

  • Determining the contents of theophylline in serum by RP-HPLC

    反相高效液相法测定血清中 茶碱的浓度

  • AIM : To investigate the effects of low-dose theophylline on differentiation of the naive T lymphocyte .

    目的:研究小剂量 茶碱对原始T淋巴细胞分化的影响。